Examples of FailureResponse

Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

         return new InvokeGetResponse(rewriteURL(testServlet, ""));
         return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure(""));
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

         catch (AuthenticationException ae)
            expired = true;
         if (!expired) return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure(""));

         container = DefaultServletContainerFactory.getInstance().getServletContainer();
         container.addAuthenticationListener(new TestListener(v));
         assertEquals("", v.value);
         container.login(req, resp, credentials, TicketService.DEFAULT_VALIDITY);

         if ("Tomcat/7.x".equals(container.getContainerInfo()) || "JBossas/6.x".equals(container.getContainerInfo()))
            assertEquals("login", v.value);
            // Test Ticket Service
            String ticket = GenericAuthentication.TICKET_SERVICE.createTicket(credentials, TicketService.DEFAULT_VALIDITY);
            Credentials resultCredentials = GenericAuthentication.TICKET_SERVICE.validateTicket(ticket, false);
            assertEquals(credentials.getUsername(), resultCredentials.getUsername());
            assertEquals(credentials.getPassword(), resultCredentials.getPassword());
            assertNotNull(GenericAuthentication.TICKET_SERVICE.validateTicket(ticket, true));
            assertNull(GenericAuthentication.TICKET_SERVICE.validateTicket(ticket, true));

            // Test login Event
            assertEquals("login", v.value);

         Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
         params.put("initialURI", new String[]{"/bar"});
         String url = resp.renderURL("/", params, null);
         return new InvokeGetResponse(url);
      else if (getRequestCount() == 1)
         assertEquals("/bar", wciController.getInitialURI(req));

         if ("Tomcat/7.x".equals(container.getContainerInfo()) || "JBossas/6.x".equals(container.getContainerInfo()))
            assertEquals("login", v.value);

            container.logout(req, resp);

            assertEquals("logout", v.value);
            // Test logout
            assertEquals("login", v.value);
            container.logout(req, resp);

            // Test logout Event
            assertEquals("logout", v.value);
         String url = resp.renderURL("/", null, null);
         return new InvokeGetResponse(url);
      else if (getRequestCount() == 2)
                 wciController.getAuthURI(req, resp, credentials.getUsername(), credentials.getPassword())
         wciController.sendAuth(req, resp, credentials.getUsername(), credentials.getPassword());
         return new EndTestResponse();

      return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("End test reached"));
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

         return new InvokeGetResponse("/test-spi-server");
         return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure(""));
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

            return new EndTestResponse();

      return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure(""));
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

      if (getRequestCount() == -1)
         container = DefaultServletContainerFactory.getInstance().getServletContainer();
         if (container == null)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("No servlet container present"));

         // Register and save the deployed web apps
         registry = new WebAppRegistry();
         keys = new HashSet<String>(registry.getKeys());

         // Deploy the application web app
         return new DeployResponse("test-spi-app.war");
      else if (getRequestCount() == 0)
         // Compute the difference with the previous deployed web apps
         Set diff = new HashSet<String>(registry.getKeys());

         // It should be 1
         if (diff.size() != 1)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The size of the new web application deployed should be 1, it is " + diff.size() + " instead." +
            "The previous set was " + keys + " and the new set is " + registry.getKeys()));
         String key = (String)diff.iterator().next();
         if (!"/test-spi-app".equals(key))
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The newly deployed web application should be /test-spi-war and it is " + key));

         WebApp webApp = registry.getWebApp("/test-spi-app");
         if (webApp == null)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The web app /test-spi-app was not found"));
         if (!"/test-spi-app".equals(webApp.getContextPath()))
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The web app context is not equals to the expected value but has the value " + webApp.getContextPath()));

         return new InvokeGetResponse("/test-spi-server");
         return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure(""));
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

         dispatcher.include(target, this, null);

         return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("Got no throwable thrown was expecting " + expectedThrowable));
      catch (Throwable throwable)
         if (throwable instanceof ServletException)
            throwable = throwable.getCause();
         if (expectedThrowable != throwable)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("Got throwable " + throwable + " instead of throwable " + expectedThrowable));

      return null;
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

     private ServletContainer container;

     public DriverResponse service(TestServlet testServlet, WebRequest req, WebResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException
      // we shouldn't be calling service for these tests
        return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("Service call should not be called"));
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

        if (getRequestCount() == -1)
           container = DefaultServletContainerFactory.getInstance().getServletContainer();
           if (container == null)
              return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("No servlet container present"));

           // Register and save the deployed web apps
           registry = new WebAppRegistry();
           keys = new HashSet<String>(registry.getKeys());

           // Deploy the application web app
           return new DeployResponse("test-spi-app.war");
        else if (getRequestCount() == 0)
          FailureResponse failureResponse = checkDeployments("/test-spi-app", 1);
          if (failureResponse != null)
            return failureResponse;
            // deploy test-generic-app.war
            return new DeployResponse("test-generic-app.war");
        else if (getRequestCount() == 1)
          FailureResponse failureResponse = checkDeployments("/test-generic-app", 2);
          if (failureResponse != null)
            return failureResponse;
            return new DeployResponse("test-exo-app.war");
        else if (getRequestCount() == 2)
          FailureResponse failureResponse = checkDeployments("/test-exo-app", 3);
          if (failureResponse != null)
            return failureResponse;
            return new EndTestResponse();
           return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure(""));
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse


           // It should be 1
           if (diff.size() != count)
              return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The size of the new web application deployed should be " + count + ", it is " + diff.size() + " instead." +
              "The previous set was " + keys + " and the new set is " + registry.getKeys()));
           if (!diff.contains(appContext))
             return new FailureResponse(Failure.createErrorFailure("Could not find the requested webapp [" + appContext + "] in the list of depoyed webapps."));

           WebApp webApp = registry.getWebApp(appContext);
           if (webApp == null)
              return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The web app " + appContext + " was not found"));
           if (!appContext.equals(webApp.getContextPath()))
              return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The web app context is not equals to the expected value [" + appContext + "] but has the value " + webApp.getContextPath()));
           return null;
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Examples of org.jboss.unit.driver.response.FailureResponse

         Object returnedValue = dispatcher.include(expectedContext, this, expectedHandback);

         if (!invoked)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The callback was not invoked"));
         if (expectedHandback != handback)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The provided handback is not the same than the expected handback"));
         if (expectedReturnedValue != returnedValue)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The returned value is not the same than the expected one"));
         if (expectedThreadContextClassLoader != threadContextClassLoader)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("The thread context class loader is not the same than the expected one"));
      catch (Exception e)
         return new FailureResponse(Failure.createErrorFailure(e));

      return null;
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