private boolean doCheckStartupOrderClash(DefaultRouteStartupOrder answer, Map<Integer, DefaultRouteStartupOrder> inputs) throws FailedToStartRouteException {
// check for clash by startupOrder id
DefaultRouteStartupOrder other = inputs.get(answer.getStartupOrder());
if (other != null && answer != other) {
String otherId = other.getRoute().getId();
throw new FailedToStartRouteException(answer.getRoute().getId(), "startupOrder clash. Route " + otherId + " already has startupOrder "
+ answer.getStartupOrder() + " configured which this route have as well. Please correct startupOrder to be unique among all your routes.");
// check in existing already started as well
for (RouteStartupOrder order : routeStartupOrder) {
String otherId = order.getRoute().getId();
if (answer.getRoute().getId().equals(otherId)) {
// its the same route id so skip clash check as its the same route (can happen when using suspend/resume)
} else if (answer.getStartupOrder() == order.getStartupOrder()) {
throw new FailedToStartRouteException(answer.getRoute().getId(), "startupOrder clash. Route " + otherId + " already has startupOrder "
+ answer.getStartupOrder() + " configured which this route have as well. Please correct startupOrder to be unique among all your routes.");
return true;