Examples of ExternalModuleService

Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService


        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile toplevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);

        final Map<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot> files = new HashMap<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot>();
        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            files.put(resourceRoot.getRoot(), resourceRoot);
        final Deque<ResourceRoot> libResourceRoots = new ArrayDeque<ResourceRoot>();
        // scan /lib entries for class-path items
        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot) && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {
        while (!libResourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
            final ResourceRoot resourceRoot = libResourceRoots.pop();
            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (String item : items) {
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (!classPathFile.exists()) {
                    log.warnf("Class Path entry %s in %s not found. ", item, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                else if (isInside(classPathFile, toplevelRoot)) {
                    if (!files.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        log.warnf("Class Path entry %s in %s does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.",item,resourceRoot.getRoot());
                    } else {
                        final ResourceRoot target = files.get(classPathFile);
                        if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(target)) {
                            // for now we do not allow ear Class-Path references to subdeployments
                            log.warnf("Class Path entry  in "
                                    + resourceRoot.getRoot() + "  may not point to a sub deployment.");
                        } else if (!ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(target)) {
                            // otherwise just add it to the lib dir
                            log.debugf("Resource %s added to logical lib directory due to Class-Path entry in %s",
                                    classPathFile, target.getRoot());
                        // otherwise it is already part of lib, so we leave it alone for now
                } else if(item.startsWith("/")) {
                    ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    deploymentUnit.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    log.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    log.warnf("Class Path entry %s in %s does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.",item,resourceRoot.getRoot());
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService

        final List<ResourceRoot> resourceRoots = DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit);

        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile topLevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);
        final List<AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModuleList = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.ADDITIONAL_MODULES);
        final List<ResourceRoot> topLevelResourceRoots = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.RESOURCE_ROOTS);
        final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
        final List<DeploymentUnit> subDeployments;
        if(deploymentUnit.getParent() == null) {
            subDeployments = deploymentUnit.getAttachmentList(Attachments.SUB_DEPLOYMENTS);
        } else {
            subDeployments = deploymentUnit.getParent().getAttachmentList(Attachments.SUB_DEPLOYMENTS);
        final Map<VirtualFile,ModuleIdentifier> subDeploymentModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile,ModuleIdentifier>();
        for(DeploymentUnit deployment : subDeployments) {
            final ResourceRoot root = deployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
            final ModuleIdentifier identifier = deployment.getAttachment(Attachments.MODULE_IDENTIFIER);
            if(root == null || identifier == null) {

        // build a map of the additional module locations
        final Map<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModules;
        if (additionalModuleList == null) {
            additionalModules = Collections.emptyMap();
        } else {
            additionalModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification>();
            for (AdditionalModuleSpecification module : additionalModuleList) {
                for (ResourceRoot additionalModuleResourceRoot : module.getResourceRoots()) {
                    additionalModules.put(additionalModuleResourceRoot.getRoot(), module);
        // build a set of ear/lib jars. references to these classes can be ignored as they are already on the class-path
        final Set<VirtualFile> earLibJars = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null && topLevelResourceRoots != null) {
            for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : topLevelResourceRoots) {
                if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot) && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {

        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            if(SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot) && resourceRoot != deploymentRoot) {
            // if this resource root represents an additional module then we need
            // to add the class path entry to the additional module
            final Attachable target;
            if (additionalModules.containsKey(resourceRoot.getRoot())) {
                target = additionalModules.get(resourceRoot.getRoot());
            } else {
                target = deploymentUnit;
            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (String item : items) {
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (isInside(classPathFile, topLevelRoot)) {
                    if (earLibJars.contains(classPathFile)) {
                        log.debugf("Class-Path entry %s in %s ignored, as target is in or referenced by /lib", classPathFile,
                        continue; // we already have access to ear/lib
                    } else if (additionalModules.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, additionalModules.get(classPathFile)
                    } else if (subDeploymentModules.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, subDeploymentModules.get(classPathFile));
                    } else {
                        log.warn("Class Path entry " + item + " in "
                                + resourceRoot.getRoot() + "  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.");
                }  else if(item.startsWith("/")) {
                    ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    log.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    log.debugf("Ignoring missing Class-Path entry %s", classPathFile);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService

        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile topLevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);
        final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);

        //These are resource roots that are already accessible by default
        //such as ear/lib jars an web-inf/lib jars
        final Set<VirtualFile> existingAccessibleRoots = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();

        final Map<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot> subDeployments = new HashMap<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot>();
        for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(topLevelDeployment)) {
            if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(root)) {
                subDeployments.put(root.getRoot(), root);
            } else if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(root)) {
                //top level module roots are already accessible, as they are either
                //ear/lib jars, or jars that are already part of the deployment

        final ArrayDeque<RootEntry> resourceRoots = new ArrayDeque<RootEntry>();
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null) {
            //top level deployments already had their exiting roots processed above
            for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit)) {

                if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(root)) {
                    //if this is a sub deployment of an ear we need to make sure we don't
                    //re-add existing module roots as class path entries
                    //this will mainly be WEB-INF/(lib|classes) entries

        for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit)) {
            //add this to the list of roots to be processed
            resourceRoots.add(new RootEntry(deploymentUnit, root));

        // build a map of the additional module locations
        // note that if a resource root has been added to two different additional modules
        // and is then referenced via a Class-Path entry the behaviour is undefined
        final Map<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification>();
        for (AdditionalModuleSpecification module : topLevelDeployment.getAttachmentList(Attachments.ADDITIONAL_MODULES)) {
            for (ResourceRoot additionalModuleResourceRoot : module.getResourceRoots()) {
                additionalModules.put(additionalModuleResourceRoot.getRoot(), module);

        //additional resource roots may be added as
        while (!resourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
            final RootEntry entry = resourceRoots.pop();
            final ResourceRoot resourceRoot = entry.resourceRoot;
            final Attachable target = entry.target;

            //if this is a top level deployment we do not want to process sub deployments
            if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot) && resourceRoot != deploymentRoot) {

            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (final String item : items) {
                if(item.isEmpty()) {
                //first try and resolve relative to the manifest resource root
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                //then resolve relative to the deployment root
                final VirtualFile topLevelClassPathFile = deploymentRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (item.startsWith("/")) {
                    final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    ServerLogger.DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    if (classPathFile.exists()) {
                        handlingExistingClassPathEntry(deploymentUnit, resourceRoots, topLevelDeployment, topLevelRoot, subDeployments, additionalModules, existingAccessibleRoots, resourceRoot, target, classPathFile);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService

        final List<ResourceRoot> resourceRoots = DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit);

        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile topLevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);
        final List<AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModuleList = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.ADDITIONAL_MODULES);
        final List<ResourceRoot> topLevelResourceRoots = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.RESOURCE_ROOTS);
        final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
        final List<DeploymentUnit> subDeployments;
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() == null) {
            subDeployments = deploymentUnit.getAttachmentList(Attachments.SUB_DEPLOYMENTS);
        } else {
            subDeployments = deploymentUnit.getParent().getAttachmentList(Attachments.SUB_DEPLOYMENTS);
        final Map<VirtualFile, ModuleIdentifier> subDeploymentModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, ModuleIdentifier>();
        for (DeploymentUnit deployment : subDeployments) {
            final ResourceRoot root = deployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
            final ModuleIdentifier identifier = deployment.getAttachment(Attachments.MODULE_IDENTIFIER);
            if (root == null || identifier == null) {
            subDeploymentModules.put(root.getRoot(), identifier);

        // build a map of the additional module locations
        final Map<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModules;
        if (additionalModuleList == null) {
            additionalModules = Collections.emptyMap();
        } else {
            additionalModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification>();
            for (AdditionalModuleSpecification module : additionalModuleList) {
                for (ResourceRoot additionalModuleResourceRoot : module.getResourceRoots()) {
                    additionalModules.put(additionalModuleResourceRoot.getRoot(), module);
        // build a set of ear/lib jars. references to these classes can be ignored as they are already on the class-path
        final Set<VirtualFile> earLibJars = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null && topLevelResourceRoots != null) {
            for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : topLevelResourceRoots) {
                if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot) && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {

        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot) && resourceRoot != deploymentRoot) {
            // if this resource root represents an additional module then we need
            // to add the class path entry to the additional module
            final Attachable target;
            if (additionalModules.containsKey(resourceRoot.getRoot())) {
                target = additionalModules.get(resourceRoot.getRoot());
            } else {
                target = deploymentUnit;
            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (String item : items) {
                //first try and resolve relative to the manifest resource root
                boolean found = false;
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                final VirtualFile topLevelClassPathFile = deploymentRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (isInside(classPathFile, topLevelRoot)) {
                    if (earLibJars.contains(classPathFile)) {
                        log.debugf("Class-Path entry %s in %s ignored, as target is in or referenced by /lib", classPathFile,
                    } else if (additionalModules.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, additionalModules.get(classPathFile)
                    } else if (subDeploymentModules.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, subDeploymentModules.get(classPathFile));
                    } else if (additionalModules.containsKey(topLevelClassPathFile)) {
                        //if not found try resolving the class path entry from the deployment root
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, additionalModules.get(topLevelClassPathFile)
                    } else if (subDeploymentModules.containsKey(topLevelClassPathFile)) {
                        //if not found try resolving the class path entry from the deployment root
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, subDeploymentModules.get(topLevelClassPathFile));
                    } else if(classPathFile.exists() && classPathFile.isDirectory()) {

                    } else if(topLevelClassPathFile.exists() && topLevelClassPathFile.isDirectory()) {

                    } else {
                        log.warn("Class Path entry " + item + " in " + resourceRoot.getRoot() + "  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.");
                } else if (item.startsWith("/")) {
                    ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    log.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    log.debugf("Ignoring missing Class-Path entry %s", classPathFile);
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService


        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile toplevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);

        final Map<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot> files = new HashMap<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot>();
        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            files.put(resourceRoot.getRoot(), resourceRoot);
        final Deque<ResourceRoot> libResourceRoots = new ArrayDeque<ResourceRoot>();
        // scan /lib entries for class-path items
        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot) && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {
        while (!libResourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
            final ResourceRoot resourceRoot = libResourceRoots.pop();
            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (String item : items) {
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (!classPathFile.exists()) {
                    SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.classPathEntryNotFound(item, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                else if (isInside(classPathFile, toplevelRoot)) {
                    if (!files.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.classPathEntryNotAJar(item, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                    } else {
                        final ResourceRoot target = files.get(classPathFile);
                        if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(target)) {
                            // for now we do not allow ear Class-Path references to subdeployments
                        } else if (!ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(target)) {
                            // otherwise just add it to the lib dir
                            SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.debugf("Resource %s added to logical lib directory due to Class-Path entry in %s",
                                    classPathFile, target.getRoot());
                        // otherwise it is already part of lib, so we leave it alone for now
                } else if(item.startsWith("/")) {
                    ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    deploymentUnit.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.classPathEntryNotAJar(item, resourceRoot.getRoot());
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService

        final List<ResourceRoot> resourceRoots = DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit);

        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile topLevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);
        final List<AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModuleList = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.ADDITIONAL_MODULES);
        final List<ResourceRoot> topLevelResourceRoots = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.RESOURCE_ROOTS);

        // build a map of the additional module locations
        final Map<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModules;
        if (additionalModuleList == null) {
            additionalModules = Collections.emptyMap();
        } else {
            additionalModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification>();
            for (AdditionalModuleSpecification module : additionalModuleList) {
                for (ResourceRoot additionalModuleResourceRoot : module.getResourceRoots()) {
                    additionalModules.put(additionalModuleResourceRoot.getRoot(), module);
        // build a set of ear/lib jars. references to these classes can be ignored as they are already on the class-path
        final Set<VirtualFile> earLibJars = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null && topLevelResourceRoots != null) {
            for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : topLevelResourceRoots) {
                if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot) && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {

        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            // if this is an ear/lib resource root it has already been handled
            if (deploymentUnit.getParent() == null && ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot)
                    && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {
            // if this resource root represents an additional module then we need
            // to add the class path entry to the additional module
            final Attachable target;
            if (additionalModules.containsKey(resourceRoot.getRoot())) {
                target = additionalModules.get(resourceRoot.getRoot());
            } else {
                target = deploymentUnit;
            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (String item : items) {
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (isInside(classPathFile, topLevelRoot)) {
                    if (earLibJars.contains(classPathFile)) {
                        log.debugf("Class-Path entry %s in %s ignored, as target is in or referenced by /lib", classPathFile,
                        continue; // we already have access to ear/lib
                    } else if(additionalModules.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, additionalModules.get(classPathFile)
                    } else {
                        log.warn("Class Path entry " + item + " in "
                                + resourceRoot.getRoot() + "  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.");
                }  else if(item.startsWith("/")) {
                    ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    log.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    //this is a dep on another deployment
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES,ModuleIdentifier.create(ServiceModuleLoader.MODULE_PREFIX + classPathFile.getName()));
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService

        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile topLevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);
        final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);

        //These are resource roots that are already accessible by default
        //such as ear/lib jars an web-inf/lib jars
        final Set<VirtualFile> existingAccessibleRoots = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();

        final Map<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot> subDeployments = new HashMap<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot>();
        for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(topLevelDeployment)) {
            if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(root)) {
                subDeployments.put(root.getRoot(), root);
            } else if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(root)) {
                //top level module roots are already accessible, as they are either
                //ear/lib jars, or jars that are already part of the deployment

        final ArrayDeque<RootEntry> resourceRoots = new ArrayDeque<RootEntry>();
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null) {
            //top level deployments already had their exiting roots processed above
            for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit)) {

                if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(root)) {
                    //if this is a sub deployment of an ear we need to make sure we don't
                    //re-add existing module roots as class path entries
                    //this will mainly be WEB-INF/(lib|classes) entries

        for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit)) {
            //add this to the list of roots to be processed
            resourceRoots.add(new RootEntry(deploymentUnit, root));

        // build a map of the additional module locations
        // note that if a resource root has been added to two different additional modules
        // and is then referenced via a Class-Path entry the behaviour is undefined
        final Map<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification>();
        for (AdditionalModuleSpecification module : topLevelDeployment.getAttachmentList(Attachments.ADDITIONAL_MODULES)) {
            for (ResourceRoot additionalModuleResourceRoot : module.getResourceRoots()) {
                additionalModules.put(additionalModuleResourceRoot.getRoot(), module);

        //additional resource roots may be added as
        while (!resourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
            final RootEntry entry = resourceRoots.pop();
            final ResourceRoot resourceRoot = entry.resourceRoot;
            final Attachable target = entry.target;

            //if this is a top level deployment we do not want to process sub deployments
            if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot) && resourceRoot != deploymentRoot) {

            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (final String item : items) {
                if (item.isEmpty()) {
                //first try and resolve relative to the manifest resource root
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                //then resolve relative to the deployment root
                final VirtualFile topLevelClassPathFile = deploymentRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (item.startsWith("/")) {
                    if (externalModuleService.isValid(item)) {
                        final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                        ServerLogger.DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                    } else {
                        ServerLogger.DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.classPathEntryNotValid(item, resourceRoot.getRoot().getPathName());
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService

        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile topLevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);
        final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);

        //These are resource roots that are already accessible by default
        //such as ear/lib jars an web-inf/lib jars
        final Set<VirtualFile> existingAccessibleRoots = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();

        final Map<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot> subDeployments = new HashMap<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot>();
        for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(topLevelDeployment)) {
            if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(root)) {
                subDeployments.put(root.getRoot(), root);
            } else if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(root)) {
                //top level module roots are already accessible, as they are either
                //ear/lib jars, or jars that are already part of the deployment

        final ArrayDeque<RootEntry> resourceRoots = new ArrayDeque<RootEntry>();
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null) {
            //top level deployments already had their exiting roots processed above
            for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit)) {

                if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(root)) {
                    //if this is a sub deployment of an ear we need to make sure we don't
                    //re-add existing module roots as class path entries
                    //this will mainly be WEB-INF/(lib|classes) entries

        for (ResourceRoot root : DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit)) {
            //add this to the list of roots to be processed
            resourceRoots.add(new RootEntry(deploymentUnit, root));

        // build a map of the additional module locations
        // note that if a resource root has been added to two different additional modules
        // and is then referenced via a Class-Path entry the behaviour is undefined
        final Map<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification>();
        for (AdditionalModuleSpecification module : topLevelDeployment.getAttachmentList(Attachments.ADDITIONAL_MODULES)) {
            for (ResourceRoot additionalModuleResourceRoot : module.getResourceRoots()) {
                additionalModules.put(additionalModuleResourceRoot.getRoot(), module);

        //additional resource roots may be added as
        while (!resourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
            final RootEntry entry = resourceRoots.pop();
            final ResourceRoot resourceRoot = entry.resourceRoot;
            final Attachable target = entry.target;

            //if this is a top level deployment we do not want to process sub deployments
            if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot) && resourceRoot != deploymentRoot) {

            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (final String item : items) {
                if (item.isEmpty()) {
                //first try and resolve relative to the manifest resource root
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                //then resolve relative to the deployment root
                final VirtualFile topLevelClassPathFile = deploymentRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (item.startsWith("/")) {
                    final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    ServerLogger.DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    if (classPathFile.exists()) {
                        //we need to check that this class path item actually lies within the deployment
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService

        final List<ResourceRoot> resourceRoots = DeploymentUtils.allResourceRoots(deploymentUnit);

        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile topLevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);
        final List<AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModuleList = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.ADDITIONAL_MODULES);
        final List<ResourceRoot> topLevelResourceRoots = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.RESOURCE_ROOTS);
        final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
        final List<DeploymentUnit> subDeployments;
        if(deploymentUnit.getParent() == null) {
            subDeployments = deploymentUnit.getAttachmentList(Attachments.SUB_DEPLOYMENTS);
        } else {
            subDeployments = deploymentUnit.getParent().getAttachmentList(Attachments.SUB_DEPLOYMENTS);
        final Map<VirtualFile,ModuleIdentifier> subDeploymentModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile,ModuleIdentifier>();
        for(DeploymentUnit deployment : subDeployments) {
            final ResourceRoot root = deployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
            final ModuleIdentifier identifier = deployment.getAttachment(Attachments.MODULE_IDENTIFIER);
            if(root == null || identifier == null) {

        // build a map of the additional module locations
        final Map<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification> additionalModules;
        if (additionalModuleList == null) {
            additionalModules = Collections.emptyMap();
        } else {
            additionalModules = new HashMap<VirtualFile, AdditionalModuleSpecification>();
            for (AdditionalModuleSpecification module : additionalModuleList) {
                for (ResourceRoot additionalModuleResourceRoot : module.getResourceRoots()) {
                    additionalModules.put(additionalModuleResourceRoot.getRoot(), module);
        // build a set of ear/lib jars. references to these classes can be ignored as they are already on the class-path
        final Set<VirtualFile> earLibJars = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();
        if (deploymentUnit.getParent() != null && topLevelResourceRoots != null) {
            for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : topLevelResourceRoots) {
                if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot) && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {

        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            if(SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot) && resourceRoot != deploymentRoot) {
            // if this resource root represents an additional module then we need
            // to add the class path entry to the additional module
            final Attachable target;
            if (additionalModules.containsKey(resourceRoot.getRoot())) {
                target = additionalModules.get(resourceRoot.getRoot());
            } else {
                target = deploymentUnit;
            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (String item : items) {
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (isInside(classPathFile, topLevelRoot)) {
                    if (earLibJars.contains(classPathFile)) {
                        log.debugf("Class-Path entry %s in %s ignored, as target is in or referenced by /lib", classPathFile,
                        continue; // we already have access to ear/lib
                    } else if (additionalModules.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, additionalModules.get(classPathFile)
                    } else if (subDeploymentModules.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, subDeploymentModules.get(classPathFile));
                    } else {
                        log.warn("Class Path entry " + item + " in "
                                + resourceRoot.getRoot() + "  does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.");
                }  else if(item.startsWith("/")) {
                    ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    log.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    //this is a dep on another deployment
                    target.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES,ModuleIdentifier.create(ServiceModuleLoader.MODULE_PREFIX + classPathFile.getName()));
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Examples of org.jboss.as.server.moduleservice.ExternalModuleService


        final DeploymentUnit parent = deploymentUnit.getParent();
        final DeploymentUnit topLevelDeployment = parent == null ? deploymentUnit : parent;
        final VirtualFile toplevelRoot = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT).getRoot();
        final ExternalModuleService externalModuleService = topLevelDeployment.getAttachment(Attachments.EXTERNAL_MODULE_SERVICE);

        final Map<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot> files = new HashMap<VirtualFile, ResourceRoot>();
        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            files.put(resourceRoot.getRoot(), resourceRoot);
        final Deque<ResourceRoot> libResourceRoots = new ArrayDeque<ResourceRoot>();
        // scan /lib entries for class-path items
        for (ResourceRoot resourceRoot : resourceRoots) {
            if (ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(resourceRoot) && !SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(resourceRoot)) {
        while (!libResourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
            final ResourceRoot resourceRoot = libResourceRoots.pop();
            final String[] items = getClassPathEntries(resourceRoot);
            for (String item : items) {
                final VirtualFile classPathFile = resourceRoot.getRoot().getParent().getChild(item);
                if (!classPathFile.exists()) {
                    log.warnf("Class Path entry %s in %s not found. ", item, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                else if (isInside(classPathFile, toplevelRoot)) {
                    if (!files.containsKey(classPathFile)) {
                        log.warnf("Class Path entry %s in %s does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.",item,resourceRoot.getRoot());
                    } else {
                        final ResourceRoot target = files.get(classPathFile);
                        if (SubDeploymentMarker.isSubDeployment(target)) {
                            // for now we do not allow ear Class-Path references to subdeployments
                            log.warnf("Class Path entry  in "
                                    + resourceRoot.getRoot() + "  may not point to a sub deployment.");
                        } else if (!ModuleRootMarker.isModuleRoot(target)) {
                            // otherwise just add it to the lib dir
                            log.debugf("Resource %s added to logical lib directory due to Class-Path entry in %s",
                                    classPathFile, target.getRoot());
                        // otherwise it is already part of lib, so we leave it alone for now
                } else if(item.startsWith("/")) {
                    ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier = externalModuleService.addExternalModule(item);
                    deploymentUnit.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES, moduleIdentifier);
                    log.debugf("Resource %s added as external jar %s", classPathFile, resourceRoot.getRoot());
                } else {
                    //this is a dep on another deployment
                    deploymentUnit.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.CLASS_PATH_ENTRIES,ModuleIdentifier.create(ServiceModuleLoader.MODULE_PREFIX +  classPathFile.getName()));
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