boolean multiNetScalerDeployment = Boolean.valueOf(_configDao.getValue(Config.EIPWithMultipleNetScalersEnabled.key()));
try {
if (!multiNetScalerDeployment) {
String errMsg;
ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDevice = getExternalLoadBalancerForNetwork(config);
if (lbDevice == null) {
try {
lbDevice = allocateLoadBalancerForNetwork(config);
} catch (Exception e) {
errMsg = "Could not allocate a NetSclaer load balancer for configuring static NAT rules due to" + e.getMessage();
throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
if (!isNetscalerDevice(lbDevice.getDeviceName())) {
errMsg = "There are no NetScaler load balancer assigned for this network. So NetScaler element will not be handling the static nat rules.";
throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
SetStaticNatRulesAnswer answer = null;
List<StaticNatRuleTO> rulesTO = null;
if (rules != null) {
rulesTO = new ArrayList<StaticNatRuleTO>();
for (StaticNat rule : rules) {
IpAddress sourceIp = _networkMgr.getIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId());
StaticNatRuleTO ruleTO =
new StaticNatRuleTO(0, sourceIp.getAddress().addr(), null, null, rule.getDestIpAddress(), null, null, null, rule.isForRevoke(), false);
SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd = new SetStaticNatRulesCommand(rulesTO, null);
answer = (SetStaticNatRulesAnswer)_agentMgr.send(lbDevice.getHostId(), cmd);
if (answer == null) {
return false;
} else {
return answer.getResult();
} else {
if (rules != null) {
for (StaticNat rule : rules) {
// validate if EIP rule can be configured.
ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDevice = getNetScalerForEIP(rule);
if (lbDevice == null) {
String errMsg = "There is no NetScaler device configured to perform EIP to guest IP address: " + rule.getDestIpAddress();
throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
List<StaticNatRuleTO> rulesTO = new ArrayList<StaticNatRuleTO>();
IpAddress sourceIp = _networkMgr.getIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId());
StaticNatRuleTO ruleTO =
new StaticNatRuleTO(0, sourceIp.getAddress().addr(), null, null, rule.getDestIpAddress(), null, null, null, rule.isForRevoke(), false);
SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd = new SetStaticNatRulesCommand(rulesTO, null);
// send commands to configure INAT rule on the NetScaler device
SetStaticNatRulesAnswer answer = (SetStaticNatRulesAnswer)_agentMgr.send(lbDevice.getHostId(), cmd);
if (answer == null) {
String errMsg = "Failed to configure INAT rule on NetScaler device " + lbDevice.getHostId();
throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
return true;