private ISubMessage processExtRACardRenewalRequest(Admin admin, CardRenewalRequest submessage) {
log.debug("Processing ExtRACardRenewalRequest");
ExtRAResponse retval = null;
try {
Certificate authcert = submessage.getAuthCertificate();
Certificate signcert = submessage.getSignCertificate();
String authReq = submessage.getAuthPkcs10();
String signReq = submessage.getSignPkcs10();
if ( (authcert == null) || (signcert == null) || (authReq == null) || (signReq == null) ) {
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,"An authentication cert, a signature cert, an authentication request and a signature request are required");
} else {
BigInteger serno = CertTools.getSerialNumber(authcert);
String issuerDN = CertTools.getIssuerDN(authcert);
// Verify the certificates with CA cert, and then verify the pcks10 requests
CertificateInfo authInfo = certificateStoreSession.getCertificateInfo(admin, CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(authcert));
Certificate authcacert = certificateStoreSession.findCertificateByFingerprint(admin, authInfo.getCAFingerprint());
CertificateInfo signInfo = certificateStoreSession.getCertificateInfo(admin, CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(signcert));
Certificate signcacert = certificateStoreSession.findCertificateByFingerprint(admin, signInfo.getCAFingerprint());
// Verify certificate
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error verifying authentication certificate: ", e);
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,"Error verifying authentication certificate: "+e.getMessage());
return retval;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error verifying signature certificate: ", e);
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,"Error verifying signature certificate: "+e.getMessage());
return retval;
// Verify requests
byte[] authReqBytes = authReq.getBytes();
byte[] signReqBytes = signReq.getBytes();
PKCS10RequestMessage authPkcs10 = RequestMessageUtils.genPKCS10RequestMessage(authReqBytes);
PKCS10RequestMessage signPkcs10 = RequestMessageUtils.genPKCS10RequestMessage(signReqBytes);
String authok = null;
try {
if (!authPkcs10.verify(authcert.getPublicKey())) {
authok = "Verify failed for authentication request";
} catch (Exception e) {
authok="Error verifying authentication request: "+e.getMessage();
log.error("Error verifying authentication request: ", e);
if (authok != null) {
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,authok);
return retval;
String signok = null;
try {
if (!signPkcs10.verify(signcert.getPublicKey())) {
signok = "Verify failed for signature request";
} catch (Exception e) {
signok="Error verifying signaturerequest: "+e.getMessage();
log.error("Error verifying signaturerequest: ", e);
if (signok != null) {
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,signok);
return retval;
// Now start the actual work, we are ok and verified here
String username = certificateStoreSession.findUsernameByCertSerno(admin, serno, CertTools.stringToBCDNString(issuerDN));
if (username != null) {
final UserDataVO data = userAdminSession.findUser(admin, username);
if ( data.getStatus() != UserDataConstants.STATUS_NEW) {
log.error("User status must be new for "+username);
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,"User status must be new for "+username);
} else {
log.info("Processing Card Renewal for: issuer='"+issuerDN+"', serno="+serno);
int authCertProfile = -1;
int signCertProfile = -1;
int authCA = -1;
int signCA = -1;
// Get the profiles and CAs from the message if they exist
if (submessage.getAuthProfile() != -1) {
authCertProfile = submessage.getAuthProfile();
if (submessage.getSignProfile() != -1) {
signCertProfile = submessage.getSignProfile();
if (submessage.getAuthCA() != -1) {
authCA = submessage.getAuthCA();
if (submessage.getSignCA() != -1) {
signCA = submessage.getSignCA();
HardTokenProfile htp = hardTokenSession.getHardTokenProfile(admin, data.getTokenType());
if ( htp!=null && htp instanceof EIDProfile ) {
EIDProfile hardTokenProfile = (EIDProfile)htp;
if (authCertProfile == -1) {
authCertProfile = hardTokenProfile.getCertificateProfileId(SwedishEIDProfile.CERTUSAGE_AUTHENC);
if (signCertProfile == -1) {
signCertProfile = hardTokenProfile.getCertificateProfileId(SwedishEIDProfile.CERTUSAGE_SIGN);
if (authCA == -1) {
authCA = hardTokenProfile.getCAId(SwedishEIDProfile.CERTUSAGE_AUTHENC);
authCA = data.getCAId();
if (signCA == -1) {
signCA = hardTokenProfile.getCAId(SwedishEIDProfile.CERTUSAGE_SIGN);
signCA = data.getCAId();
} else {
if (authCertProfile == -1) {
authCertProfile = data.getCertificateProfileId();
if (signCertProfile == -1) {
signCertProfile = data.getCertificateProfileId();
if (authCA == -1) {
authCA = data.getCAId();
if (signCA == -1) {
signCA = data.getCAId();
// Set certificate profile and CA for auth certificate
UserDataVO newUser = new UserDataVO(username, data.getDN(), authCA, data.getSubjectAltName(), data.getEmail(), data.getType(), data.getEndEntityProfileId(), authCertProfile, data.getTokenType(), data.getHardTokenIssuerId(), null);
userAdminSession.setUserStatus(admin, username, UserDataConstants.STATUS_NEW);
userAdminSession.changeUser(admin, newUser, false);
// We may have changed to a new auto generated password
UserDataVO data1 = userAdminSession.findUser(admin, username);
Certificate authcertOut=pkcs10CertRequest(admin, signSession, authPkcs10, username, data1.getPassword());
// Set certificate and CA for sign certificate
newUser = new UserDataVO(username, data.getDN(), signCA, data.getSubjectAltName(), data.getEmail(), data.getType(), data.getEndEntityProfileId(), signCertProfile, data.getTokenType(), data.getHardTokenIssuerId(), null);
userAdminSession.setUserStatus(admin, username, UserDataConstants.STATUS_NEW);
userAdminSession.changeUser(admin, newUser, false);
// We may have changed to a new auto generated password
data1 = userAdminSession.findUser(admin, username);
Certificate signcertOut=pkcs10CertRequest(admin, signSession, signPkcs10, username, data1.getPassword());
// We are generated all right
// set back to original values (except for generated)
userAdminSession.changeUser(admin, data, true);
retval = new CardRenewalResponse(submessage.getRequestId(), true, null, authcertOut, signcertOut);
} else {
log.error("User not found from issuer/serno: issuer='"+issuerDN+"', serno="+serno);
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,"User not found from issuer/serno: issuer='"+issuerDN+"', serno="+serno);
} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Error processing ExtRACardRenewalRequest : ", e);
retval = new ExtRAResponse(submessage.getRequestId(),false,e.getMessage());
return retval;