An exported package. Objects implementing this interface are created by the Package Admin service.
The term exported package refers to a package that has been exported from a resolved bundle. This package may or may not be currently wired to other bundles.
The information about an exported package provided by this object may change. An {@code ExportedPackage} object becomes stale if the package itreferences has been updated or removed as a result of calling {@code PackageAdmin.refreshPackages()}. If this object becomes stale, its {@code getName()} and{@code getVersion()} methods continue to return their original values,{@code isRemovalPending()} returns {@code true}, and {@code getExportingBundle()} and {@code getImportingBundles()}return {@code null}.
@deprecated The PackageAdmin service has been replaced by theorg.osgi.framework.wiring
@author $Id: e04a2beb3de2afff4cb01747e589c04b5e0f0cc8 $