* @param blockPoolId
* @throws IOException
private synchronized void registerBlockPoolWithSecretManager(
DatanodeRegistration bpRegistration, String blockPoolId) throws IOException {
ExportedBlockKeys keys = bpRegistration.getExportedKeys();
if (!hasAnyBlockPoolRegistered) {
hasAnyBlockPoolRegistered = true;
isBlockTokenEnabled = keys.isBlockTokenEnabled();
} else {
if (isBlockTokenEnabled != keys.isBlockTokenEnabled()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistent configuration of block access"
+ " tokens. Either all block pools must be configured to use block"
+ " tokens, or none may be.");
if (!isBlockTokenEnabled) return;
if (!blockPoolTokenSecretManager.isBlockPoolRegistered(blockPoolId)) {
long blockKeyUpdateInterval = keys.getKeyUpdateInterval();
long blockTokenLifetime = keys.getTokenLifetime();
LOG.info("Block token params received from NN: for block pool " +
blockPoolId + " keyUpdateInterval="
+ blockKeyUpdateInterval / (60 * 1000)
+ " min(s), tokenLifetime=" + blockTokenLifetime / (60 * 1000)
+ " min(s)");