// add AC=0 to the queue
final int[] zeroCounts = new int[nAlleles];
zeroCounts[0] = numChromosomes;
ExactACset zeroSet =
new ExactACset(1, new ExactACcounts(zeroCounts));
indexesToACset.put(zeroSet.getACcounts(), zeroSet);
// keep processing while we have AC conformations that need to be calculated
double maxLog10L = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
while ( !ACqueue.isEmpty() ) {
// compute log10Likelihoods
final ExactACset ACset = ACqueue.remove();
final double log10LofKs = calculateACConformationAndUpdateQueue(ACset, errorModel, alleleList, numObservations, maxLog10L, ACqueue, indexesToACset, pileup);
// adjust max likelihood seen if needed
maxLog10L = Math.max(maxLog10L, log10LofKs);
// clean up memory
if ( VERBOSE )
System.out.printf(" *** removing used set=%s%n", ACset.getACcounts());
} else {
int plIdx = 0;
SumIterator iterator = new SumIterator(nAlleles, numChromosomes);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ExactACset ACset =
new ExactACset(1, new ExactACcounts(iterator.getCurrentVector()));
// for observed base X, add Q(jX,k) to likelihood vector for all k in error model
//likelihood(jA,jC,jG,jT) = logsum(logPr (errorModel[k],nA*Q(jA,k) + nC*Q(jC,k) + nG*Q(jG,k) + nT*Q(jT,k))
getLikelihoodOfConformation(ACset, errorModel, alleleList, numObservations, pileup);
setLogPLs(plIdx++, ACset.getLog10Likelihoods()[0]);