Note: you may observe surprising (though correct) evaluator behavior if you do not use the same set of integer options (i.e. {@link kodkod.engine.config.Options#intEncoding() intEncoding} and {@link kodkod.engine.config.Options#bitwidth() bitwidth} when evaluating and solving a formula. For example, suppose that that an Instance i is a solution to a formula f found using options o. If you create an evaluator e such that e.instance = i, but e.options is an Options object with different integer settings than o, e.evalate(f) may return false.
@specfield options: Options @specfield instance: Instance @author Emina TorlakThis is the expression evaluator "adapter" that customizes it for use with the JSP Standard Tag Library. It uses a VariableResolver implementation that looks up variables from the PageContext and also implements its implicit objects. It also wraps ELExceptions in JspExceptions that describe the attribute name and value causing the error. @author Nathan Abramson - Art Technology Group @author Shawn Bayern @version $Change: 181177 $$DateTime: 2001/06/26 08:45:09 $$Author: tcfujii $