optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
else if (node instanceof DualInputPlanNode) {
DualInputPlanNode dn = (DualInputPlanNode) node;
// get the nodes current schema
T schema1;
T schema2;
if (dn.postPassHelper1 == null) {
schema1 = createEmptySchema();
schema2 = createEmptySchema();
dn.postPassHelper1 = schema1;
dn.postPassHelper2 = schema2;
} else {
schema1 = (T) dn.postPassHelper1;
schema2 = (T) dn.postPassHelper2;
TwoInputNode optNode = dn.getTwoInputNode();
// add the parent schema to the schema
if (propagateParentSchemaDown) {
addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema1, optNode, 0);
addSchemaToSchema(parentSchema, schema2, optNode, 1);
// check whether all outgoing channels have not yet contributed. come back later if not.
if (schema1.getNumConnectionsThatContributed() < dn.getOutgoingChannels().size()) {
// add the nodes local information
try {
getDualInputNodeSchema(dn, schema1, schema2);
} catch (ConflictingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
throw new CompilerPostPassException(getConflictingTypeErrorMessage(e, optNode.getPactContract().getName()));
// parameterize the node's driver strategy
if (createUtilities) {
if (dn.getDriverStrategy().requiresComparator()) {
// set the individual comparators
try {
dn.setComparator1(createComparator(dn.getKeysForInput1(), dn.getSortOrders(), schema1));
dn.setComparator2(createComparator(dn.getKeysForInput2(), dn.getSortOrders(), schema2));
} catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for node '" +
optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
// set the pair comparator
try {
dn.setPairComparator(createPairComparator(dn.getKeysForInput1(), dn.getKeysForInput2(),
dn.getSortOrders(), schema1, schema2));
} catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for node '" +
optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
// done, we can now propagate our info down
try {
propagateToChannel(schema1, dn.getInput1(), createUtilities);
} catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for the first input channel to node '"
+ optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
try {
propagateToChannel(schema2, dn.getInput2(), createUtilities);
} catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for the second input channel to node '"
+ optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());
// don't forget the broadcast inputs
for (Channel c: dn.getBroadcastInputs()) {
try {
propagateToChannel(createEmptySchema(), c, createUtilities);
} catch (MissingFieldTypeInfoException e) {
throw new CompilerPostPassException("Could not set up runtime strategy for broadcast channel in node '" +
optNode.getPactContract().getName() + "'. Missing type information for field " + e.getFieldNumber());