// /
// Sc3(id,y) --------
protected Plan getTestJob() {
// Sc1 generates M parameters a,b,c for second degree polynomials P(x) = ax^2 + bx + c identified by id
FileDataSource sc1 = new FileDataSource(new CsvInputFormat(), sc1Path);
CsvInputFormat.configureRecordFormat(sc1).fieldDelimiter(' ').field(StringValue.class, 0).field(IntValue.class, 1)
.field(IntValue.class, 2).field(IntValue.class, 3);
// Sc2 generates N x values to be evaluated with the polynomial identified by id
FileDataSource sc2 = new FileDataSource(new CsvInputFormat(), sc2Path);
CsvInputFormat.configureRecordFormat(sc2).fieldDelimiter(' ').field(StringValue.class, 0).field(IntValue.class, 1);
// Sc3 generates N y values to be evaluated with the polynomial identified by id
FileDataSource sc3 = new FileDataSource(new CsvInputFormat(), sc3Path);
CsvInputFormat.configureRecordFormat(sc3).fieldDelimiter(' ').field(StringValue.class, 0).field(IntValue.class, 1);
// Jn1 matches x and y values on id and emits (id, x, y) triples
JoinOperator jn1 = JoinOperator.builder(Jn1.class, StringValue.class, 0, 0).input1(sc2).input2(sc3).build();