private long createExperiment1(){
ExperimentSetupImpl expSetup = (ExperimentSetupImpl) createExperimentSetup();
TestbedManagerImpl manager = TestbedManagerImpl.getInstance();
ExperimentImpl exp1 = new ExperimentImpl();
//as the manager and the ExperimentImpl object are detached it is required to execute:
* this call persists the ExperimentImpl and registers it within the TestbedManager
* When the Experiment is persisted ExperimentSetupImpl-->BasicPropertiesImpl are persisted
* as well through the @OneToOne(cascade={CascadeType.ALL})annotation
long expID = manager.registerExperiment(exp1);
System.out.println("Registered ExperimentID: "+expID);
//As the ID is injected by the container it is important to query the Experiment Object again.
exp1 = (ExperimentImpl)manager.getExperiment(expID);
System.out.println("Got Registered ExperimentID: "+exp1.getEntityID());
return exp1.getEntityID();