* Removes one selected file reference from the list of added file refs for Step3.
* The specified file ref(s) are used as input data to invoke a given service operation.
* @return
public String commandRemoveAddedFileRef(ActionEvent event){
ExperimentBean expBean = (ExperimentBean)JSFUtil.getManagedObject("ExperimentBean");
try {
//FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
//1)get the passed Attribute "IDint", which is the counting number of the component
String IDnr = event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("IDint").toString();
//2) Remove the data from the bean's variable
//3) Remove the GUI elements from the panel
UIComponent comp_link_remove = this.getComponent(expBean.getPanelAddedFiles(),"removeLink"+IDnr);
UIComponent comp_link_src = this.getComponent(expBean.getPanelAddedFiles(),"fileRef"+IDnr);
//UIComponent comp_link_src = this.getComponent("panelAddedFiles:fileRef"+IDnr);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
NewExpWizardController.redirectToExpStage(expBean.getID(), 2);
return "success";