// Record the endpoint of the service used for this stage.
// Invoke the service, timing it along the way:
boolean success = true;
MigrateResult migrated = null;
long msBefore = 0, msAfter = 0;
URI from = null, to = null;
msBefore = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
log.info("Migrating "+dob);
from = new URI(getFromFormat());
to = new URI(getToFormat());
migrated = migrator.migrate(dob, from, to, null);
} catch( Exception e ) {
success = false;
throw new Exception ("Service Invocation Failed! : " + e.getMessage() );
msAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Compute the run time.
stage_m.add( new MeasurementImpl(TecRegMockup.PROP_SERVICE_TIME, ""+((msAfter-msBefore)/1000.0)) );
// Add the object size:
stage_m.add( new MeasurementImpl(TecRegMockup.PROP_DO_SIZE, ""+IdentifyWorkflow.getContentSize(dob) ) );
// Now record
if( success && migrated.getDigitalObject() != null ) {
stage_m.add( new MeasurementImpl( TecRegMockup.PROP_SERVICE_EXECUTION_SUCEEDED, "true"));
// Take the digital object, put it in a temp file, and give it a sensible name, using the new format extension.
File doTmp = File.createTempFile("migrateResult", ".tmp");
DigitalObjectUtils.toFile(migrated.getDigitalObject(), doTmp);
DigitalObject.Builder newdob = new DigitalObject.Builder(migrated.getDigitalObject());
newdob.content( Content.byReference(doTmp) );
// FIXME The above need to be a full recursive storage operation!
if( to != null ) {
//Format f = new Format(to);
Set<String> extensionsTo = ServiceBrowser.fr.getExtensions(to);
String title = dob.getTitle();
title += "."+extensionsTo.iterator().next();
title = title.substring( title.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
newdob.title( title );
log.info("Migration succeeded.");
// Only get to here if there was not a valid result.
// Build in a 'service failed' property, i.e. the call worked, but no result.
stage_m.add( new MeasurementImpl( TecRegMockup.PROP_SERVICE_EXECUTION_SUCEEDED, "false"));
// ADD a report, so the full set is known.
// FIXME Should now throw an Exception, as the WF cannot proceed?
throw new Exception("Migration failed. No Digital Object was created. "+migrated.getReport().getMessage());
// FIXME Add a 'toString' on the report that makes a text summary of the whole state?