Package eu.hansolo.enzo.common

Examples of eu.hansolo.enzo.common.Section$SectionEvent

    private AnimationTimer timer;

    @Override public void init() {
        thermoMeter = SimpleGaugeBuilder.create()
                                        .prefSize(400, 400)
                                        .sections(new Section(0, 16.66666, "0"),
                                                  new Section(16.66666, 33.33333, "1"),
                                                  new Section(33.33333, 50.0, "2"),
                                                  new Section(50.0, 66.66666, "3"),
                                                  new Section(66.66666, 83.33333, "4"),
                                                  new Section(83.33333, 100.0, "5"))
        wattMeter = SimpleGaugeBuilder.create()
                                      .prefSize(400, 400)
                                      .sections(new Section(0, 16.66666, "0"),
                                                new Section(16.66666, 33.33333, "1"),
                                                new Section(33.33333, 50.0, "2"),
                                                new Section(50.0, 66.66666, "3"),
                                                new Section(66.66666, 83.33333, "4"),
                                                new Section(83.33333, 100.0, "5"))
                                      .rangeFill(Color.rgb(0, 0, 200, 0.5))                                     
        energyMeter = SimpleGaugeBuilder.create()
                                        .prefSize(400, 400)                                       
                                        .sections(new Section(0, 10, "A++"),
                                                  new Section(10, 20, "A+"),
                                                  new Section(20, 30, "A"),
                                                  new Section(30, 40, "B"),
                                                  new Section(40, 50, "C"),
                                                  new Section(50, 60, "D"),
                                                  new Section(60, 70, "E"),
                                                  new Section(70, 80, "F"),
                                                  new Section(80, 90, "G"),
                                                  new Section(90, 100, "H"))                                                 
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                              .sections(new Section(0, 60),
                                        new Section(60, 80),
                                        new Section(80, 100))
                              .areas(new Section(75, 100))
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        series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data("17:00", 30.05));
        series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data("18:00", 31.25));

        chart = new SimpleLineChart();
        chart.setSections(new Section[]{
            new Section(0, 10),
            new Section(10, 15),
            new Section(15, 25),
            new Section(25, 30),
            new Section(30, 40)
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        final double MAX_VALUE = getSkinnable().getMaxValue();
        final double OFFSET = 90 - getSkinnable().getStartAngle();
        IntStream.range(0, getSkinnable().getAreas().size()).parallel().forEachOrdered(
            i -> {
                final Section AREA = getSkinnable().getAreas().get(i);
                final double AREA_START_ANGLE;
                if (, MAX_VALUE) <= 0 &&, MIN_VALUE) >= 0) {
                    if (AREA.getStart() < MIN_VALUE && AREA.getStop() < MAX_VALUE) {
                        AREA_START_ANGLE = MIN_VALUE * angleStep;
                    } else {
                        AREA_START_ANGLE = (AREA.getStart() - MIN_VALUE) * angleStep;
                    final double AREA_ANGLE_EXTEND;
                    if (AREA.getStop() > MAX_VALUE) {
                        AREA_ANGLE_EXTEND = MAX_VALUE * angleStep;
                    } else {
                        AREA_ANGLE_EXTEND = (AREA.getStop() - AREA.getStart()) * angleStep;

                    switch(i) {
                        case 0: CTX.setFill(getSkinnable().getAreaFill0()); break;
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        final double MAX_VALUE = getSkinnable().getMaxValue();
        final double OFFSET = 90 - getSkinnable().getStartAngle();

        IntStream.range(0, getSkinnable().getSections().size()).parallel().forEachOrdered(
            i -> {
                final Section SECTION = getSkinnable().getSections().get(i);               
                final double SECTION_START_ANGLE;
                if (, MAX_VALUE) <= 0 &&, MIN_VALUE) >= 0) {
                    if (SECTION.getStart() < MIN_VALUE && SECTION.getStop() < MAX_VALUE) {
                        SECTION_START_ANGLE = MIN_VALUE * angleStep;
                    } else {
                        SECTION_START_ANGLE = (SECTION.getStart() - MIN_VALUE) * angleStep;
                    final double SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND;
                    if (SECTION.getStop() > MAX_VALUE) {
                        SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND = MAX_VALUE * angleStep;
                    } else {
                        SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND = (SECTION.getStop() - SECTION.getStart()) * angleStep;

                    switch(i) {
                        case 0: CTX.setStroke(getSkinnable().getSectionFill0()); break;
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        final double SECTIONS_SIZE   = size - (size * 0.03);
        angleStep                    = getSkinnable().getAngleRange() / (getSkinnable().getMaxValue() - getSkinnable().getMinValue());
        double sinValue;
        double cosValue;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < NO_OF_SECTIONS ; i++) {
            final Section SECTION = getSkinnable().getSections().get(i);
            final double SECTION_START_ANGLE;
            if (SECTION.getStart() > MAX_VALUE || SECTION.getStop() < MIN_VALUE) continue;

            if (SECTION.getStart() < MIN_VALUE && SECTION.getStop() < MAX_VALUE) {
                SECTION_START_ANGLE = MIN_VALUE * angleStep;
            } else {
                SECTION_START_ANGLE = (SECTION.getStart() - MIN_VALUE) * angleStep;
            final double SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND;
            if (SECTION.getStop() > MAX_VALUE) {
                SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND = MAX_VALUE * angleStep;
            } else {
                SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND = (SECTION.getStop() - SECTION.getStart()) * angleStep;
            switch(i) {
                case 0: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill0()); break;
                case 1: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill1()); break;
                case 2: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill2()); break;
                case 3: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill3()); break;
                case 4: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill4()); break;
                case 5: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill5()); break;
                case 6: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill6()); break;
                case 7: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill7()); break;
                case 8: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill8()); break;
                case 9: sectionsCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getSectionFill9()); break;

            // Draw Section Text
            if (getSkinnable().isSectionTextVisible()) {
                sinValue = -Math.sin(Math.toRadians(OFFSET - 90 - SECTION_START_ANGLE - SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND * 0.5));
                cosValue = -Math.cos(Math.toRadians(OFFSET - 90 - SECTION_START_ANGLE - SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND * 0.5));
                Point2D textPoint = new Point2D(size * 0.5 + size * 0.365 * sinValue, size * 0.5 + size * 0.365 * cosValue);
                if (getSkinnable().isCustomFontEnabled()) {
                    sectionsCtx.setFont(Font.font(getSkinnable().getCustomFont().getFamily(), FontWeight.NORMAL, 0.08 * size));
                } else {                   
                    sectionsCtx.setFont(Fonts.robotoMedium(0.08 * size));
                sectionsCtx.fillText(SECTION.getText(), textPoint.getX(), textPoint.getY());

            // Draw Section Icon
            if (size > 0) {
                if (getSkinnable().isSectionIconVisible() && !getSkinnable().isSectionTextVisible()) {
                    if (null != SECTION.getImage()) {
                        Image icon = SECTION.getImage();
                        sinValue = -Math.sin(Math.toRadians(OFFSET - 90 - SECTION_START_ANGLE - SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND * 0.5));
                        cosValue = -Math.cos(Math.toRadians(OFFSET - 90 - SECTION_START_ANGLE - SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND * 0.5));
                        Point2D iconPoint = new Point2D(size * 0.5 + size * 0.365 * sinValue, size * 0.5 + size * 0.365 * cosValue);
                        sectionsCtx.drawImage(icon, iconPoint.getX() - size * 0.06, iconPoint.getY() - size * 0.06, size * 0.12, size * 0.12);
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        final double MAX_VALUE = getSkinnable().getMaxValue();
        final double OFFSET = 90 - getSkinnable().getStartAngle();

        IntStream.range(0, getSkinnable().getSections().size()).parallel().forEachOrdered(
            i -> {
                final Section SECTION = getSkinnable().getSections().get(i);
                final double SECTION_START_ANGLE;
                if (, MAX_VALUE) <= 0 &&, MIN_VALUE) >= 0) {
                    if (SECTION.getStart() < MIN_VALUE && SECTION.getStop() < MAX_VALUE) {
                        SECTION_START_ANGLE = MIN_VALUE * angleStep;
                    } else {
                        SECTION_START_ANGLE = (SECTION.getStart() - MIN_VALUE) * angleStep;
                    final double SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND;
                    if (SECTION.getStop() > MAX_VALUE) {
                        SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND = MAX_VALUE * angleStep;
                    } else {
                        SECTION_ANGLE_EXTEND = (SECTION.getStop() - SECTION.getStart()) * angleStep;

                    switch(i) {
                        case 0: CTX.setStroke(getSkinnable().getSectionFill0()); break;
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Related Classes of eu.hansolo.enzo.common.Section$SectionEvent

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