if (requiredGreeks.size() > 1) {
s_logger.warn("Can only calculate fair price - ignoring other greeks");
final ZonedDateTime date = dataBundle.getDate();
final EuropeanVanillaOption option = EuropeanVanillaOption.fromDefinition(definition, date);
final BlackFunctionData data = BlackFunctionData.fromDataBundle(dataBundle, definition);
double fwd = data.getForward();
double df = data.getDiscountFactor();
double t = option.getTimeToExpiry();
boolean isCall = option.isCall();
double limitSigma = data.getBlackVolatility(); //TODO This is a tuning parameter of the algorithm and has no business being passed in a BlackOptionDataBundle
final double[][] prices = PRICER.price(fwd, df, t, isCall, _characteristicExponent, _nStrikes, _maxDeltaMoneyness, limitSigma, _alpha, _tolerance);
final int n = prices.length;
final double[] k = new double[n];