// If we have an output item, try to produce more of it, given its mapping
if(outputItem != null) {
// Find matching mapping
SourceProductMapping mapping = Reactants.getSolidToReactant(outputItem);
if(mapping == null || !reactantType.equals(mapping.getProduct())) {
// Items are incompatible!
return 0;
// We're using the original source item >> reactant mapping here
// This means that source == item, and product == reactant
int amtToProduce = mapping.getSourceAmount(amount);
amtToProduce = Math.min(amtToProduce, getInventoryStackLimit() - outputItem.stackSize);
if(amtToProduce <= 0) { return 0; }
// Do we actually produce any reactant at this reduced amount?
int reactantToConsume = mapping.getProductAmount(amtToProduce);
if(reactantToConsume <= 0) { return 0; }
outputItem.stackSize += amtToProduce;
return reactantToConsume;
// Ok, we have no items. We need to figure out candidate mappings.
// Below here, we're using the reactant >> source mappings.
// This means that source == reactant, and product == item.
SourceProductMapping bestMapping = null;
List<SourceProductMapping> mappings = Reactants.getReactantToSolids(reactantType);
if(mappings != null) {
int bestReactantAmount = 0;
for(SourceProductMapping mapping: mappings) {
// How much product can we produce?
int potentialProducts = mapping.getProductAmount(amount);
// And how much reactant will that consume?
int potentialReactant = mapping.getSourceAmount(potentialProducts);
if(bestMapping == null || bestReactantAmount < potentialReactant) {
bestMapping = mapping;
bestReactantAmount = potentialReactant;
if(bestMapping == null) {
BRLog.warning("There are no mapped item types for reactant %s. Using cyanite instead.", reactantType);
bestMapping = StandardReactants.cyaniteMapping;
int itemsToProduce = Math.min(bestMapping.getProductAmount(amount), getInventoryStackLimit());
if(itemsToProduce <= 0) {
// Can't produce even one ingot? Ok then.
return 0;
// And clamp again in case we could produce more than 64 items
int reactantConsumed = bestMapping.getSourceAmount(itemsToProduce);
itemsToProduce = bestMapping.getProductAmount(reactantConsumed);
ItemStack newItem = ItemHelper.getOre(bestMapping.getProduct());
if(newItem == null) {
BRLog.warning("Could not find item for oredict entry %s, using cyanite instead.", bestMapping.getSource());
newItem = BigReactors.ingotGeneric.getItemStackForType("ingotCyanite");
else {
newItem = newItem.copy(); // Don't stomp the oredict