The response created by ERPublishCalendarPage is an iCalendar document (.ics) containing the events added to ERPublishCalendarPage by the application (see {@link #addEvent(ERCalendarEvent) addEvent}). An iCalendar-aware application, such as Apple's iCal, can subscribe to such a calendar, provided that the page has a fixed URL (either is the "Main" page, or a direct action serves the page).
Events added to a ERPublishCalendarPage is objects of any class that implements {@link ERCalendarEvent the ERCalendarEvent interface}. Existing classes (for example EOCustomObject subclasses), that correspond to calendar events, can easily be modified to implement {@link ERCalendarEvent ERCalendarEvent} and thus be addeddirectly to ERPublishCalendarPage. If existing classes does not directly correspond to calendar events, create events from business data (or some algorithm) using either the included {@link ERSimpleEvent ERSimpleEvent class}, a subclass of {@link ERSimpleEvent ERSimpleEvent}, or any other class implementing {@link ERCalendarEvent the ERCalendarEvent interface}.
@author Johan Carlberg