throw new RuntimeException("invalid request (shouldn't happen): " + target);
Outbox box = outboxes.findByOutputModuleName(moduleName);
if (box == null) {
return new ErrorPage("No such module: " + moduleName);
} else if (box.containsStubCompile()) {
return new ErrorPage("This module hasn't been compiled yet.");
String rootDir = SOURCEMAP_PATH + moduleName + "/";
String rest = target.substring(rootDir.length());
if (rest.isEmpty()) {
return makeDirectoryListPage(box);
} else if (rest.equals("gwtSourceMap.json")) {
// This URL is no longer used by debuggers (we use the strong name) but is used for testing.
// It's useful not to need the strong name to download the sourcemap.
// (But this only works when there is one permutation.)
return makeSourceMapPage(moduleName, box.findSourceMapForOnePermutation(), request);
} else if (rest.endsWith("/")) {
return sendFileListPage(box, rest);
} else if (rest.endsWith(".java")) {
return makeSourcePage(box, rest, request.getQueryString(), logger);
} else {
String strongName = getStrongNameFromSourcemapFilename(rest);
if (strongName != null) {
File sourceMap = box.findSourceMap(strongName).getAbsoluteFile();
return makeSourceMapPage(moduleName, sourceMap, request);
} else {
return new ErrorPage("page not found");