For the initial support of DDMS 5.0 TSPI shapes, the DDMSence component will only return the raw XML of a shape. The TSPI specification is incredibly complex and multi-layered, and it is unclear how much value full-fledged classes would have. As use cases refine and more organizations adopt DDMS 5.0, the components can be revisited to provide more value-add.
{@table.header History}None. {@table.footer}{@table.header Nested Elements}None. {@table.footer}{@table.header Attributes}{ gml:id|1|00001}{ <srsAttributes>|0..*|00001}{@table.footer}{@table.header Validation Rules}{@ddms.rule Component must not be used before the DDMS version in which it was introduced.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The qualified name of this element must be correct.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The srsName must exist.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule The gml:id must exist, and must be a valid NCName.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule If the gml:pos has an srsName, it must match the srsName of this Point.|Error|11111}{@ddms.rule Warnings from any SRS attributes are claimed by this component.|Warning|11111}No additional validation is done on the TSPI shape at this time.
{@table.footer} @author Brian Uri! @since 2.2.0 Note that Envelopes support infinite or half-infinite regions, by using the values of Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
When Envelope objects are created or initialized, the supplies extent values are automatically sorted into the correct order. @version 1.7
object represents the contents and semantics of an <SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
@author Matthew J. Duftler (
@author Sanjiva Weerawarana (
The following features are implemented:
Note that Envelopes support infinite or half-infinite regions, by using the values of Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
When Envelope objects are created or initialized, the supplies extent values are automatically sorted into the correct order. @source $URL$
The scope name of the envelope is used for security. The Wire object must verify that any {@code Envelope} object send through the {@code update}method or coming from the {@code poll} method has a scope name that matchesthe permissions of both the Producer service and the Consumer service involved. The wireadmin package also contains a class {@code BasicEnvelope}that implements the methods of this interface. @see WirePermission @see BasicEnvelope @author $Id: f00816c73a580110d13750ab217369fef8f11b7e $
The following features are implemented: