Examples of EntryFilteringCursor

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

        SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( adminSession, Dn.ROOT_DSE, filter,
            controls );

        searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );

        EntryFilteringCursor results = nexus.search( searchOperationContext );

            while ( results.next() )
                Entry entry = results.get();

                tupleCache.subentryAdded( entry.getDn(), entry );

        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new LdapOperationException( e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

        SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( adminSession, Dn.ROOT_DSE, filter,
            controls );

        searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );

        EntryFilteringCursor results = nexus.search( searchOperationContext );

            while ( results.next() )
                Entry entry = results.get();

                groupCache.groupAdded( entry.getDn(), entry );

        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new LdapOperationException( e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

    public EntryFilteringCursor search( SearchOperationContext searchContext ) throws LdapException
        LdapPrincipal user = searchContext.getSession().getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = user.getDn();
        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = next( searchContext );

        boolean isSubschemaSubentryLookup = subschemaSubentryDn.equals( searchContext.getDn().getNormName() );

        boolean isRootDseLookup = ( searchContext.getDn().size() == 0 )
            && ( searchContext.getScope() == SearchScope.OBJECT );

        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn )
            || !directoryService.isAccessControlEnabled() || isRootDseLookup
            || isSubschemaSubentryLookup )
            return cursor;

        cursor.addEntryFilter( new AuthorizationFilter() );
        return cursor;
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

            searchRequest.addAttributes( "entryUuid" );

            System.out.println( "-----------> Dumping the server <-----------" );
            System.out.println( "-----------> Looking for " + entryDn.getNormName() + " <-----------" );

            EntryFilteringCursor cursor = session.search( searchRequest );

            while ( cursor.next() )
                Entry entry = cursor.get();

                if ( entry.getDn().equals( entryDn ) )
                    System.out.println( "The searched entry exists !!!" );
                    System.out.println( "found Entry " + entry.getDn().getNormName() + " exists, entrtyUuid = "
                        + entry.get( "entryUuid" ) );

                System.out.println( "Entry " + entry.getDn().getNormName() + " exists, entrtyUuid = "
                    + entry.get( "entryUuid" ) );


            System.out.println( "-----------> Dump done <-----------" );
        catch ( Exception le )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

    protected EntryFilteringCursor doSearchOperation( DN dn, AliasDerefMode aliasDerefMode,
        ExprNode filter, SearchControls searchControls ) throws Exception
        OperationManager operationManager = service.getOperationManager();
        EntryFilteringCursor results = null;
        OperationContext opContext;
        Object typesOnlyObj = getEnvironment().get( "java.naming.ldap.typesOnly" );
        boolean typesOnly = false;
        if( typesOnlyObj != null )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

        ListOperationContext opCtx = new ListOperationContext( session, target );
        opCtx.addRequestControls( JndiUtils.fromJndiControls( requestControls ) );

        // execute list operation
        OperationManager operationManager = service.getOperationManager();
        EntryFilteringCursor results = operationManager.list( opCtx );

        // clear the request controls and set the response controls
        requestControls = EMPTY_CONTROLS;
        responseControls = JndiUtils.toJndiControls( opCtx.getResponseControls() );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

     * @param req the search request on the RootDSE
     * @throws Exception if failures are encountered while searching
    private void handleRootDseSearch( LdapSession session, InternalSearchRequest req ) throws Exception
        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = null;
            cursor = session.getCoreSession().search( req );
            // Position the cursor at the beginning
            boolean hasRootDSE = false;
            while ( cursor.next() )
                if ( hasRootDSE )
                    // This is an error ! We should never find more than one rootDSE !
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_167 ) );
                    hasRootDSE = true;
                    ClonedServerEntry entry = cursor.get();
                    session.getIoSession().write( generateResponse( session, req, entry ) );
            // write the SearchResultDone message
            session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );
            // Close the cursor now.
            if ( cursor != null )
                catch ( NamingException e )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_168 ), e );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

            pagedResultsControl.setCookie( psCookie.getCookie() );
            pagedResultsControl.setSize( 0 );
            pagedResultsControl.setCritical( true );
            // Close the cursor
            EntryFilteringCursor cursor = psCookie.getCursor();
            if ( cursor != null )
            pagedResultsControl = new PagedResultsControl();
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

        long requestLimit = req.getSizeLimit() == 0L ?
            Long.MAX_VALUE : req.getSizeLimit();
        long sizeLimit = min( serverLimit, requestLimit );

        int pagedLimit = pagedSearchControl.getSize();
        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = null;
        PagedSearchContext pagedContext = null;

        // We have the following cases :
        // 1) The SIZE is 0 and the cookie is the same than the previous one : this
        // is a abandon request for this paged search.
        // 2) The cookie is empty : this is a new request. If the requested
        // size is above the serverLimit and the request limit, this is a normal
        // search
        // 3) The cookie is not empty and the request is the same, we return
        // the next SIZE elements
        // 4) The cookie is not empty, but the request is not the same : this is
        // a new request (we have to discard the cookie and do a new search from
        // the beginning)
        // 5) The SIZE is above the size-limit : the request is treated as if it
        // was a simple search
        // Case 1
        if ( pagedLimit == 0L )
            // An abandoned paged search
            return abandonPagedSearch( session, req );
        // Now, depending on the cookie, we will deal with case 2, 3, 4 and 5
        byte [] cookie= pagedSearchControl.getCookie();
        InternalLdapResult ldapResult = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        if ( StringTools.isEmpty( cookie ) )
            // This is a new search. We have a special case when the paged size
            // is above the server size limit : in this case, we default to a
            // standard search
            if ( pagedLimit > sizeLimit )
                // Normal search : create the cursor, and set pagedControl to false
                    // No cursor : do a search.
                    cursor = session.getCoreSession().search( req );

                    // Position the cursor at the beginning
                    // And read the entries
                    readResults( session, req, ldapResult, cursor, sizeLimit );
                    catch ( NamingException e )
                        LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_168 ), e );
                // If we had a cookie in the session, remove it
                removeContext( session, pagedContext );
                return ( InternalSearchResponseDone ) req.getResultResponse();
                // Case 2 : create the context
                pagedContext = new PagedSearchContext( req );

                session.addPagedSearchContext( pagedContext );
                cookie = pagedContext.getCookie();
                pagedResultsControl = new PagedResultsControl();
                pagedResultsControl.setCookie( cookie );
                pagedResultsControl.setSize( 0 );
                pagedResultsControl.setCritical( true );

                // No cursor : do a search.
                cursor = session.getCoreSession().search( req );

                // Position the cursor at the beginning
                // And stores the cursor into the session
                pagedContext.setCursor( cursor );
            // We have a cookie
            // Either case 3, 4 or 5
            int cookieValue = pagedSearchControl.getCookieValue();
            pagedContext = session.getPagedSearchContext( cookieValue );
            if ( pagedContext == null )
                // We didn't found the cookie into the session : it must be invalid
                // send an error.
                ldapResult.setErrorMessage( "Invalid cookie for this PagedSearch request." );
                ldapResult.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
                return ( InternalSearchResponseDone ) req.getResultResponse();
            if ( pagedContext.hasSameRequest( req, session ) )
                // Case 3 : continue the search
                cursor = pagedContext.getCursor();
                // get the cookie
                cookie = pagedContext.getCookie();
                pagedResultsControl = new PagedResultsControl();
                pagedResultsControl.setCookie( cookie );
                pagedResultsControl.setSize( 0 );
                pagedResultsControl.setCritical( true );

                // case 2 : create a new cursor
                // We have to close the cursor
                cursor = pagedContext.getCursor();
                if ( cursor != null )
                // Now create a new context and stores it into the session
                pagedContext = new PagedSearchContext( req );

                session.addPagedSearchContext( pagedContext );
                cookie = pagedContext.getCookie();
                pagedResultsControl = new PagedResultsControl();
                pagedResultsControl.setCookie( cookie );
                pagedResultsControl.setSize( 0 );
                pagedResultsControl.setCritical( true );

        // Now, do the real search
         * Iterate through all search results building and sending back responses
         * for each search result returned.
            readPagedResults( session, req, ldapResult, cursor, sizeLimit, pagedLimit, true, pagedContext, pagedResultsControl );
        catch ( Exception e )
            if ( cursor != null )
                catch ( NamingException ne )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_168 ), ne );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.filtering.EntryFilteringCursor

            returningAttributes.add( new AttributeTypeOptions( passwordAT) );
            bindDn = (String)ldapSession.getSaslProperty( SaslConstants.SASL_USER_BASE_DN );
            DN baseDn = new DN( bindDn );

            EntryFilteringCursor cursor = adminSession.search(
                returningAttributes );
            ClonedServerEntry entry = null;
            while ( cursor.next() )
                entry = cursor.get();
                LdapPrincipal ldapPrincipal = new LdapPrincipal(
                    entry.get( SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT ).getBytes() );
                ldapSession.putSaslProperty( SaslConstants.SASL_AUTHENT_USER, ldapPrincipal );
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