ShrinkWrap {@link EnterpriseArchive} builder for CDI TCK Arquillian test. This builder is intended to provide basicfunctionality covering common TCK needs. Use shrinkwrap API to adapt archive to advanced scenarios.
Test classes are added to EJB module.
Default and custom web module
The default web module is defined in order to build portable EE archive - it has to contain Class-Path entry in the MANIFEST.MF to state module dependency (see Class Loading Requirements in Java EE spec). Custom web module is not supported directly however its possible to build such module with shrinkwrap API and add it to final enterprise archive. It is necessary to omit default web module using {@link #noDefaultWebModule()} as long as custom web module is used sincearquillian cannot handle in-container test packaged as EAR with multiple web modules at the moment (cannot determine which web module to enrich).
The application.xml
descriptor is not supported as it is no longer required (Java EE 5, Java EE 6). Use shrinkwrap API to add custom application.xml
Use case
Use enterprise archive in TCK tests only while:
- explicitly testing EAR structure
- testing Java EE full profile (e.g. EJB timer service, MDBs)
Tests that use {@link EnterpriseArchiveBuilder} must belong to {@link TestGroups#JAVAEE_FULL} group.
@author Martin Kouba