Definition of a Linked Data Endpoint. Contains information how to query the endpoint, what format to expect, and when to expire data from this endpoint.
- {@link EndpointType#LINKEDDATA} endpoints will be accessed by directlyretrieving the URI with appropriate Accept headers following the Linked Data recommendations
- {@link EndpointType#CACHE} endpoints will be accessed by passing the URIas request parameter to the cache and parsing the response according to the content type defined for this endpoint (Content-Type header is too unspecific)
- {@link EndpointType#SPARQL} endpoints will be accessed by issuing a queryof
SELECT ?p ?o WHERE { {url} ?p ?o }
to retrieve all triples for the requested resource - {@link EndpointType#NONE} act as blacklist. Resources matching handled bythis endpoint are not fetched.
User: sschaffe
Models an endpoint identified by some url. The endpoint documentation contains the semantics as well as the technical specifications.
A communication endpoint multiplexing CoAP message exchanges between (potentially multiple) clients and servers. An Endpoint is bound to a particular IP address and port. Clients use an Endpoint to send a request to a server. Servers bind resources to one or more Endpoints in order for them to be requested over the network by clients.
Endpoint interface defines basic send and receive operations on a message endpoint.
@author Christoph Deppisch
@since 1.4
Represents a stateful {@link Endpoint} which abstracts the underlying channel.
@author Michael Nitschinger
@since 1.0
Endpoint represents a Labrador Endpoint. Endpoints are the services that are exposed to the world in order to connect to Labrador.
blocks int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer);
Dispatched Read
By using a different callback, the read can be done asynchronously in its own dispatched thread:
endpoint.fillInterested("ContextObj",new ExecutorCallback<String>(executor) { public void onCompleted(String context) { int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer); ... } public void onFailed(String context,Throwable cause) {...} });
The executor callback can also be customized to not dispatch in some circumstances when it knows it can use the callback thread and does not need to dispatch.
Blocking Write
The write contract is that the callback complete is not called until all data has been written or there is a failure. For blocking this looks like:
FutureCallback<String> future = new FutureCallback<>(); endpoint.write("ContextObj",future,headerBuffer,contentBuffer); String context = future.get(); // This blocks
Dispatched Write
Note also that multiple buffers may be passed in write so that gather writes can be done:
endpoint.write("ContextObj",new ExecutorCallback<String>(executor) { public void onCompleted(String context) { int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer); ... } public void onFailed(String context,Throwable cause) {...} },headerBuffer,contentBuffer);
Service end point.
@author Philippe Riand
urento.org/docs/current/glossary.html#term-kms">KMS to interchange media contents with external systems, supporting different transport protocols and mechanisms, such as
HTTPorg/docs/current/glossary.html#term-webrtc">WebRTC, :term:`HTTP`,
URLs... An
may contain both sources and sinks for different media types, to provide bidirectional communication.
nu.org/licenses/>. Created by Surrey Hughes of Reignite Pty Ltd An endpoint is a collection of services to expose to RAMF / AMF clients.
@author Surrey
This interface defines all information and behaviour accessible from a particular endpoint.
@author Jerome Dochez
Endpoints must be threadsafe
The class represents an endpoint which consists of an endpoint address and an endpoint category.
@author Alexander Diener (aldiener@htwg-konstanz.de)
An endpoint receives messages from clients and decodes them, then sends them on to a MessageBroker for routing to a service. The endpoint also encodes messages and delivers them to clients. Endpoints are specific to a message format and network transport, and are defined by the named URI path on which they are located.
@author neville
The Web Socket Endpoint represents an object that can handle a web socket conversations. When deployed as a server endpoint, that is to say, the endpoint is registered to a URL, the server instantiates a new endpoint instance for each client connection. If deployed as a client, the endpoint will be instantiated once per single connection to the server. If the endpoint is a server which will cater to multiple clients, each endpoint instance corresponding to each active client is called by no more than one thread at a time. This means that when implementing/overriding the methods of Endpoint, the developer is guaranteed that there will be at most one thread in each endpoint instance.
@author dannycoward
@since DRAFT 001
A Web service endpoint.
Endpoints are created using the static methods defined in this class. An endpoint is always tied to one Binding
and one implementor, both set at endpoint creation time.
An endpoint is either in a published or an unpublished state. The publish
methods can be used to start publishing an endpoint, at which point it starts accepting incoming requests. Conversely, the stop
method can be used to stop accepting incoming requests and take the endpoint down. Once stopped, an endpoint cannot be published again.
An Executor
may be set on the endpoint in order to gain better control over the threads used to dispatch incoming requests. For instance, thread pooling with certain parameters can be enabled by creating a ThreadPoolExecutor
and registering it with the endpoint.
Handler chains can be set using the contained Binding
An endpoint may have a list of metadata documents, such as WSDL and XMLSchema documents, bound to it. At publishing time, the JAX-WS implementation will try to reuse as much of that metadata as possible instead of generating new ones based on the annotations present on the implementor.
@since JAX-WS 2.0
@see javax.xml.ws.Binding
@see javax.xml.ws.BindingType
@see javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding
@see java.util.concurrent.Executor
The EndPoint represents an open socket connection. It is a wrapper over a non-blocking socket (channel) and belongs to a {@link SessionTask}. It serves as the bridge between the SessionTask and the {@link NioSelectorScheduler}, using a pair of mailboxes for exchanging socket registration and socket ready events.
The other purpose of this class is to provide convenience methods that read from a socket into a bytebuffer, or write from a bytebuffer to the socket. If the socket is not ready for business, the endpoint (and hence the task) simply yields, without registering with the {@link NioSelectorScheduler}. The idea is to give the other runnable tasks a chance to run before retrying the operation (on resumption); this avoids waking up the selector -- an expensive operation -- as much as possible, and introduces a delay between retries. If, after a fixed number of times ( {@link #YIELD_COUNT}), the operation still hasn't succeeded, the endpoint registers itself with the {@link NioSelectorScheduler}, and waits for a socket-ready event from the selector. This scheme is adaptive to load, in that the delay between retries is proportional to the number of runnable tasks. Busy sockets tend to get serviced more often as the socket is always ready.
Represents a remote communication endpoint to send requests to.
An Endpoint
instance contains the information necessary to send requests to the remote endpoint. For example, a TCP-based Endpoint
implementation typically contains the remote host address and TCP port to connect to.
The {@link #newRequest newRequest} method can be used to send arequest to the remote endpoint that this object represents.
An instance of this interface should be serializable and should implement {@link Object#equals Object.equals} to returntrue
if and only if the argument is equivalent to the instance in trust, content, and function. That is, the equals
method should be a sufficient substitute for {@link TrustEquivalence#checkTrustEquivalence TrustEquivalence.checkTrustEquivalence}. But unlike checkTrustEquivalence
, the equals
method cannot assume that the implementations of any of the invoked instance's pluggable component objects are trusted (whether pluggable through public APIs or deserialization). Therefore, the equals
method should not invoke comparison methods (such as equals
) on any such component without first verifying that the component's implementation is at least as trusted as the implementation of the corresponding component in the equals
argument (such as by verifying that the corresponding component objects have the same actual class). If any such verification fails, the equals
method should return false
without invoking a comparison method on the component. Furthermore, these guidelines should be recursively obeyed by the comparison methods of each such component for its subcomponents.
If an Endpoint
is an instance of {@link TrustEquivalence}, then its equals
method must obey the above guidelines and its checkTrustEquivalence
method must not return true
if its equals
method would not return true
for the same argument.
All aspects of the underlying communication mechanism that are not specified here are defined by the particular implementation of this interface.
@author Sun Microsystems, Inc.
@see ServerEndpoint
@since 2.0
Represents the logical endpoint where commands come from or are sent to. For connection based transports like TCP / VM then there is a single endpoint for all commands. For transports like multicast there could be different endpoints being used on the same transport.
@version $Revision: 426366 $
emq.apache.org/camel/endpoint.html">endpoint implements the
Message Endpoint pattern and represents an endpoint that can send and receive message exchanges
@see Exchange, Message
@version $Revision: 563607 $
Author : Avinash Lakshman ( alakshman@facebook.com) & Prashant Malik ( pmalik@facebook.com )
Represents an endpoint that receives messages.
Endpoint implementation: it contains information about host, port, client-side and server-side socket factories.
@author Mikhail A. Markov
@version $Revision: $
Definition of a Linked Data Endpoint. Contains information how to query the endpoint, what format to expect, and when to expire data from this endpoint.
- LinkedDataProvider endpoints will be accessed by directly retrieving the URI with appropriate Accept headers following the Linked Data recommendations
- CacheProvider endpoints will be accessed by passing the URI as request parameter to the cache and parsing the response according to the content type defined for this endpoint (Content-Type header is too unspecific)
- SPARQLProvider endpoints will be accessed by issuing a query of
SELECT ?p ?o WHERE { {url} ?p ?o }
to retrieve all triples for the requested resource - NONE act as blacklist. Resources matching handled by this endpoint are not fetched.
Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals.
User: sschaffe
Concrete representation of service endpoint. This consists of a service qualified name and port name per WSDL specification.
@author Maciej Szefler - m s z e f l e r @ g m a i l . c o m
Represents an endpoint to expose in the NMR. Exposing an endpoint in the NMR is done using the (@link EndpointRegistry}. The endpoint will be given Exchange to process and must be prepared to be given several exchanges concurrently for processing.
@version $Revision: $
@since 4.0
An endpoint can be used to give a logical name to an endpoint address, and possibly reused. If the address is not just a simple URL, then extensibility elements may be used to indicate the address. (i.e. an endpoint always will "resolve" into an absolute endpoint address. In future registry lookups etc may be used to resolve a named endpoint into its absolute address
Endpoint defines the behavior common to all Synapse endpoints. Synapse endpoints should be able to send the given Synapse message context, rather than just providing the information for sending the message. The task a particular endpoint does in its send(...) method is specific to the endpoint. For example a loadbalance endpoint may choose another endpoint using its load balance policy and call its send(...) method while an address endpoint (leaf level) may send the message to an actual endpoint url. Endpoints may contain zero or more endpoints in them and build up a hierarchical structure of endpoints.
Represents a service endpoint which is what results from having a configured binding applied to a component service. In a deployed application an endpoint will relate directly to a physical endpoint, for example, a HTTP URL or a JMS destination.
@version $Rev: 1095537 $ $Date: 2011-04-20 23:34:51 +0100 (Wed, 20 Apr 2011) $
Represents the Endpoint component from the WSDL 2.0 Component model.
@author John Kaputin (jkaputin@apache.org)
A representation of the model object 'End Point'.
@see org.eclipse.bpmn2.Bpmn2Package#getEndPoint()
@model extendedMetaData="name='tEndPoint' kind='elementOnly'"
blocks int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer);
Dispatched Read
By using a different callback, the read can be done asynchronously in its own dispatched thread:
endpoint.fillInterested("ContextObj",new ExecutorCallback<String>(executor) { public void onCompleted(String context) { int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer); ... } public void onFailed(String context,Throwable cause) {...} });
The executor callback can also be customized to not dispatch in some circumstances when it knows it can use the callback thread and does not need to dispatch.
Blocking Write
The write contract is that the callback complete is not called until all data has been written or there is a failure. For blocking this looks like:
FutureCallback<String> future = new FutureCallback<>(); endpoint.write("ContextObj",future,headerBuffer,contentBuffer); String context = future.get(); // This blocks
Dispatched Write
Note also that multiple buffers may be passed in write so that gather writes can be done:
endpoint.write("ContextObj",new ExecutorCallback<String>(executor) { public void onCompleted(String context) { int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer); ... } public void onFailed(String context,Throwable cause) {...} },headerBuffer,contentBuffer);
Endpoint for OpenID Provider, and will be cached in memory for a certain time.
@author Michael Liao (askxuefeng@gmail.com)
@author lhein
Server-side REST-ful endpoint.
@author Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at oracle.com)
This interface defines all information and behaviour accessible from a particular endpoint.
@author Jerome Dochez
An endpoint is capable of handling invocation on an EJB instance. An endpoint might be session aware, in which case an session has to be obtained from the session factory. This session can then be used to call upon the endpoint.
Carlo de Wolf
@version $Revision: $
Description of an OAuth request token or access token URL.
This class was generated by the JAXWS SI. JAX-WS RI 2.0-b26-ea3 Generated source version: 2.0
A general JAXWS endpoint.
@author Thomas.Diesler@jboss.com
@since 20-Apr-2007
@author kshitiz
@author gregwA transport EndPoint
Find the ending point of item geometry. Item geometry is replaced by pipe output unless an alternative property name is given in the constructor.
SAML 2.0 Metadata Endpoint data type interface
Temporary data structure to aid the creation of WorkFlows. It identifies one end of a Link and the Data held by that Link. The orientation (ingoing , outgoing) is not specified but should be maintained at the meta-level to correctly indentify the corresponding Link end.
@author Robbert van Dalen
An EndpointProvider
provides the necessary information to create an entry in the service locator for an endpoint.
This represents an endpoint artifact stored on the Registry. Endpoint artifacts are created as a result of importing or uploading a WSDL, or when a service is created..