// This may be null for an anonymous component.
String embeddedId = token.getId();
String embeddedComponentClassName = null;
final EmbeddedComponentModel embeddedModel = embeddedId == null ? null : assembler.getModel()
if (embeddedId == null)
embeddedId = assembler.generateEmbeddedId(embeddedType);
if (embeddedModel != null)
String modelType = embeddedModel.getComponentType();
if (InternalUtils.isNonBlank(modelType) && embeddedType != null)
throw new TapestryException(
String.format("Embedded component '%s' provides a type attribute in the template ('%s') " +
"as well as in the component class ('%s'). You should not provide a type attribute " +
"in the template when defining an embedded component within the component class.", embeddedId, embeddedType, modelType), token, null);
embeddedType = modelType;
embeddedComponentClassName = embeddedModel.getComponentClassName();
String componentClassName = embeddedComponentClassName;
// This awkwardness is making me think that the page loader should resolve the component
// type before invoking this method (we would then remove the componentType parameter).
if (InternalUtils.isNonBlank(embeddedType))
// The type actually overrides the specified class name. The class name is defined
// by the type of the field. In many scenarios, the field type is a common
// interface,
// and the type is used to determine the concrete class to instantiate.
componentClassName = componentClassResolver.resolveComponentTypeToClassName(embeddedType);
} catch (RuntimeException ex)
throw new TapestryException(ex.getMessage(), token, ex);
// OK, now we can record an action to get it instantiated.
EmbeddedComponentAssembler embeddedAssembler = assembler.createEmbeddedAssembler(embeddedId,
componentClassName, embeddedModel, token.getMixins(), token.getLocation());
addActionForEmbeddedComponent(context, embeddedAssembler, embeddedId, elementName, componentClassName);
addParameterBindingActions(context, embeddedAssembler, embeddedModel);
if (embeddedModel != null && embeddedModel.getInheritInformalParameters())
// Another two-step: The first "captures" the container and embedded component. The second
// occurs at the end of the page setup.
assembler.add(new PageAssemblyAction()