The ElementProcessor interface defines behavior for classes that can handle a particular XML element's content.
The life cycle of an ElementProcessor instance is:
- Creation
- Initialization via a call to initialize
- Acquisition of element data via calls to acceptCharacters and acceptWhitespaceCharacters
- Completion of processing via a call to endProcessing
In response to a startElement event, the POIFSSerializer creates an ElementProcessor, delegating the act of creation to an ElementProcessorFactory, and then initializes the ElementProcessor. In response to subsequent characters and ignorableWhitespace events, the POIFSSerializer will pass data to the ElementProcessor via the acceptCharacters or acceptWhitespaceCharacters methods. Finally, in response to an endElement event, the POIFSSerializer calls the ElementProcessor's endProcessing method.
@author Marc Johnson (
@version CVS $Id:,v 1.3 2004/03/05 13:02:03 bdelacretaz Exp $