This element specifies the mapping for the element component of arrays and collections. If only one column is mapped, and no additional information is needed for the column, then the column attribute can be used. Otherwise, the column element(s) are used. The serialized attribute specifies that the key values are to be serialized into the named column. The foreign-key attribute specifies the name of a foreign key to be generated.
MetaData Element
The MetaData element represented here is as follows
<!ELEMENT element (extension*,embedded?,column*,foreign-key?,index?,unique?,extension*)> <!ATTLIST element column CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST element delete-action (restrict|cascade|null|default|none) #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST element update-action CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST element indexed (true|false|unique) #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST element unique (true|false) #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST element mapped-by CDATA #IMPLIED>
@since 1.1
@version $Revision: 1.19 $