@author 11.2
A representation of the model object '
The following features are supported:
- {@link OntoUML.Element#getContainer Container}
@see OntoUML.OntoUMLPackage#getElement()
@author Carmelo Salafia
A representation of the model object '
The following features are supported:
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getType Type}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getValue Value}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getName Name}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getProperties Properties}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getStaticProperties Static Properties}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getStaticCallProperties Static Call Properties}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getDefaultChildren Default Children}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getFactory Factory}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.Element#getValues Values}
@see at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.fxgraph.fXGraph.FXGraphPackage#getElement()
A representation of the model object '
The following features are supported:
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.rrobot.model.bundle.Element#getName Name}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.rrobot.model.bundle.Element#getAttributes Attributes}
- {@link at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.rrobot.model.bundle.Element#getChildren Children}
@see at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.rrobot.model.bundle.BundlePackage#getElement()
@author marcio.endo@objectos.com.br (Marcio Endo)
An element in the execution tree.
@author Michael Ruflin
@author jwu
@since 01/12, 2011
This interface describes any html element that knows how to dump itself to an java.io.Writer
User: msundell
User: msundell
User: msundell
This class represents an element. It is built from the node name and node text contents.
User: Antoine Mischler
Date: 11/04/11 Time: 22:22 Model object wrapping an object field.
@author josh
A JavaScript object for {@link DomElement}.
@version $Revision: 5301 $
@author Ahmed Ashour
@author Marc Guillemot
@author Sudhan Moghe
The interface {@code Element} defines the behavior common to all of the elements in the elementmodel. Generally speaking, the element model is a semantic model of the program that represents things that are declared with a name and hence can be referenced elsewhere in the code.
There are two exceptions to the general case. First, there are elements in the element model that are created for the convenience of various kinds of analysis but that do not have any corresponding declaration within the source code. Such elements are marked as being synthetic. Examples of synthetic elements include
- default constructors in classes that do not define any explicit constructors,
- getters and setters that are induced by explicit field declarations,
- fields that are induced by explicit declarations of getters and setters, and
- functions representing the initialization expression for a variable.
Second, there are elements in the element model that do not have a name. These correspond to unnamed functions and exist in order to more accurately represent the semantic structure of the program.
@coverage dart.engine.element
All HTML element interfaces derive from this class.
An opaque handle to a native DOM Element. An Element
cannot be created directly. Instead, use the Element
type when returning a native DOM element from JSNI methods. An Element
passed back into JSNI becomes the original DOM element the Element
was created from, and can be accessed in JavaScript code as expected. This is typically done by calling methods in the {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM} class.
This interface represents XML DOM elements, which are the basic building block of XML. An example follows:
Some text more text
A core component of a module or injector.
The elements of a module can be inspected, validated and rewritten. Use {@link Elements#getElements(com.google.inject.Module[]) Elements.getElements()} to read the elementsfrom a module, and {@link com.google.inject.spi.ModuleWriter} to rewrite them. This can be usedfor static analysis and generation of Guice modules.
The elements of an injector can be inspected and exercised. Use {@link com.google.inject.Injector#getBindings Injector.getBindings()} to reflect on Guice injectors.
@author jessewilson@google.com (Jesse Wilson)
@since 2.0
Stylable XML/HTML Element representation. Also used to represent an anonymous parent element of the document root while parsing, in order to simplify the process and to avoid an additional document class.
@author Stefan Haustein
Elements are non-text content within a document. What the represent is generally abstracted from the Robot. Although a Robot can query the properties of an element it can only interact with the specific types that the element represents.
User: Dario Wunsch Date: 09.12.2010 Time: 7:01:04
Element - abstract class for all pattern elements
A type of Node with a particular tagName that has a set of attributes and can contain other nodes as children. An example of its form in XML in the form
<tagName attr1="value1" attr2="value2"> text <childTag...> <childTag...> text <childTag...> text </tagName>
Copyright (C) 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company. This file is part of Sparta, an XML Parser, DOM, and XPath library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
GNU Lesser General Public License
@version $Date: 2003/10/28 00:25:11 $ $Revision: 1.10 $
@author Eamonn O'Brien-Strain
@see org.w3c.dom.Element
@stereotype container
Interface for a text element.
Remark: I looked at the interface javax.swing.text.Element, but I decided to write my own text-classes for two reasons:
- The javax.swing.text-classes may be very generic, I think they are overkill: they are to heavy for what they have to do.
- A lot of people using iText (formerly known as rugPdf), still use JDK1.1.x. I try to keep the Java2 requirements limited to the Collection classes (I think they're really great). However, if I use the javax.swing.text classes, it will become very difficult to downgrade rugPdf.
@see Anchor
@see Chapter
@see Chunk
@see Header
@see Image
@see Jpeg
@see List
@see ListItem
@see Meta
@see Paragraph
@see Phrase
@see Rectangle
@see Section
Interface for a text element.
Remark: I looked at the interface javax.swing.text.Element, but I decided to write my own text-classes for two reasons:
- The javax.swing.text-classes may be very generic, I think they are overkill: they are to heavy for what they have to do.
- A lot of people using iText (formerly known as rugPdf), still use JDK1.1.x. I try to keep the Java2 requirements limited to the Collection classes (I think they're really great). However, if I use the javax.swing.text classes, it will become very difficult to downgrade rugPdf.
@see Anchor
@see Cell
@see Chapter
@see Chunk
@see Header
@see Image
@see Jpeg
@see List
@see ListItem
@see Meta
@see Paragraph
@see Phrase
@see Rectangle
@see Row
@see Section
@see Table
Allows access decisions to be made on the basis of whether a member is static or not. Also blocks or allows access to properties.
Element declaration.
@author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
{@link TypeInfo} that maps to an element.Either {@link ElementInfo} or {@link ClassInfo}.
@author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
{@link TypeInfo} that maps to an element.Either {@link ElementInfo} or {@link ClassInfo}.
@author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
@author Stephen Mallette (http://stephen.genoprime.com)
Warning: This is a facade provided for use by user code, not for implementation by user code. User implementations of this interface are highly likely to be incompatible with future releases of the product at both binary and source levels.
@mock.generate base="Node"
This class is a wrapper around the WebElement object that Webdriver provides. It has the same methods as the WebElement and has a lot of more methods.
This class is a wrapper around the WebElement object that Webdriver provides. It has the same methods as the WebElement and has a lot of more methods.
Abstract base class for all COLLADA elements.
@author Klaus Reimer (k@ailis.de)
The Element.
@author void
Element node.
3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/" title="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/" target="_blank">DOM Core Specification—describes the core interfaces shared by most DOM objects in HTML and XML documents
- DOM HTML Specification—describes interfaces for objects in HTML and XHTML documents that build on the core specification
- DOM Events Specification—describes events shared by most DOM objects, building on the DOM Core and Views specifications
- Element Traversal Specification—describes the new attributes that allow traversal of elements in the DOM tree New in Firefox 3.5
The articles listed here span the above and include links to the appropriate W3C DOM specification.
While these interfaces are generally shared by most HTML and XML elements, there are more specialized interfaces for particular objects listed in the DOM HTML Specification. Note, however, that these HTML interfaces are "only for [HTML 4.01] and [XHTML 1.0] documents and are not guaranteed to work with any future version of XHTML." The HTML 5 draft does state it aims for backwards compatibility with these HTML interfaces but says of them that "some features that were formerly deprecated, poorly supported, rarely used or considered unnecessary have been removed." One can avoid the potential conflict by moving entirely to DOM XML attribute methods such as getAttribute()
, Head
, Link
, Title
, Meta
, Base
, IsIndex
, Style
, Body
, Form
, Select
, OptGroup
, Option, Input
, TextArea
, Button
, Label
, FieldSet
, Legend
, UList
, OList
, DList
, Directory
, Menu
, LI
, Div
, Paragraph
, Heading
, Quote
, Pre
, BR
, BaseFont
, Font
, HR
, Mod
, Anchor
, Image
, Object
, Param
, Applet
, Map
, Area
, Script
, Table
, TableCaption
, TableCol
, TableSection
, TableRow
, TableCell
, FrameSet
, Frame
, IFrame
Represents a program element such as a package, class, or method. Each element represents a static, language-level construct (and not, for example, a runtime construct of the virtual machine).
Elements should be compared using the {@link #equals(Object)}method. There is no guarantee that any particular element will always be represented by the same object.
To implement operations based on the class of an {@code Element} object, either use a {@linkplain ElementVisitor visitor} oruse the result of the {@link #getKind} method. Using {@code instanceof} is not necessarily a reliable idiom fordetermining the effective class of an object in this modeling hierarchy since an implementation may choose to have a single object implement multiple {@code Element} subinterfaces.
@author Joseph D. Darcy
@author Scott Seligman
@author Peter von der Ahé
@see Elements
@see TypeMirror
@since 1.6
Interface to describe a structural piece of a document. It is intended to capture the spirit of an SGML element.
@author Timothy Prinzing
Tag node.
Enhanced {@link org.w3c.dom.Element} for web platform.
@version 2013/07/30 19:05:51
@author Mobius
@version $Revision: 1.0 $
3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification.
The Element interface represents an element in an XML document. Elements may have attributes associated with them. There are methods on the Element interface to retrieve either an {@linkplain Attribute attribute instance} orattribute value by name.
This interface implements {@link HasText} and returns the text of the firstchild in case the first child itself implements {@link HasText}. In all other cases the {@link HasText#getText()} method returns null
@author $Author$
@version $Date$ $Revision: 78$
3.org/TR/html401/intro/sgmltut.html#h-3.2.1">element in a specific {@linkplain Source source} document, which encompasses a {@linkplain #getStartTag() start tag}, an optional {@linkplain #getEndTag() end tag} and all {@linkplain #getContent() content} in between.
Take the following HTML segment as an example:
<p>This is a sample paragraph.</p>
The whole segment is represented by an Element
object. This is comprised of the {@link StartTag} "<p>
",the {@link EndTag} "</p>
", as well as the text in between.An element may also contain other elements between its start and end tags.
The term normal element refers to an element having a {@linkplain #getStartTag() start tag}with a {@linkplain StartTag#getStartTagType() type} of {@link StartTagType#NORMAL}. This comprises all {@linkplain HTMLElements HTML elements} and non-HTML elements.
instances are obtained using one of the following methods:
- {@link StartTag#getElement()}
- {@link EndTag#getElement()}
- {@link Segment#getAllElements()}
- {@link Segment#getAllElements(String name)}
- {@link Segment#getAllElements(StartTagType)}
See also the {@link HTMLElements} class, and the
XML 1.0 specification for elements.
The three possible structures of an element are listed below:
- Single Tag Element:
- Example:
<img src="mypicture.jpg">
The element consists only of a single {@linkplain #getStartTag() start tag} and has no {@linkplain #getContent() element content}(although the start tag itself may have {@linkplain StartTag#getTagContent() tag content}).
{@link #getEndTag()}==null
{@link #isEmpty()}==true
{@link #getEnd() getEnd()}==
{@link #getStartTag()}.
{@link #getEnd() getEnd()}
This occurs in the following situations:
- An HTML element for which the {@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagForbiddenElementNames() end tag is forbidden}.
- An HTML element for which the {@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagRequiredElementNames() end tag is required}, but the end tag is not present in the source document.
- An HTML element for which the {@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagOptionalElementNames() end tag is optional}, where the implicitly terminating tag is situated immediately after the element's {@linkplain #getStartTag() start tag}.
- An {@linkplain #isEmptyElementTag() empty element tag}
- A non-HTML element that is not an {@linkplain #isEmptyElementTag() empty element tag} but is missing its end tag.
- An element with a start tag of a {@linkplain StartTag#getStartTagType() type} that does not define a{@linkplain StartTagType#getCorrespondingEndTagType() corresponding end tag type}.
- An element with a start tag of a {@linkplain StartTag#getStartTagType() type} that does define a{@linkplain StartTagType#getCorrespondingEndTagType() corresponding end tag type} but is missing its end tag.
- Explicitly Terminated Element:
- Example:
<p>This is a sample paragraph.</p>
The element consists of a {@linkplain #getStartTag() start tag}, {@linkplain #getContent() content}, and an {@linkplain #getEndTag() end tag}.
{@link #getEndTag()}!=null
{@link #isEmpty()}==false
(provided the end tag doesn't immediately follow the start tag)
{@link #getEnd() getEnd()}==
{@link #getEndTag()}.
{@link #getEnd() getEnd()}.
This occurs in the following situations, assuming the start tag's matching end tag is present in the source document:
- An HTML element for which the end tag is either {@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagRequiredElementNames() required} or {@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagOptionalElementNames() optional}.
- A non-HTML element that is not an {@linkplain #isEmptyElementTag() empty element tag}.
- An element with a start tag of a {@linkplain StartTag#getStartTagType() type} that defines a{@linkplain StartTagType#getCorrespondingEndTagType() corresponding end tag type}.
- Implicitly Terminated Element:
- Example:
<p>This text is included in the paragraph element even though no end tag is present.
<p>This is the next paragraph.
The element consists of a {@linkplain #getStartTag() start tag} and {@linkplain #getContent() content}, but no {@linkplain #getEndTag() end tag}.
{@link #getEndTag()}==null
{@link #isEmpty()}==false
{@link #getEnd() getEnd()}!=
{@link #getStartTag()}.
{@link #getEnd() getEnd()}.
This only occurs in an HTML element for which the {@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagOptionalElementNames() end tag is optional}.
The element ends at the start of a tag which implies the termination of the element, called the implicitly terminating tag. If the implicitly terminating tag is situated immediately after the element's {@linkplain #getStartTag() start tag}, the element is classed as a single tag element.
See the element parsing rules for HTML elements with optional end tags for details on which tags can implicitly terminate a given element.
See also the documentation of the {@link HTMLElements#getEndTagOptionalElementNames()} method.
The following rules describe the algorithm used in the {@link StartTag#getElement()} method to construct an element.The detection of the start tag's matching end tag or other terminating tags always takes into account the possible nesting of elements.
- If the start tag has a {@linkplain StartTag#getStartTagType() type} of {@link StartTagType#NORMAL}:
- If the {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name} of the start tag matches one of therecognised {@linkplain HTMLElementName HTML element names} (indicating an HTML element):
- If the end tag for an element of this {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name} is{@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagForbiddenElementNames() forbidden}, the parser does not conduct any search for an end tag and a single tag element is created.
- If the end tag for an element of this {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name} is {@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagRequiredElementNames() required}, the parser searches for the start tag's matching end tag.
- If the matching end tag is found, an explicitly terminated element is created.
- If no matching end tag is found, the source document is not valid HTML and the incident is {@linkplain Source#getLogger() logged} as a missing required end tag.In this situation a single tag element is created.
- If the end tag for an element of this {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name} is{@linkplain HTMLElements#getEndTagOptionalElementNames() optional}, the parser searches not only for the start tag's matching end tag, but also for any other tag that implicitly terminates the element.
For each tag (T2) following the start tag (ST1) of this element (E1): - If T2 is a start tag:
- If the {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name} of T2 is in the list of{@linkplain HTMLElements#getNonterminatingElementNames(String) non-terminating element names} for E1,then continue evaluating tags from the {@linkplain Element#getEnd() end} of T2's corresponding{@linkplain StartTag#getElement() element}.
- If the {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name} of T2 is in the list of{@linkplain HTMLElements#getTerminatingStartTagNames(String) terminating start tag names} for E1,then E1 ends at the {@linkplain StartTag#getBegin() beginning} of T2.If T2 follows immediately after ST1, a single tag element is created, otherwise an implicitly terminated element is created.
- If T2 is an end tag:
- If the {@linkplain EndTag#getName() name} of T2 is the same as that of ST1,an explicitly terminated element is created.
- If the {@linkplain EndTag#getName() name} of T2 is in the list of{@linkplain HTMLElements#getTerminatingEndTagNames(String) terminating end tag names} for E1,then E1 ends at the {@linkplain EndTag#getBegin() beginning} of T2.If T2 follows immediately after ST1, a single tag element is created, otherwise an implicitly terminated element is created.
- If no more tags are present in the source document, then E1 ends at the end of the file, and an implicitly terminated element is created.
Note that the syntactical indication of an {@linkplain StartTag#isSyntacticalEmptyElementTag() empty-element tag} in the start tagis ignored when determining the end of HTML elements. See the documentation of the {@link #isEmptyElementTag()} method for more information. - If the {@linkplain StartTag#getName() name} of the start tag does not match one of therecognised {@linkplain HTMLElementName HTML element names} (indicating a non-HTML element):
- If the start tag is {@linkplain StartTag#isSyntacticalEmptyElementTag() syntactically an empty-element tag}, the parser does not conduct any search for an end tag and a single tag element is created.
- Otherwise, section 3.1 of the XML 1.0 specification states that a matching end tag MUST be present, and the parser searches for the start tag's matching end tag.
- If the matching end tag is found, an explicitly terminated element is created.
- If no matching end tag is found, the source document is not valid XML and the incident is {@linkplain Source#getLogger() logged} as a missing required end tag.In this situation a single tag element is created.
- If the start tag has any {@linkplain StartTag#getStartTagType() type} other than {@link StartTagType#NORMAL}:
- If the start tag's type does not define a {@linkplain StartTagType#getCorrespondingEndTagType() corresponding end tag type}, the parser does not conduct any search for an end tag and a single tag element is created.
- If the start tag's type does define a {@linkplain StartTagType#getCorrespondingEndTagType() corresponding end tag type}, the parser assumes that a matching end tag is required and searches for it.
@see HTMLElements
@author Nakou
base class for types
@author James Watson
A Cache Element, consisting of a key, value and attributes.
From ehcache-1.2, Elements can have keys and values that are Serializable or Objects. To preserve backward compatibility, special accessor methods for Object keys and values are provided: {@link #getObjectKey()} and{@link #getObjectValue()}. If placing Objects in ehcache, developers must use the new getObject... methods to avoid CacheExceptions. The get... methods are reserved for Serializable keys and values.
@author Greg Luck
@version $Id: Element.java 744 2008-08-16 20:10:49Z gregluck $
@author luc peuvrier
Element of a simple read-only tree intended to be built during a SAX event stream. The tree provides context to a ContentHandler implementation.
Definition of an element.
An element.
@version $Id$
@author hsivonen
This class represents an XML element. Each element has the following properties:
- Local name
- Prefix (which may be null or the empty string)
- Namespace URI (which may be null or the empty string)
- A list of attributes
- A list of namespace declarations for this element (not including those inherited from its parent)
- A list of child nodes
@author Elliotte Rusty Harold
@version 1.2.7
Represents one XML element.
@author Tom Baeyens
@author Joram Barrez
Root interface for all elements in the Feed Object Model
@author Saliya Ekanayake (esaliya@gmail.com)
This class represents a TypeEntry that is a type (complexType, simpleType, etc.
@author Rich Scheuerle (scheu@us.ibm.com)
Characteristics of the "Element" value. The Element value is ready for marshalling or is the result of unmarshalling. The Element value represents the element rendering. Thus it is either a JAXBElement or has the @XmlRootElement annotation. (i.e. it is never a java.lang.String) The Element value is not a JAX-WS object. (i.e. it is not a holder or exception) Characteristics of the "Type" value It is the type value associated with the element value. (Thus it is either the element value or it is value of the JAXBElement The type value is usually the object needed for the method signature (i.e. String)
Here is an example for illustration:
... .. .. JAXB will generate the following objects: E1, T2, E3 E1 will have an @XMLRootElement annotation. It is "element" and "type" enabled. e2 does not have a generated object. So it will be represented as a JAXBElement that contains an object T2. The JAXBElement is "element" enabled. T2 represents a complexType. It is only "type" enabled. E3 represents the e3 complexType (it does not represent the e3 element). Thus E3 is "type enabled". When JAXB unmarshals an object, it will return an "element" enabled object (either a generatated object with @XMLRootElement or a JAXBElement). Conversely, you must always marshal "element" enabled objects.
@see PDElement At the signature level, the values passed as arguments in an SEI operation represent type enabled objects. Each of the object must be converted to an element enabled object to marshal (or conversely converted to a type enabled object when unmarshalling)
Provides a base class for rendering HTML elements, for example JavaScript (<script>) and Cascading Stylesheets (<link> / <style>).
Subclasses should override {@link #getTag()} to return a specific HTML tag.
An element represents an XML Element. It contains a name, a namepace, {@link Attribute} objectsand sub-elements. This class is used to parse iPOJO metadata.
Felix Project Team
Simplified read-only thread safe DOM. Currently, no support for namespaces, but that may come.
@author Howard Lewis Ship
A meta data element.
@author mattmann
@version $Revision$
A metadata element.
Abstract base class for elements.
TODO Add style properties.
TODO Add style class property.
Node class representing an XML element.
An element that will render with a begin tag and attributes, a body, and an end tag. Also acts as a factory for enclosed Element, Text and Comment nodes. TODO: Support for CDATA nodes. Do we need Entity nodes?
An element that will render with a begin tag and attributes, a body, and an end tag. Also acts as a factory for enclosed Element, Text and Comment nodes.
TODO: Support for CDATA nodes. Do we need Entity nodes?
@author Cezar Andrei (cezar.andrei at bea.com) Date: Jul 16, 2004
Represents one XML element.
@author Tom Baeyens
@author Joram Barrez
A representation of an Element XML node.
Edward Kuns
@version $Revision: 0000 $ $Date: 2007-01-11 00:00:00 -0600 (Thu, 11 Jan 2007) $
@since Castor 1.1
An accessor that is marshalled in xml to an xml element.
@author Ryan Heaton
Jason van Zyl
@version $Id: Element.java 2336 2005-07-18 21:05:55Z jvanzyl $
interface defines an XML element. An element can have declared namespaces, attributes, child nodes and textual content.
Some of this interface is optional. Some implementations may be read-only and not support being modified. Some implementations may not support the parent relationship and methods such as {@link #getParent}or {@link #getDocument}.
James Strachan
@version $Revision: 1.47 $
@since 1.0
@author yyang
The super type of all AST elements used in this package
@author Sven Efftinge
@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
Instances of this interface are intended to represent XML Schema Elements.
@author dzwiers www.refractions.net
@source $URL$
An element is a part of a graph (node, edge, the graph itself).
An interface that defines common method to manipulate identifiers, attributes and indices of the elements (graph, nodes and edges) of a graph.
Attributes can be any object and are identified by arbitrary strings. Some attributes are stored as numbers or strings and are in this case named number, label or vector. There are utility methods to handle these attributes ( {@link #getNumber(String)}, {@link #getLabel(String)}) or {@link #getVector(String)}, however they are also accessible through the more general method {@link #getAttribute(String)}.
Implementing classes should indicate the complexity of their implementation for each method.
@since July 12 2007
Abstract base class for all pipeline elements.
Element is the abstract base class needed to construct an element that can be used in a GStreamer pipeline. Please refer to the plugin writers guide for more information on creating Element subclasses.
The name of a Element can be retrieved with {@link #getName} and set with{@link #setName}.
All elements have pads (of the type {@link Pad}). These pads link to pads on other elements. {@link Buffer}s flow between these linked pads. An Element has a list of {@link Pad} structures for all their input (or sink)and output (or source) pads. Core and plug-in writers can add and remove pads with {@link #addPad}and {@link #removePad}.
A pad of an element can be retrieved by name with {@link #getPad}. An list of all pads can be retrieved with {@link #getPads}.
Elements can be linked through their pads. If the link is straightforward, use the {@link #link}convenience function to link two elements, or {@link #linkMany}for more elements in a row.
For finer control, use {@link #linkPads} and {@link #linkPadsFiltered}to specify the pads to link on each element by name.
Each element has a state (see {@link State}). You can get and set the state of an element with {@link #getState} and {@link #setState}.
@author Thomas.Diesler@jboss.com
@since 14-May-2012
An XML element. Methods allow the user to get and manipulate its child elements and content, directly access the element's textual content, manipulate its attributes, and manage namespaces.
@version $Revision: 1.159 $, $Date: 2007/11/14 05:02:08 $
@author Brett McLaughlin
@author Jason Hunter
@author Lucas Gonze
@author Kevin Regan
@author Dan Schaffer
@author Yusuf Goolamabbas
@author Kent C. Johnson
@author Jools Enticknap
@author Alex Rosen
@author Bradley S. Huffman
@author Victor Toni
report.sourceforge.net/namespaces/engine/flow' namespace and in the 'http://jfreereport.sourceforge.net/namespaces/engine/compatibility' namespace are considered internal. You should only touch them, if you really know what you are doing.
@author Thomas Morgner
Base class for all elements within a form. All forms, containers and form fields must override this class.
A HTML element consists of a tag name, attributes, and child nodes (including text nodes and other elements). From an Element, you can extract data, traverse the node graph, and manipulate the HTML.
@author Jonathan Hedley, jonathan@hedley.net
experimental thread local class for tracing inhabitant initialization and module resolution
@author Jerome Dochez
In order to create an element, please use the createElement method instead of invoking the constructor directly. The right place to add user defined initialization code is the init method.
A part of a pattern, represents the 'token' element of the grammar.xml.
@author Daniel Naber
object represents an item of the printing framework and has the following characteristics:
Each object to be included in a Page must implement this interface.
@author Richard Gould
@since 0.3
@author Johan Hall
@author Jeff Butler
Interface for UCR elements (containers, variables)
@author Andreas
@responsible Andreas
ted elsewhere ElementStyleSheet globalStyle = report.getStyleSheetCollection().createStyleSheet ("a name for the global style");
Element element = .. // created elsewhere element.getStyleSheet().addParent(globalStyle); report.getItemBand().addElement (element);
Global stylesheets will always be queried before the parent's stylesheet gets queried. The order of the add-operation does matter, StyleSheets which are added last will be preferred over previously added stylesheets.
@author David Gilbert
@author Thomas Morgner
@noinspection ClassReferencesSubclass
@author Maksim Kaszynski
Hold data for screen captured data for one UI element
@author Jian Fang (John.Jian.Fang@gmail.com)Date: Dec 10, 2008
An Element node in a Thymeleaf DOM tree. In XML-based templates, Elements normally correspond to tags.
Elements are nestable nodes, and therefore have children. Besides, they have a sequence of attributes, each of them with a value. Attributes are modeled by means of the {@link Attribute} class.
@author Daniel Fernández
@since 2.0.0
@author chamanx
The Element
interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document. Elements may have attributes associated with them; since the Element
interface inherits from Node
, the generic Node
interface attribute attributes
may be used to retrieve the set of all attributes for an element. There are methods on the Element
interface to retrieve either an Attr
object by name or an attribute value by name. In XML, where an attribute value may contain entity references, an Attr
object should be retrieved to examine the possibly fairly complex sub-tree representing the attribute value. On the other hand, in HTML, where all attributes have simple string values, methods to directly access an attribute value can safely be used as a convenience. In DOM Level 2, the method normalize
is inherited from the Node
interface where it was moved.
Mimics a DOM Element node.
The iDOM element.
@author tomyeh
@see Attribute
Abstract base class for elements.
TODO Add style properties.
TODO Add style class property.
@author gbrown
Element should be a generic element in the Level. Creating an element you don't care about how JBox2D works. you just set the shape, the position, density, friction, the sprites, ecc.
@author Antonio Ragagnin
Elements are the basic objects that can be created and edited in diagram components. Basically, an element is a shape that can be translated, removed and restored.
@author zxpletran007
Element is basic building block for constructing data processing pipes. It has one or more contact pads, which can be wired with other elements using links.