private final Pattern titlePattern = Pattern.compile("(?:Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr|Miss|Sen|Judge|Sir)\\.?"); // todo: should make static final and add more titles
protected Collection<String> featuresC(PaddedList<IN> cInfo, int loc) {
CoreLabel p3 = cInfo.get(loc - 3);
CoreLabel p2 = cInfo.get(loc - 2);
CoreLabel p = cInfo.get(loc - 1);
CoreLabel c = cInfo.get(loc);
CoreLabel n = cInfo.get(loc + 1);
CoreLabel n2 = cInfo.get(loc + 2);
String cWord = getWord(c);
String pWord = getWord(p);
String nWord = getWord(n);
String cShape = c.getString(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class);
String pShape = p.getString(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class);
String nShape = n.getString(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class);
Collection<String> featuresC = new ArrayList<String>();
if (flags.useDistSim) {
if (flags.useBagOfWords) {
for (IN word : cInfo) {
featuresC.add(getWord(word) + "-BAGOFWORDS");
if (flags.useDistSim && flags.useMoreTags) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + cWord + "-PDISTSIM-CWORD");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-DISTSIM");
if (flags.useTitle) {
Matcher m = titlePattern.matcher(cWord);
if (m.matches()) {
if (flags.useInternal && flags.useExternal ) {
if (flags.useWord) {
featuresC.add(cWord + "-WORD");
if (flags.use2W) {
featuresC.add(getWord(p2) + "-P2W");
featuresC.add(getWord(n2) + "-N2W");
if (flags.useLC) {
featuresC.add(cWord.toLowerCase() + "-CL");
featuresC.add(pWord.toLowerCase() + "-PL");
featuresC.add(nWord.toLowerCase() + "-NL");
if (flags.useUnknown) { // for true casing
if (flags.useLemmas) {
String lem = c.getString(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class);
if (! "".equals(lem)) {
featuresC.add(lem + "-LEM");
if (flags.usePrevNextLemmas) {
String plem = p.getString(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class);
String nlem = n.getString(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class);
if (! "".equals(plem)) {
featuresC.add(plem + "-PLEM");
if (! "".equals(nlem)) {
featuresC.add(nlem + "-NLEM");
if (flags.checkNameList) {
try {
if (lastNames == null) {
lastNames = Generics.newHashSet();
for (String line : ObjectBank.getLineIterator(flags.lastNameList)) {
String[] cols = line.split("\\s+");
if (maleNames == null) {
maleNames = Generics.newHashSet();
for (String line : ObjectBank.getLineIterator(flags.maleNameList)) {
String[] cols = line.split("\\s+");
if (femaleNames == null) {
femaleNames = Generics.newHashSet();
for (String line : ObjectBank.getLineIterator(flags.femaleNameList)) {
String[] cols = line.split("\\s+");
String name = cWord.toUpperCase();
if (lastNames.contains(name)) {
if (maleNames.contains(name)) {
if (femaleNames.contains(name)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (flags.binnedLengths != null) {
int len = cWord.length();
String featureName = null;
for (int i = 0; i <= flags.binnedLengths.length; i++) {
if (i == flags.binnedLengths.length) {
featureName = "Len-" + flags.binnedLengths[flags.binnedLengths.length - 1] + "-Inf";
} else if (len <= flags.binnedLengths[i]) {
featureName = "Len-" + ((i == 0) ? 1 : flags.binnedLengths[i - 1]) + '-' + flags.binnedLengths[i];
if (flags.useABGENE) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbgeneAnnotation.class) + "-ABGENE");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.AbgeneAnnotation.class) + "-PABGENE");
featuresC.add(n.get(CoreAnnotations.AbgeneAnnotation.class) + "-NABGENE");
if (flags.useABSTRFreqDict) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbstrAnnotation.class) + "-ABSTRACT" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.FreqAnnotation.class) + "-FREQ" + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TAG");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbstrAnnotation.class) + "-ABSTRACT" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DictAnnotation.class) + "-DICT" + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TAG");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbstrAnnotation.class) + "-ABSTRACT" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DictAnnotation.class) + "-DICT" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.FreqAnnotation.class) + "-FREQ" + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TAG");
if (flags.useABSTR) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbstrAnnotation.class) + "-ABSTRACT");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.AbstrAnnotation.class) + "-PABSTRACT");
featuresC.add(n.get(CoreAnnotations.AbstrAnnotation.class) + "-NABSTRACT");
if (flags.useGENIA) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.GeniaAnnotation.class) + "-GENIA");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.GeniaAnnotation.class) + "-PGENIA");
featuresC.add(n.get(CoreAnnotations.GeniaAnnotation.class) + "-NGENIA");
if (flags.useWEBFreqDict) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.WebAnnotation.class) + "-WEB" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.FreqAnnotation.class) + "-FREQ" + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TAG");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.WebAnnotation.class) + "-WEB" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DictAnnotation.class) + "-DICT" + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TAG");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.WebAnnotation.class) + "-WEB" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DictAnnotation.class) + "-DICT" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.FreqAnnotation.class) + "-FREQ" + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TAG");
if (flags.useWEB) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.WebAnnotation.class) + "-WEB");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.WebAnnotation.class) + "-PWEB");
featuresC.add(n.get(CoreAnnotations.WebAnnotation.class) + "-NWEB");
if (flags.useIsURL) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.IsURLAnnotation.class) + "-ISURL");
if (flags.useEntityRule) {
if (flags.useEntityTypes) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.EntityTypeAnnotation.class) + "-ENTITYTYPE");
if (flags.useIsDateRange) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.IsDateRangeAnnotation.class) + "-ISDATERANGE");
if (flags.useABSTRFreq) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbstrAnnotation.class) + "-ABSTRACT" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.FreqAnnotation.class) + "-FREQ");
if (flags.useFREQ) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.FreqAnnotation.class) + "-FREQ");
if (flags.useMoreTags) {
featuresC.add(p.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + cWord + "-PTAG-CWORD");
if (flags.usePosition) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.PositionAnnotation.class) + "-POSITION");
if (flags.useBeginSent) {
String pos = c.get(CoreAnnotations.PositionAnnotation.class);
if ("0".equals(pos)) {
featuresC.add(cShape + "-BEGIN-SENT");
} else if (Integer.toString(cInfo.size() - 1).equals(pos)) {
featuresC.add(cShape + "-END-SENT");
} else {
featuresC.add(cShape + "-IN-SENT");
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TAG");
if (flags.useOrdinal) {
if (isOrdinal(cInfo, loc)) {
if (isOrdinal(cInfo, loc-1)) {
//System.err.print(getWord(p) + " ");
if (isOrdinal(cInfo, loc-1)) {
if (flags.usePrev) {
featuresC.add(pWord + "-PW");
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(p.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-PTAG");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-PDISTSIM");
if (flags.useIsURL) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.IsURLAnnotation.class) + "-PISURL");
if (flags.useEntityTypes) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.EntityTypeAnnotation.class) + "-PENTITYTYPE");
if (flags.useNext) {
featuresC.add(nWord + "-NW");
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(n.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-NTAG");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(n.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-NDISTSIM");
if (flags.useIsURL) {
featuresC.add(n.get(CoreAnnotations.IsURLAnnotation.class) + "-NISURL");
if (flags.useEntityTypes) {
featuresC.add(n.get(CoreAnnotations.EntityTypeAnnotation.class) + "-NENTITYTYPE");
/*here, entityTypes refers to the type in the PASCAL IE challenge:
* i.e. certain words are tagged "Date" or "Location" */
if (flags.useEitherSideWord) {
featuresC.add(pWord + "-EW");
featuresC.add(nWord + "-EW");
if (flags.useWordPairs) {
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + pWord + "-W-PW");
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + nWord + "-W-NW");
if (flags.useSymTags) {
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(p.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-PCNTAGS");
featuresC.add(c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-CNTAGS");
featuresC.add(p.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-PCTAGS");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-PCNDISTSIM");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-CNDISTSIM");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-PCDISTSIM");
if (flags.useSymWordPairs) {
featuresC.add(pWord + '-' + nWord + "-SWORDS");
String pGazAnnotation = (flags.useGazFeatures || flags.useMoreGazFeatures) ? p.get(CoreAnnotations.GazAnnotation.class) : null;
String nGazAnnotation = (flags.useGazFeatures || flags.useMoreGazFeatures) ? n.get(CoreAnnotations.GazAnnotation.class) : null;
String cGazAnnotation = (flags.useGazFeatures || flags.useMoreGazFeatures) ? c.get(CoreAnnotations.GazAnnotation.class) : null;
if (flags.useGazFeatures) {
if (cGazAnnotation != null && !cGazAnnotation.equals(flags.dropGaz)) {
featuresC.add(cGazAnnotation + "-GAZ");
// n
if (nGazAnnotation != null && !nGazAnnotation.equals(flags.dropGaz)) {
featuresC.add(nGazAnnotation + "-NGAZ");
// p
if (pGazAnnotation != null && !pGazAnnotation.equals(flags.dropGaz)) {
featuresC.add(pGazAnnotation + "-PGAZ");
if (flags.useMoreGazFeatures) {
if (cGazAnnotation != null && !cGazAnnotation.equals(flags.dropGaz)) {
featuresC.add(cGazAnnotation + '-' + cWord + "-CG-CW-GAZ");
// c-n
if (nGazAnnotation != null && !nGazAnnotation.equals(flags.dropGaz)) {
featuresC.add(cGazAnnotation + '-' + nGazAnnotation + "-CNGAZ");
// p-c
if (pGazAnnotation != null && !pGazAnnotation.equals(flags.dropGaz)) {
featuresC.add(pGazAnnotation + '-' + cGazAnnotation + "-PCGAZ");
if (flags.useAbbr || flags.useMinimalAbbr) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-ABBR");
if (flags.useAbbr1 || flags.useMinimalAbbr1) {
if (!c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class).equals("XX")) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-ABBR");
if (flags.useAbbr) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-PCABBR");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-CNABBR");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-PCNABBR");
if (flags.useAbbr1) {
if (!c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class).equals("XX")) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-PCABBR");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-CNABBR");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-PCNABBR");
if (flags.useChunks) {
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class) + "-PCCHUNK");
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class) + "-CNCHUNK");
featuresC.add(p.get(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class) + '-' + n.get(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class) + "-PCNCHUNK");
if (flags.useMinimalAbbr) {
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-CWABB");
if (flags.useMinimalAbbr1) {
if (!c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class).equals("XX")) {
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.AbbrAnnotation.class) + "-CWABB");
String prevVB = "", nextVB = "";
if (flags.usePrevVB) {
for (int j = loc - 1; ; j--) {
CoreLabel wi = cInfo.get(j);
if (wi == cInfo.getPad()) {
prevVB = "X";
} else if (wi.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class).startsWith("VB")) {
featuresC.add(getWord(wi) + "-PVB");
prevVB = getWord(wi);
if (flags.useNextVB) {
for (int j = loc + 1; ; j++) {
CoreLabel wi = cInfo.get(j);
if (wi == cInfo.getPad()) {
nextVB = "X";
} else if (wi.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class).startsWith("VB")) {
featuresC.add(getWord(wi) + "-NVB");
nextVB = getWord(wi);
if (flags.useVB) {
featuresC.add(prevVB + '-' + nextVB + "-PNVB");
if (flags.useShapeConjunctions) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.PositionAnnotation.class) + cShape + "-POS-SH");
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(c.tag() + cShape + "-TAG-SH");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + cShape + "-DISTSIM-SH");
if (flags.useWordTag) {
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-W-T");
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + p.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-W-PT");
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + n.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-W-NT");
if (flags.useNPHead) {
featuresC.add(c.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.HeadWordAnnotation.class) + "-HW");
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(c.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.HeadWordAnnotation.class) + "-" + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-HW-T");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(c.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.HeadWordAnnotation.class) + "-" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-HW-DISTSIM");
if (flags.useNPGovernor) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.GovernorAnnotation.class) + "-GW");
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.GovernorAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-GW-T");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.GovernorAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-DISTSIM-T1");
if (flags.useHeadGov) {
featuresC.add(c.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.HeadWordAnnotation.class) + "-" + c.get(CoreAnnotations.GovernorAnnotation.class) + "-HW_GW");
if (flags.useClassFeature) {
if (flags.useFirstWord) {
String firstWord = getWord(cInfo.get(0));
if (flags.useNGrams) {
Collection<String> subs = null;
if (flags.cacheNGrams) {
subs = wordToSubstrings.get(cWord);
if (subs == null) {
subs = new ArrayList<String>();
String word = '<' + cWord + '>';
if (flags.lowercaseNGrams) {
word = word.toLowerCase();
if (flags.dehyphenateNGrams) {
word = dehyphenate(word);
if (flags.greekifyNGrams) {
word = greekify(word);
// minimum length substring is 2 letters (hardwired)
// hoist flags.noMidNGrams so only linear in word length for that case
if (flags.noMidNGrams) {
int max = flags.maxNGramLeng >= 0 ? Math.min(flags.maxNGramLeng, word.length()) :
for (int j = 2; j <= max; j++) {
subs.add(intern('#' + word.substring(0, j) + '#'));
int start = flags.maxNGramLeng >= 0 ? Math.max(0, word.length() - flags.maxNGramLeng) :
int lenM1 = word.length() - 1;
for (int i = start; i < lenM1; i++) {
subs.add(intern('#' + word.substring(i) + '#'));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
for (int j = i + 2, max = Math.min(word.length(), i + flags.maxNGramLeng); j <= max; j++) {
if (flags.maxNGramLeng >= 0 && j - i > flags.maxNGramLeng) {
subs.add(intern('#' + word.substring(i, j) + '#'));
if (flags.cacheNGrams) {
wordToSubstrings.put(cWord, subs);
if (flags.conjoinShapeNGrams) {
for (String str : subs) {
String feat = str + '-' + cShape + "-CNGram-CS";
if (flags.useGazettes) {
if (flags.sloppyGazette) {
Collection<String> entries = wordToGazetteEntries.get(cWord);
if (entries != null) {
if (flags.cleanGazette) {
Collection<GazetteInfo> infos = wordToGazetteInfos.get(cWord);
if (infos != null) {
for (GazetteInfo gInfo : infos) {
boolean ok = true;
for (int gLoc = 0; gLoc < gInfo.words.length; gLoc++) {
ok &= gInfo.words[gLoc].equals(getWord(cInfo.get(loc + gLoc - gInfo.loc)));
if (ok) {
if ((flags.wordShape > WordShapeClassifier.NOWORDSHAPE) || (flags.useShapeStrings)) {
featuresC.add(cShape + "-TYPE");
if (flags.useTypeSeqs) {
featuresC.add(pShape + "-PTYPE");
featuresC.add(nShape + "-NTYPE");
featuresC.add(pWord + "..." + cShape + "-PW_CTYPE");
featuresC.add(cShape + "..." + nWord + "-NW_CTYPE");
featuresC.add(pShape + "..." + cShape + "-PCTYPE");
featuresC.add(cShape + "..." + nShape + "-CNTYPE");
featuresC.add(pShape + "..." + cShape + "..." + nShape + "-PCNTYPE");
if (flags.useLastRealWord) {
if (pWord.length() <= 3) {
// extending this to check for 2 short words doesn't seem to help....
featuresC.add(getWord(p2) + "..." + cShape + "-PPW_CTYPE");
if (flags.useNextRealWord) {
if (nWord.length() <= 3) {
// extending this to check for 2 short words doesn't seem to help....
featuresC.add(getWord(n2) + "..." + cShape + "-NNW_CTYPE");
if (flags.useOccurrencePatterns) {
featuresC.addAll(occurrencePatterns(cInfo, loc));
if (flags.useDisjunctive) {
for (int i = 1; i <= flags.disjunctionWidth; i++) {
CoreLabel dn = cInfo.get(loc + i);
CoreLabel dp = cInfo.get(loc - i);
featuresC.add(getWord(dn) + "-DISJN");
if (flags.useDisjunctiveShapeInteraction) {
featuresC.add(getWord(dn) + '-' + cShape + "-DISJN-CS");
featuresC.add(getWord(dp) + "-DISJP");
if (flags.useDisjunctiveShapeInteraction) {
featuresC.add(getWord(dp) + '-' + cShape + "-DISJP-CS");
if (flags.useWideDisjunctive) {
for (int i = 1; i <= flags.wideDisjunctionWidth; i++) {
featuresC.add(getWord(cInfo.get(loc + i)) + "-DISJWN");
featuresC.add(getWord(cInfo.get(loc - i)) + "-DISJWP");
if (flags.useEitherSideDisjunctive) {
for (int i = 1; i <= flags.disjunctionWidth; i++) {
featuresC.add(getWord(cInfo.get(loc + i)) + "-DISJWE");
featuresC.add(getWord(cInfo.get(loc - i)) + "-DISJWE");
if (flags.useDisjShape) {
for (int i = 1; i <= flags.disjunctionWidth; i++) {
featuresC.add(cInfo.get(loc + i).get(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class) + "-NDISJSHAPE");
// featuresC.add(cInfo.get(loc - i).get(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class) + "-PDISJSHAPE");
featuresC.add(cShape + '-' + cInfo.get(loc + i).get(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class) + "-CNDISJSHAPE");
// featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class) + "-" + cInfo.get(loc - i).get(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class) + "-CPDISJSHAPE");
if (flags.useExtraTaggySequences) {
if (flags.useTags) {
featuresC.add(p2.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + p.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TTS");
featuresC.add(p3.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + p2.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + p.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) + "-TTTS");
if (flags.useDistSim) {
featuresC.add(p2.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + p.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-DISTSIM_TTS1");
featuresC.add(p3.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + p2.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + p.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + '-' + c.get(CoreAnnotations.DistSimAnnotation.class) + "-DISTSIM_TTTS1");
if (flags.useMUCFeatures) {
featuresC.add(c.get(CoreAnnotations.WordPositionAnnotation.class)+ '-' +c.get(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class)+"-WORD_POSITION_SHAPE");
} else if (flags.useInternal) {
if (flags.useWord) {
featuresC.add(cWord + "-WORD");
if (flags.useNGrams) {
Collection<String> subs = wordToSubstrings.get(cWord);
if (subs == null) {
subs = new ArrayList<String>();
String word = '<' + cWord + '>';
if (flags.lowercaseNGrams) {
word = word.toLowerCase();
if (flags.dehyphenateNGrams) {
word = dehyphenate(word);
if (flags.greekifyNGrams) {
word = greekify(word);
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
for (int j = i + 2; j <= word.length(); j++) {
if (flags.noMidNGrams && i != 0 && j != word.length()) {
if (flags.maxNGramLeng >= 0 && j - i > flags.maxNGramLeng) {
//subs.add(intern("#" + word.substring(i, j) + "#"));
subs.add(intern('#' + word.substring(i, j) + '#'));
if (flags.cacheNGrams) {
wordToSubstrings.put(cWord, subs);
if (flags.conjoinShapeNGrams) {
String shape = c.get(CoreAnnotations.ShapeAnnotation.class);
for (String str : subs) {
String feat = str + '-' + shape + "-CNGram-CS";
if ((flags.wordShape > WordShapeClassifier.NOWORDSHAPE) || (flags.useShapeStrings)) {
featuresC.add(cShape + "-TYPE");
if (flags.useOccurrencePatterns) {
featuresC.addAll(occurrencePatterns(cInfo, loc));
} else if (flags.useExternal) {
if (flags.usePrev) {
featuresC.add(pWord + "-PW");
if (flags.useNext) {
featuresC.add(nWord + "-NW");
if (flags.useWordPairs) {
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + pWord + "-W-PW");
featuresC.add(cWord + '-' + nWord + "-W-NW");
if (flags.useSymWordPairs) {
featuresC.add(pWord + '-' + nWord + "-SWORDS");
if ((flags.wordShape > WordShapeClassifier.NOWORDSHAPE) || (flags.useShapeStrings)) {
if (flags.useTypeSeqs) {
featuresC.add(pShape + "-PTYPE");
featuresC.add(nShape + "-NTYPE");
featuresC.add(pWord + "..." + cShape + "-PW_CTYPE");
featuresC.add(cShape + "..." + nWord + "-NW_CTYPE");
if (flags.maxLeft > 0) featuresC.add(pShape + "..." + cShape + "-PCTYPE"); // this one just isn't useful, at least given c,pc,s,ps. Might be useful 0th-order
featuresC.add(cShape + "..." + nShape + "-CNTYPE");
featuresC.add(pShape + "..." + cShape + "..." + nShape + "-PCNTYPE");
if (flags.useLastRealWord) {
if (pWord.length() <= 3) {
featuresC.add(getWord(p2) + "..." + cShape + "-PPW_CTYPE");
if (flags.useNextRealWord) {
if (nWord.length() <= 3) {
featuresC.add(getWord(n2) + "..." + cShape + "-NNW_CTYPE");
if (flags.useDisjunctive) {
for (int i = 1; i <= flags.disjunctionWidth; i++) {
CoreLabel dn = cInfo.get(loc + i);
CoreLabel dp = cInfo.get(loc - i);
featuresC.add(getWord(dn) + "-DISJN");
if (flags.useDisjunctiveShapeInteraction) {
featuresC.add(getWord(dn) + '-' + cShape + "-DISJN-CS");
featuresC.add(getWord(dp) + "-DISJP");