
Examples of

            if (newBody.type.arity() != returnDecl.type.arity())
               throw new ErrorType(newBody.span(),
               "Function return type is "+returnDecl.type+",\nso the body must be a relation with arity "
               +returnDecl.type.arity()+".\nSo the body's type cannot be: "+newBody.type);
        if (newBody.mult!=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(newBody.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here.");
        this.body = newBody;
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        boolean ambiguous = false;
        JoinableList<Err> errs = emptyListOfErrors;
        TempList<Expr> newargs = new TempList<Expr>(args.size());
        if (args.size() != fun.count()) {
            errs = errs.make(
              new ErrorSyntax(pos, ""+fun+" has "+fun.count()+" parameters but is called with "+args.size()+" arguments."));
        for(int i=0; i<args.size(); i++) {
            final int a = (i<fun.count()) ? fun.get(i).type.arity() : 0;
            final Expr x = args.get(i).typecheck_as_set();
            ambiguous = ambiguous || x.ambiguous;
            errs = errs.make(x.errors);
            weight = weight + x.weight;
            if (x.mult!=0) errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(x.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here."));
            if (a>0 && x.errors.isEmpty() && !x.type.hasArity(a))
              errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(x.span(), "This should have arity "+a+" but instead its possible type(s) are "+x.type));
        Type t=Type.FORMULA;
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            Type ans = x.sub.accept(this);
            return ans;
        @Override public Type visit(ExprCall x) throws Err {
            throw new ErrorSyntax(x.span(), "Return type declaration cannot contain predicate/function calls.");
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        Type commonArity = null;
        for(int i=0; i<args.size(); i++) {
            Expr a = (op==Op.AND || op==Op.OR) ? args.get(i).typecheck_as_formula() : args.get(i).typecheck_as_set();
            ambiguous = ambiguous || a.ambiguous;
            weight = weight + a.weight;
            if (a.mult != 0) errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(a.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here."));
            if (!a.errors.isEmpty()) errs = errs.make(a.errors); else if (commonArity==null) commonArity = a.type; else commonArity = commonArity.pickCommonArity(a.type);
            if (op==Op.AND) addAND(newargs, a); else if (op==Op.OR) addOR(newargs, a); else newargs.add(a);
        if (op==Op.TOTALORDER) {
           if (newargs.size()!=3) {
              errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(pos, "The builtin pred/totalOrder[] predicate must be called with exactly three arguments."));
           } else if (errs.isEmpty()) {
              if (!newargs.get(0).type.hasArity(1)) errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The first argument to pred/totalOrder must be unary."));
              if (!newargs.get(1).type.hasArity(1)) errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The second argument to pred/totalOrder must be unary."));
              if (!newargs.get(2).type.hasArity(2)) errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The third argument to pred/totalOrder must be binary."));
        if (op==Op.DISJOINT) {
           if (newargs.size()<2) errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(pos, "The builtin disjoint[] predicate must be called with at least two arguments."));
           if (commonArity==EMPTY) errs = errs.make(new ErrorType(pos, "The builtin predicate disjoint[] cannot be used among expressions of different arities."));
        return new ExprList(pos, closingBracket, op, ambiguous, newargs.makeConst(), weight, errs);
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     * @param left - the then-clause
     * @param right - the else-clause
    public static Expr make(Pos pos, Expr cond, Expr left, Expr right) {
        JoinableList<Err> errs = emptyListOfErrors;
        if (cond.mult != 0) errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(cond.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here."));
        if (left.mult != 0) errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(left.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here."));
        if (right.mult != 0) errs = errs.make(new ErrorSyntax(right.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here."));
        Type c=EMPTY;
        while(left.errors.isEmpty() && right.errors.isEmpty()) {
            Type a=left.type, b=right.type;
            c = a.unionWithCommonArity(b);
            if (a.is_int && b.is_int) c=Type.makeInt(c);
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           if (y.op==ExprUnary.Op.ONEreturn ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF.make(y.pos, y.sub);
        return x;
    private void nod(ExprVar name) throws Err {
        if (name.label.indexOf('$')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(name.pos, "The name cannot contain the '$' symbol.");
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    private void nod(ExprVar name) throws Err {
        if (name.label.indexOf('$')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(name.pos, "The name cannot contain the '$' symbol.");
    private void nod(List<ExprVar> names) throws Err {
        if (names!=null) for(ExprVar n:names) if (n!=null && n.label.indexOf('$')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(n.pos, "The name cannot contain the '$' symbol.");
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        Pos p = o.pos.merge(n!=null ? n.span() : e.span());
        for(int i=s.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
          Sig j=s.get(i).sig;  int k=s.get(i).startingScope;
          if (j.label.equals("univ")) { overall=k; s.remove(i); continue; }
          if (j.label.equals("int"))  { if (bitwidth>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(j.pos, "The bitwidth cannot be specified more than once."); bitwidth=k; s.remove(i); continue; }
          if (j.label.equals("seq"))  { if (maxseq>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(j.pos, "The maximum sequence length cannot be specified more than once."); maxseq=k; s.remove(i); continue; }
        if (n!=null)
          parser.alloymodule.addCommand(follow, p, n.label, o.label.equals("c"), overall, bitwidth, maxseq, expects, s, x);
          parser.alloymodule.addCommand(follow, p, e,       o.label.equals("c"), overall, bitwidth, maxseq, expects, s, x);
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    /** Construct a new simulation context with the given bitwidth and the given maximum sequence length. */
    public SimInstance(Module root, int bitwidth, int maxseq) throws Err {
        if (bitwidth<1 || bitwidth>32) throw new ErrorType("Bitwidth must be between 1 and 32.");
        this.root = root;
        this.bitwidth = bitwidth;
        this.maxseq = maxseq;
        this.callbacks = new HashMap<Func,SimCallback>();
        if (bitwidth==32) { max=Integer.MAX_VALUE; min=Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { max=(1<<(bitwidth-1))-1; min=(0-max)-1; }
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    /** Initializes the given sig to be associated with the given unary value; should only be called at the beginning.
     * <p> The resulting instance may or may not satisfy all facts, and should be checked for consistency.
    public void init(Sig sig, SimTupleset value) throws Err {
        if (value==null) { sfs.remove(sig); return; }
        if (value.arity()>1) throw new ErrorType("Evaluator encountered an error: sig "+sig.label+" arity must not be " + value.arity());
        if (sig.builtin) throw new ErrorAPI("Evaluator cannot prebind the builtin sig \"" + sig.label + "\"");
        sfs.put(sig, value);
        cacheUNIV = null;
        cacheSTRING = null;
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