
Examples of

    @Override public Object visit(ExprVar x) throws Err {
        Object ans = env.get(x);
        if (ans==null) ans = sfs.get(x);
        if (ans==null) {
            SimAtom a = SimAtom.make(x.label);
            if (!hasAtom(a)) throw new ErrorFatal(x.pos, "Variable \""+x+"\" is not bound to a legal value during translation.\n");
            ans = SimTupleset.make(SimTuple.make(a));
        return ans;
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             cacheUNIV = cacheUNIV.union(visit(Sig.STRING));
          return cacheUNIV;
       Object ans = sfs.get(x);
       if (ans instanceof SimTupleset) return (SimTupleset)ans; else throw new ErrorFatal("Unknown sig "+x+" encountered during evaluation.");
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            env = oldenv;
            return ans;
        Object ans = sfs.get(x);
        if (ans instanceof SimTupleset) return (SimTupleset)ans; else throw new ErrorFatal("Unknown field "+x+" encountered during evaluation.");
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        if (x.op == ExprQt.Op.NO)   return enumerate(null, 0, x, x.sub,       0) == 0;
        if (x.op == ExprQt.Op.SOME) return enumerate(null, 0, x, x.sub,       0) >= 1;
        if (x.op == ExprQt.Op.LONE) return enumerate(null, 0, x, x.sub,       0) <= 1;
        if (x.op == ExprQt.Op.ONEreturn enumerate(null, 0, x, x.sub,       0) == 1;
        if (x.op == ExprQt.Op.SUMreturn trunc(enumerate(null, 0, x, x.sub, 0));
        throw new ErrorFatal(x.pos, "Unsupported operator ("+x.op+") encountered during ExprQt.accept()");
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        try {
            for(XMLNode sub:tuple) if ("atom")) {
                Tuple x = factory.tuple(sub.getAttribute("label"));
                if (ans==null) ans=x; else ans=ans.product(x);
            if (ans==null) throw new ErrorFatal("Expecting: <tuple> <atom label=\"..\"/> .. </tuple>");
            if (ans.arity()!=arity) throw new ErrorFatal("Expecting: tuple of arity "+arity+" but got tuple of arity "+ans.arity());
            return ans;
        } catch(Throwable ex) {
            throw new ErrorFatal("Expecting: <tuple> <atom label=\"..\"/> .. </tuple>", ex);
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       try {
          if (sigs == null) sigs = new ArrayList<Sig>();
          A4SolutionReader x = new A4SolutionReader(sigs, xml);
          return x.sol;
       } catch(Throwable ex) {
          if (ex instanceof Err) throw ((Err)ex); else throw new ErrorFatal("Fatal error occured: "+ex, ex);
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        this.root = root;
        this.bitwidth = bitwidth;
        this.maxseq = maxseq;
        this.callbacks = new HashMap<Func,SimCallback>();
        if (bitwidth==32) { max=Integer.MAX_VALUE; min=Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { max=(1<<(bitwidth-1))-1; min=(0-max)-1; }
        if (maxseq < 0)   throw new ErrorSyntax("The maximum sequence length cannot be negative.");
        if (maxseq > max) throw new ErrorSyntax("With integer bitwidth of "+bitwidth+", you cannot have sequence length longer than "+max);
        shiftmask = (1 << (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(bitwidth-1))) - 1;
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        final int n = f.count();
        final Object candidate = n==0 ? cacheForConstants.get(f) : null;
        if (candidate!=null) return candidate;
        final Expr body = f.getBody();
        if (body.type().arity()<0 || body.type().arity()!=f.returnDecl.type().arity()) throw new ErrorType(body.span(), "Function return value not fully resolved.");
        for(Func ff:current_function) if (ff==f) throw new ErrorSyntax(x.span(), ""+f+" cannot call itself recursively!");
        Env<ExprVar,Object> newenv = new Env<ExprVar,Object>();
        List<SimTupleset> list = new ArrayList<SimTupleset>(x.args.size());
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { SimTupleset ts = cset(x.args.get(i)); newenv.put(f.get(i), ts);  list.add(ts); }
        final SimCallback cb = callbacks.get(f);
        if (cb!=null) {
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           for(Field f:s.getFields()) choices.add(f);
       // find <instance>..</instance>
       if (!"alloy")) throw new ErrorSyntax("The XML file's root node must be <alloy> or <instance>.");
       XMLNode inst = null;
       for(XMLNode sub: xml) if ("instance")) { inst=sub; break; }
       if (inst==null) throw new ErrorSyntax("The XML file must contain an <instance> element.");
       // set up the basic values of the A4Solution object
       final int bitwidth = Integer.parseInt(inst.getAttribute("bitwidth"));
       final int maxseq = Integer.parseInt(inst.getAttribute("maxseq"));
       final int max = (1<<(bitwidth-1))-1, min = 0-(1<<(bitwidth-1));
       if (bitwidth>=1 && bitwidth<=30) for(int i=min; i<=max; i++) { atoms.add(Integer.toString(i)); }
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        this.isPred = (returnDecl==null);
        if (returnDecl==null) returnDecl = ExprConstant.FALSE;
        if (returnDecl.mult==0 && returnDecl.type.arity()==1) returnDecl = ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF.make(null, returnDecl);
        this.returnDecl = returnDecl;
        this.body = body;
        if (body.mult!=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(body.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here.");
        this.decls = ConstList.make(decls);
        for(int n=count(), i=0; i<n; i++)
          for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
            if (get(i)==get(j))
              throw new ErrorSyntax(get(j).span(),
                "The same variable cannot appear more than once in a predicate/function's parameter list.");
        for(Decl d: this.decls) if (d.expr!=null && d.expr.hasCall())
           throw new ErrorSyntax(d.expr.span(), "Parameter declaration cannot contain predicate/function calls.");
        if (returnDecl.hasCall())
           throw new ErrorSyntax(returnDecl.span(), "Return type declaration cannot contain predicate/function calls.");
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