
Examples of

    /** Initializes the given field to be associated with the given unary value; should only be called at the beginning.
     * <p> The resulting instance may or may not satisfy all facts, and should be checked for consistency.
    public void init(Field field, SimTupleset value) throws Err {
        if (value==null) { sfs.remove(field); return; }
        if (!value.empty() && value.arity()!=field.type().arity()) throw new ErrorType("Evaluator encountered an error: field "+field.label+" arity must not be " + value.arity());
        if (field.defined) throw new ErrorAPI("Evaluator cannot prebind the value of a defined field.");
        sfs.put(field, value);
        cacheUNIV = null;
        cacheSTRING = null;
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    /** Initializes the given var to be associated with the given unary value; should only be called at the beginning.
     * <p> The resulting instance may or may not satisfy all facts, and should be checked for consistency.
    public void init(ExprVar var, SimTupleset value) throws Err {
        if (value==null) { sfs.remove(var); return; }
        if (!value.empty() && value.arity()!=var.type().arity()) throw new ErrorType("Evaluator encountered an error: skolem "+var.label+" arity must not be " + value.arity());
        sfs.put(var, value);
        cacheUNIV = null;
        cacheSTRING = null;
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        final Func f =;
        final int n = f.count();
        final Object candidate = n==0 ? cacheForConstants.get(f) : null;
        if (candidate!=null) return candidate;
        final Expr body = f.getBody();
        if (body.type().arity()<0 || body.type().arity()!=f.returnDecl.type().arity()) throw new ErrorType(body.span(), "Function return value not fully resolved.");
        for(Func ff:current_function) if (ff==f) throw new ErrorSyntax(x.span(), ""+f+" cannot call itself recursively!");
        Env<ExprVar,Object> newenv = new Env<ExprVar,Object>();
        List<SimTupleset> list = new ArrayList<SimTupleset>(x.args.size());
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { SimTupleset ts = cset(x.args.get(i)); newenv.put(f.get(i), ts);  list.add(ts); }
        final SimCallback cb = callbacks.get(f);
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    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Object visit(ExprConstant x) throws Err {
        switch(x.op) {
          case NUMBER:
             int n = x.num();
             if (n<min) throw new ErrorType(x.pos, "Current bitwidth is set to "+bitwidth+", thus this integer constant "+n+" is smaller than the minimum integer "+min);
             if (n>max) throw new ErrorType(x.pos, "Current bitwidth is set to "+bitwidth+", thus this integer constant "+n+" is bigger than the maximum integer "+max);
             return n;
          case FALSE: return Boolean.FALSE;
          case TRUE: return Boolean.TRUE;
          case MIN: return min;
          case MAX: return max;
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   Expr (Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, boolean ambiguous, Type type, int mult, long weight, JoinableList<Err> errors) {
      this.pos = (pos==null ? Pos.UNKNOWN : pos);
      this.closingBracket = (closingBracket==null ? Pos.UNKNOWN : closingBracket);
      this.ambiguous      = ambiguous;
      if (errors==null) errors = emptyListOfErrors;
      if (type==EMPTY && errors.size()==0) errors = errors.make(new ErrorType(pos, "This expression failed to be typechecked"));
      this.mult   = (mult<0 || mult>2) ? 0 : mult;
      this.type   = (errors.size()>0 || type==null) ? EMPTY : type;
      this.weight = (weight>0) ? weight : 0;
      this.errors = errors;
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   /** Converts this into a "formula" if possible; otherwise, returns an Expr with a nonempty error list */
   public final Expr typecheck_as_formula() {
      if (!errors.isEmpty() || type.is_bool) return this;
      String msg = "This must be a formula expression.\nInstead, it has the following possible type(s):\n" + type;
      return NOOP.make(null, this, new ErrorType(span(), msg), 0);
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   /** Converts this into an "integer expression" if possible; otherwise, returns an Expr with a nonempty error list */
   public final Expr typecheck_as_int() {
      if (!errors.isEmpty() || type.is_int) return this;
      if (Type.SIGINT2INT && type.intersects(SIGINT.type)) return cast2int();
      String msg = "This must be an integer expression.\nInstead, it has the following possible type(s):\n"+type;
      return NOOP.make(null, this, new ErrorType(span(), msg), 0);
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   /** Converts this into a "set or relation" if possible; otherwise, returns an Expr with a nonempty error list */
   public final Expr typecheck_as_set() {
      if (!errors.isEmpty() || type.size()>0) return this;
      if (Type.INT2SIGINT && type.is_int) return cast2sigint();
      String msg = "This must be a set or relation.\nInstead, it has the following possible type(s):\n"+type;
      return NOOP.make(null, this, new ErrorType(span(), msg), 0);
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   /** Convenience method that generates a type error with "msg" as the message,
    * and includes the left and right bounding types in the message.
   private static ErrorType error(Pos pos, String msg, Expr left, Expr right) {
      return new ErrorType(pos, msg+"\nLeft type = "+left.type+"\nRight type = "+right.type);
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        } else {
            newBody = newBody.typecheck_as_set();
            if (newBody.ambiguous) newBody = newBody.resolve_as_set(null);
            if (newBody.errors.size()>0) throw newBody.errors.pick();
            if (newBody.type.arity() != returnDecl.type.arity())
               throw new ErrorType(newBody.span(),
               "Function return type is "+returnDecl.type+",\nso the body must be a relation with arity "
               +returnDecl.type.arity()+".\nSo the body's type cannot be: "+newBody.type);
        if (newBody.mult!=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(newBody.span(), "Multiplicity expression not allowed here.");
        this.body = newBody;
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