Package edu.brown.cs.rampcommon

Examples of edu.brown.cs.rampcommon.RampException

                //Get the class+method name and the descriptor
                String[] arrNameDesc = callee.split("\\(");
                if ((arrNameDesc.length < 2) || (arrNameDesc.length > 3))
                    throw new RampException("Invalid full name of the method " + callee);
                String strCalleeClassMethodName = arrNameDesc[0];
                String strCalleeDescriptor = "(" + arrNameDesc[1];

                    int idStart = ++m_iProbeIDCounter;
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                //Get the class+method name and the descriptor
                String[] arrNameDesc = callee.split("\\(");
                if ((arrNameDesc.length < 2) || (arrNameDesc.length > 3))
                    throw new RampException("Invalid full name of the method " + callee);
                String strCalleeClassMethodName = arrNameDesc[0];
                String strCalleeDescriptor = "(" + arrNameDesc[1];

                //Get information about the call and about the patch
                MethodToTrack methodToTrack = MethodsToTrackSet.isMethodToBeTracked(strCalleeClassMethodName, strCalleeDescriptor);
                if (methodToTrack == null)
                    throw new RampException("No information record for method " + strCalleeClassMethodName);

                if (!methodToTrack.m_bPatchDirect)
                {   //This method has many arguments and call to it cannot be patched
                    //directly. First, create a wrapper for each call. Wrapper is a
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                } else if (whatInvoked.equals("MONITOREXIT"))
                    bEnter = false;
                } else
                    throw new RampException(String.format("Sync region entry for method %s, line %d has incorrect class value", callerMethodName, callerLineNo));

                PatchData sp;
                //dEpending on the context, generate sync_entering or _exiting
                //patch that will be called before the sync routine will be executed
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            } else if (strProbe.equalsIgnoreCase("END"))
                return false;
            } else
                throw new RampException("Incorrect value of PROBE element " + strProbe
                        + ". Allowed values are START or END");
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    static LibProbeDescriptor fromString(String strDescriptor) throws RampException
        String[] arrItems = strDescriptor.split(",");
        if ((arrItems.length < 2) || (arrItems.length > 3))
            throw new RampException("Incorrect format of library probe record: "+strDescriptor);
        int iStartProbeID=Integer.parseInt(arrItems[0]);
        int iEndProbeID=Integer.parseInt(arrItems[1]);
        boolean bDisabled = false;
        if (arrItems.length == 3)
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            int iLine = 1;

            String strText = reader.readLine();
            if (strText == null)
                throw new RampException("Unable to read the total number of probes from file "+strProbesFilePath);
            m_iTotalProbeCount = Integer.parseInt(strText);
            while  ((strText = reader.readLine()) != null)
                LibProbeDescriptor probeDesc = LibProbeDescriptor.fromString(strText);

        }catch(Exception e)
            throw new RampException("Exception while reading the library probe descriptor file "+strProbesFilePath, e);
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    public void writeSet(String strFileName) throws RampException
        if (m_iTotalProbeCount==0)
            throw new RampException("The total number of probes haven't been set");

            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(strFileName));
            for (LibProbeDescriptor desc:m_arrDescriptors)
        }catch(Exception e)
            throw new RampException("Cannot write the set of library probe pairs ",e);
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            Element intervalElem) throws RampException
        m_elemStart = IvyXml.getChild(intervalElem, "START");
        if (m_elemStart == null)
            throw new RampException("Can't initialize TimeIntervalDescriptor from XML: START element is missing");

        m_elemEnd = IvyXml.getChild(intervalElem, "END");
        if (m_elemEnd == null)
            throw new RampException("Can't initialize TimeIntervalDescriptor from XML: END element is missing");

        m_start = new TimeIntervalRecord(m_elemStart);
        m_end = new TimeIntervalRecord(m_elemEnd);
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                m_iStartProbeID = IvyXml.getAttrInt(elem, "STARTID");
                m_iEndProbeID = IvyXml.getAttrInt(elem, "ENDID");
                m_strName = m_strThreadGroupName + "_" + m_iStartProbeID + "_" + m_iEndProbeID;
            } else
                throw new RampException(elem.getTagName() + " element has incomplete information ");
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            if (objLast.getClass().equals(objValue.getClass()))
                throw new RampException(String.format("Cannot add instance of %s into the collection of instances of %s", objValue.getClass(), objLast.getClass()));
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Related Classes of edu.brown.cs.rampcommon.RampException

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