MergeResult<S> result = new MergeResult<S>(sequences);
if (ours.size() == 0) {
if (theirs.size() != 0) {
EditList theirsEdits = diffAlg.diff(cmp, base, theirs);
if (!theirsEdits.isEmpty()) {
// we deleted, they modified -> Let their complete content
// conflict with empty text
result.add(1, 0, 0, ConflictState.FIRST_CONFLICTING_RANGE);
result.add(2, 0, theirs.size(),
} else
// we deleted, they didn't modify -> Let our deletion win
result.add(1, 0, 0, ConflictState.NO_CONFLICT);
} else
// we and they deleted -> return a single chunk of nothing
result.add(1, 0, 0, ConflictState.NO_CONFLICT);
return result;
} else if (theirs.size() == 0) {
EditList oursEdits = diffAlg.diff(cmp, base, ours);
if (!oursEdits.isEmpty()) {
// we modified, they deleted -> Let our complete content
// conflict with empty text
result.add(1, 0, ours.size(),
result.add(2, 0, 0, ConflictState.NEXT_CONFLICTING_RANGE);
} else
// they deleted, we didn't modify -> Let their deletion win
result.add(2, 0, 0, ConflictState.NO_CONFLICT);
return result;
EditList oursEdits = diffAlg.diff(cmp, base, ours);
Iterator<Edit> baseToOurs = oursEdits.iterator();
EditList theirsEdits = diffAlg.diff(cmp, base, theirs);
Iterator<Edit> baseToTheirs = theirsEdits.iterator();
int current = 0; // points to the next line (first line is 0) of base
// which was not handled yet
Edit oursEdit = nextEdit(baseToOurs);
Edit theirsEdit = nextEdit(baseToTheirs);