Examples of Edit

Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

      editList = new EditList();
      final byte[] buf = file.buf;
      int c = nextLF(buf, startOffset);
      int oLine = old.startLine;
      int nLine = newStartLine;
      Edit in = null;

      SCAN: for (; c < endOffset; c = nextLF(buf, c)) {
        switch (buf[c]) {
        case ' ':
        case '\n':
          in = null;

        case '-':
          if (in == null) {
            in = new Edit(oLine - 1, nLine - 1);

        case '+':
          if (in == null) {
            in = new Edit(oLine - 1, nLine - 1);

        case '\\': // Matches "\ No newline at end of file"
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

    Iterator<Edit> baseToOurs = oursEdits.iterator();
    EditList theirsEdits = new MyersDiff(base, theirs).getEdits();
    Iterator<Edit> baseToTheirs = theirsEdits.iterator();
    int current = 0; // points to the next line (first line is 0) of base
                     // which was not handled yet
    Edit oursEdit = nextEdit(baseToOurs);
    Edit theirsEdit = nextEdit(baseToTheirs);

    // iterate over all edits from base to ours and from base to theirs
    // leave the loop when there are no edits more for ours or for theirs
    // (or both)
    while (theirsEdit != END_EDIT || oursEdit != END_EDIT) {
      if (oursEdit.getEndA() <= theirsEdit.getBeginA()) {
        // something was changed in ours not overlapping with any change
        // from theirs. First add the common part in front of the edit
        // then the edit.
        if (current != oursEdit.getBeginA()) {
          result.add(0, current, oursEdit.getBeginA(),
        result.add(1, oursEdit.getBeginB(), oursEdit.getEndB(),
        current = oursEdit.getEndA();
        oursEdit = nextEdit(baseToOurs);
      } else if (theirsEdit.getEndA() <= oursEdit.getBeginA()) {
        // something was changed in theirs not overlapping with any
        // from ours. First add the common part in front of the edit
        // then the edit.
        if (current != theirsEdit.getBeginA()) {
          result.add(0, current, theirsEdit.getBeginA(),
        result.add(2, theirsEdit.getBeginB(), theirsEdit.getEndB(),
        current = theirsEdit.getEndA();
        theirsEdit = nextEdit(baseToTheirs);
      } else {
        // here we found a real overlapping modification

        // if there is a common part in front of the conflict add it
        if (oursEdit.getBeginA() != current
            && theirsEdit.getBeginA() != current) {
          result.add(0, current, Math.min(oursEdit.getBeginA(),
              theirsEdit.getBeginA()), ConflictState.NO_CONFLICT);

        // set some initial values for the ranges in A and B which we
        // want to handle
        int oursBeginB = oursEdit.getBeginB();
        int theirsBeginB = theirsEdit.getBeginB();
        // harmonize the start of the ranges in A and B
        if (oursEdit.getBeginA() < theirsEdit.getBeginA()) {
          theirsBeginB -= theirsEdit.getBeginA()
              - oursEdit.getBeginA();
        } else {
          oursBeginB -= oursEdit.getBeginA() - theirsEdit.getBeginA();

        // combine edits:
        // Maybe an Edit on one side corresponds to multiple Edits on
        // the other side. Then we have to combine the Edits of the
        // other side - so in the end we can merge together two single
        // edits.
        // It is important to notice that this combining will extend the
        // ranges of our conflict always downwards (towards the end of
        // the content). The starts of the conflicting ranges in ours
        // and theirs are not touched here.
        // This combining is an iterative process: after we have
        // combined some edits we have to do the check again. The
        // combined edits could now correspond to multiple edits on the
        // other side.
        // Example: when this combining algorithm works on the following
        // edits
        // oursEdits=((0-5,0-5),(6-8,6-8),(10-11,10-11)) and
        // theirsEdits=((0-1,0-1),(2-3,2-3),(5-7,5-7))
        // it will merge them into
        // oursEdits=((0-8,0-8),(10-11,10-11)) and
        // theirsEdits=((0-7,0-7))
        // Since the only interesting thing to us is how in ours and
        // theirs the end of the conflicting range is changing we let
        // oursEdit and theirsEdit point to the last conflicting edit
        Edit nextOursEdit = nextEdit(baseToOurs);
        Edit nextTheirsEdit = nextEdit(baseToTheirs);
        for (;;) {
          if (oursEdit.getEndA() > nextTheirsEdit.getBeginA()) {
            theirsEdit = nextTheirsEdit;
            nextTheirsEdit = nextEdit(baseToTheirs);
          } else if (theirsEdit.getEndA() > nextOursEdit.getBeginA()) {
            oursEdit = nextOursEdit;
            nextOursEdit = nextEdit(baseToOurs);
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

    final Patch p = parseTestPatchFile("testGetText_BothISO88591.patch");
    final FileHeader fh = p.getFiles().get(0);

    final EditList list0 = fh.getHunks().get(0).toEditList();
    assertEquals(1, list0.size());
    assertEquals(new Edit(4 - 1, 5 - 1, 4 - 1, 5 - 1), list0.get(0));

    final EditList list1 = fh.getHunks().get(1).toEditList();
    assertEquals(1, list1.size());
    assertEquals(new Edit(16 - 1, 17 - 1, 16 - 1, 17 - 1), list1.get(0));
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

  public void testFileHeader() throws IOException {
    final Patch p = parseTestPatchFile("testGetText_BothISO88591.patch");
    final FileHeader fh = p.getFiles().get(0);
    final EditList e = fh.toEditList();
    assertEquals(2, e.size());
    assertEquals(new Edit(4 - 1, 5 - 1, 4 - 1, 5 - 1), e.get(0));
    assertEquals(new Edit(16 - 1, 17 - 1, 16 - 1, 17 - 1), e.get(1));
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

  public void testTypes() throws IOException {
    final Patch p = parseTestPatchFile("testEditList_Types.patch");
    final FileHeader fh = p.getFiles().get(0);
    final EditList e = fh.toEditList();
    assertEquals(3, e.size());
    assertEquals(new Edit(3 - 1, 3 - 1, 3 - 1, 4 - 1), e.get(0));
    assertEquals(new Edit(17 - 1, 19 - 1, 18 - 1, 18 - 1), e.get(1));
    assertEquals(new Edit(23 - 1, 25 - 1, 22 - 1, 28 - 1), e.get(2));
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

        hunks = new Hunks();

        for (int curIdx = 0; curIdx < editList.size();) {
            Hunk hunk = new Hunk();
            Edit curEdit = editList.get(curIdx);
            final int endIdx = findCombinedEnd(editList, curIdx);
            final Edit endEdit = editList.get(endIdx);

            int aCur = Math.max(0, curEdit.getBeginA() - context);
            int bCur = Math.max(0, curEdit.getBeginB() - context);
            final int aEnd = Math.min(a.size(), endEdit.getEndA() + context);
            final int bEnd = Math.min(b.size(), endEdit.getEndB() + context);

            hunk.beginA = aCur;
            hunk.endA = aEnd;
            hunk.beginB = bCur;
            hunk.endB = bEnd;
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

    if (editList.isEmpty()) {
      newStartLine = 0;
      newLineCount = 0;
    } else {
      newStartLine = editList.get(0).getBeginB();
      Edit last = editList.get(editList.size() - 1);
      newLineCount = last.getEndB() - newStartLine;
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

      editList = new EditList();
      final byte[] buf = file.buf;
      int c = nextLF(buf, startOffset);
      int oLine = old.startLine;
      int nLine = newStartLine;
      Edit in = null;

      SCAN: for (; c < endOffset; c = nextLF(buf, c)) {
        switch (buf[c]) {
        case ' ':
        case '\n':
          in = null;

        case '-':
          if (in == null) {
            in = new Edit(oLine - 1, nLine - 1);

        case '+':
          if (in == null) {
            in = new Edit(oLine - 1, nLine - 1);

        case '\\': // Matches "\ No newline at end of file"
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Examples of org.eclipse.jgit.diff.Edit

      // more responsibility for the result. Remaining edits can
      // be safely ignored.
      if (r == null)

      Edit e = editList.get(eIdx);

      // Edit ends before the next candidate region. Skip the edit.
      if (e.getEndB() <= r.sourceStart) {

      // Next candidate region starts before the edit. Assign some
      // of the blame onto A, but possibly split and also on B.
      if (r.sourceStart < e.getBeginB()) {
        int d = e.getBeginB() - r.sourceStart;
        if (r.length <= d) {
          // Pass the blame for this region onto A.
          Region next = r.next;
          r.sourceStart = e.getBeginA() - d;
          aTail = add(aTail, a, r);
          r = next;

        // Split the region and assign some to A, some to B.
        aTail = add(aTail, a, r.splitFirst(e.getBeginA() - d, d));

      // At this point e.getBeginB() <= r.sourceStart.

      // An empty edit on the B side isn't relevant to this split,
      // as it does not overlap any candidate region.
      if (e.getLengthB() == 0) {

      // If the region ends before the edit, blame on B.
      int rEnd = r.sourceStart + r.length;
      if (rEnd <= e.getEndB()) {
        Region next = r.next;
        bTail = add(bTail, b, r);
        r = next;
        if (rEnd == e.getEndB())

      // This region extends beyond the edit. Blame the first
      // half of the region on B, and process the rest after.
      int len = e.getEndB() - r.sourceStart;
      bTail = add(bTail, b, r.splitFirst(r.sourceStart, len));

    if (r == null)

    // For any remaining region, pass the blame onto A after shifting
    // the source start to account for the difference between the two.
    Edit e = editList.get(editList.size() - 1);
    int endB = e.getEndB();
    int d = endB - e.getEndA();
    if (aTail == null)
      a.regionList = r;
      aTail.next = r;
    do {
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Examples of org.owasp.webscarab.util.Diff.Edit

        Iterator<Edit> it = edits.iterator();
        int srcLast = 0;
        int dstLast = 0;
        try {
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Edit edit = it.next();
                if (edit.getSrcLocation() > srcLast) {
                    // catch up common items in between edits
                    String s = src.subSequence(srcLast, edit.getSrcLocation())
                    combinedDoc.insertString(combinedDoc.getLength(), s,
                    srcDoc.insertString(srcDoc.getLength(), s, unchanged);
                if (edit.getDstLocation() > dstLast) {
                    String d = dst.subSequence(dstLast, edit.getDstLocation())
                    // catch up common items in between edits
                    dstDoc.insertString(dstDoc.getLength(), d, unchanged);
                String s = edit.getSrc().toString();
                String d = edit.getDst().toString();
                if (edit.getSrc().length() > 0 && edit.getDst().length() > 0) {
                    combinedDoc.insertString(combinedDoc.getLength(), s,
                    combinedDoc.insertString(combinedDoc.getLength(), d, added);
                    srcDoc.insertString(srcDoc.getLength(), s, changed);
                    dstDoc.insertString(dstDoc.getLength(), d, changed);
                    int v = countLines(s) - countLines(d);
                    if (v > 0) {
                        String cr = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < v; i++)
                            cr = cr + "\n";
                        dstDoc.insertString(dstDoc.getLength(), cr, changed);
                    } else if (v < 0) {
                        v = -v;
                        String cr = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < v; i++)
                            cr = cr + "\n";
                        srcDoc.insertString(srcDoc.getLength(), cr, changed);
                } else if (edit.getSrc().length() > 0) {
                    combinedDoc.insertString(combinedDoc.getLength(), s,
                    srcDoc.insertString(srcDoc.getLength(), s, added);
                    dstDoc.insertString(dstDoc.getLength(), s.replaceAll(
                            "[^\n]", " "), deleted);
                } else if (edit.getDst().length() > 0) {
                    combinedDoc.insertString(combinedDoc.getLength(), d, added);
                    srcDoc.insertString(srcDoc.getLength(), d.replaceAll(
                            "[^\n]", " "), deleted);
                    dstDoc.insertString(dstDoc.getLength(), d, added);
                srcLast = edit.getSrcLocation() + s.length();
                dstLast = edit.getDstLocation() + d.length();
            if (srcLast < src.length()) {
                String s = src.subSequence(srcLast, src.length()).toString();
                combinedDoc.insertString(combinedDoc.getLength(), s, unchanged);
                srcDoc.insertString(srcDoc.getLength(), s, unchanged);
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