Examples of EarlReport

Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

        String releaseName =  "ARQ2" ;
        String version = "ARQ-2.2-dev" ; //ARQ.VERSION ;
        String homepage = "http://jena.sf.net/ARQ" ;
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport(name, version, homepage) ;
        ScriptTestSuiteFactory.results = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;
        model.setNsPrefix("dawg", TestManifest.getURI()) ;
        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.sf.net/")) ;
        // ARQ is part fo Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
                                .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                                             model.createResource("http://www.hpl.hp.com/people/afs")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;

        model.setNsPrefix("doap", DOAP.getURI()) ;
        model.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()) ;
        // DAWG specific stuff.
        Resource system = report.getSystem() ;
        system.addProperty(RDF.type, DOAP.Project) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.name, name) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.homepage, homepage) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.maintainer, who) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

    static void execOneManifestEarl(String testManifest)
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport("http://jena.apache.org/#sdb", "SDB", SDB.VERSION, "http://jena.apahe.org/") ;
        ScriptTestSuiteFactory.results = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;

        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.apahe.org/")) ;
        // SDB is part of Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
            .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                         model.createResource("http://people.apache.org/~andy")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;
        TestSuite suite = ScriptTestSuiteFactory.make(testManifest) ;
        SimpleTestRunner.runSilent(suite) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

        String version = "2.9.1" ;
        String homepage = "http://jena.apache.org/" ;
        String systemURI = "http://jena.apache.org/#arq" // Null for bNode.
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport(systemURI, name, version, homepage) ;
        ScriptTestSuiteFactory.results = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;
        model.setNsPrefix("dawg", TestManifest.getURI()) ;
        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.apache.org/")) ;
        // ARQ is part fo Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
                                .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                                             model.createResource("http://people.apache.org/~andy")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;

        model.setNsPrefix("doap", DOAP.getURI()) ;
        model.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()) ;
        // DAWG specific stuff.
        Resource system = report.getSystem() ;
        system.addProperty(RDF.type, DOAP.Project) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.name, name) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.homepage, homepage) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.maintainer, who) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

        String version = RIOT.getVersion() ;
        String homepage = "http://jena.apache.org/" ;
        String systemURI = "http://jena.apache.org/#riot" // Null for bNode.
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport(systemURI, name, version, homepage) ;
        FactoryTestRiot.report = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;
        model.setNsPrefix("rdft", VocabLangRDF.getURI()) ;
        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.apache.org/")) ;
        // ARQ is part of Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
                                .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                                             model.createResource("http://people.apache.org/~andy")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;

        model.setNsPrefix("doap", DOAP.getURI()) ;
        model.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()) ;
        // DAWG specific stuff.
        Resource system = report.getSystem() ;
        system.addProperty(RDF.type, DOAP.Project) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.name, name) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.homepage, homepage) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.maintainer, who) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

    static String homepage = "http://jena.apache.org/" ;
    static String systemURI = "http://jena.apache.org/#riot" // Null for bNode.

    static void oneManifestEarl(String testManifest)
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport(systemURI, name, version, homepage) ;
        FactoryTestRiot.report = report ;
        TestSuite suite = FactoryTestRiot.make(testManifest, null, null) ;
        SimpleTestRunner.runSilent(suite) ;

        Model model = report.getModel() ;
        model.setNsPrefix("rdft", VocabLangRDF.getURI()) ;
        model.setNsPrefix("turtletest", "http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#") ;
        insertMetaOld(report) ;
        RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, model, Lang.TURTLE) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

    static void execOneManifestEarl(String testManifest)
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport("http://jena.apache.org/#sdb", "SDB", SDB.VERSION, "http://jena.apahe.org/") ;
        ScriptTestSuiteFactory.results = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;

        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.apahe.org/")) ;
        // SDB is part of Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
            .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                         model.createResource("http://people.apache.org/~andy")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;
        TestSuite suite = ScriptTestSuiteFactory.make(testManifest) ;
        SimpleTestRunner.runSilent(suite) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

        String version = "2.9.1" ;
        String homepage = "http://jena.apache.org/" ;
        String systemURI = "http://jena.apache.org/#arq" // Null for bNode.
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport(systemURI, name, version, homepage) ;
        ScriptTestSuiteFactory.results = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;
        model.setNsPrefix("dawg", TestManifest.getURI()) ;
        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.apache.org/")) ;
        // ARQ is part fo Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
                                .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                                             model.createResource("http://people.apache.org/~andy")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;

        model.setNsPrefix("doap", DOAP.getURI()) ;
        model.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()) ;
        // DAWG specific stuff.
        Resource system = report.getSystem() ;
        system.addProperty(RDF.type, DOAP.Project) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.name, name) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.homepage, homepage) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.maintainer, who) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

        String version = "2.9.1" ;
        String homepage = "http://jena.apache.org/" ;
        String systemURI = "http://jena.apache.org/#arq" // Null for bNode.
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport(systemURI, name, version, homepage) ;
        ScriptTestSuiteFactory.results = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;
        model.setNsPrefix("dawg", TestManifest.getURI()) ;
        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.apache.org/")) ;
        // ARQ is part fo Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
                                .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                                             model.createResource("http://people.apache.org/~andy")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;

        model.setNsPrefix("doap", DOAP.getURI()) ;
        model.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()) ;
        // DAWG specific stuff.
        Resource system = report.getSystem() ;
        system.addProperty(RDF.type, DOAP.Project) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.name, name) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.homepage, homepage) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.maintainer, who) ;
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Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.junit.EarlReport

        String version = RIOT.VERSION ;
        String homepage = "http://jena.apache.org/" ;
        String systemURI = "http://jena.apache.org/#riot" // Null for bNode.
        // Include information later.
        EarlReport report = new EarlReport(systemURI, name, version, homepage) ;
        FactoryTestRiot.report = report ;
        Model model = report.getModel() ;
        model.setNsPrefix("rdft", VocabLangRDF.getURI()) ;
        // Update the EARL report.
        Resource jena = model.createResource()
                    .addProperty(FOAF.homepage, model.createResource("http://jena.apache.org/")) ;
        // ARQ is part of Jena.
        Resource arq = report.getSystem()
                        .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, jena) ;
        // Andy wrote the test software (updates the thing being tested as well as they are the same).
        Resource who = model.createResource(FOAF.Person)
                                .addProperty(FOAF.name, "Andy Seaborne")
                                             model.createResource("http://people.apache.org/~andy")) ;
        Resource reporter = report.getReporter() ;
        reporter.addProperty(DC.creator, who) ;

        model.setNsPrefix("doap", DOAP.getURI()) ;
        model.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()) ;
        // DAWG specific stuff.
        Resource system = report.getSystem() ;
        system.addProperty(RDF.type, DOAP.Project) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.name, name) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.homepage, homepage) ;
        system.addProperty(DOAP.maintainer, who) ;
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