Examples of Each

Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

            BasePath inputPath = platform.makePath(inputFileName);
            Tap sourceTap = platform.makeTap(platform.makeTextScheme(), inputPath);
            // Create the sub-assembly that runs the fetch job
            UserAgent userAgent = new UserAgent(options.getAgentName(), EMAIL_ADDRESS, WEB_ADDRESS);
            Pipe importPipe = new Each("url importer", new Fields("line"), new LoadUrlFunction());
            BaseScoreGenerator scorer = new FixedScoreGenerator();
            BaseFetcher fetcher = new SimpleHttpFetcher(MAX_THREADS, userAgent);
            FetchPipe fetchPagePipe = new FetchPipe(importPipe, scorer, fetcher, NUM_REDUCERS);
            // Here's the pipe that will output UrlDatum tuples, by extracting URLs from the mod_mbox-generated page.
        Pipe mboxPagePipe = new Each(fetchPagePipe.getContentTailPipe(), new ParseModMboxPageFunction(), Fields.RESULTS);

        // Create a named pipe for the status of the mod_mbox-generated pages.
            Pipe mboxPageStatusPipe = new Pipe(MBOX_PAGE_STATUS_PIPE_NAME, fetchPagePipe.getStatusTailPipe());

            // Set up appropriate FetcherPolicy, where we increase the max content size (since mailbox files
            // can be big, e.g. 4MB).
            FetcherPolicy defaultPolicy = new FetcherPolicy();
            fetcher = new SimpleHttpFetcher(MAX_THREADS, defaultPolicy, userAgent);
            // We can create the fetch pipe, and set up our Mbox splitter to run on content.
            FetchPipe fetchMboxPipe = new FetchPipe(mboxPagePipe, scorer, fetcher, NUM_REDUCERS);
            SplitEmails splitterPipe = new SplitEmails(fetchMboxPipe);
            // Now create the pipe that's going to analyze the emails we get after splitting them up.
            Pipe analysisPipe = new Pipe(ANALYZER_PIPE_NAME, splitterPipe.getTails()[0]);
            analysisPipe = new Each(analysisPipe, new ParseEmailFunction());
            // We'll get output that has ANALYZED_EMAIL_FIELDS in it. We want to group by
            // the message-id field, and then do an aggregation on that of the scores.
            analysisPipe = new GroupBy(analysisPipe, new Fields(FieldNames.MESSAGE_ID));
            analysisPipe = new Every(analysisPipe, new CalcMessageScoreBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);

            // Now we want to sum the scores for each user, which is another grouping/summing.
            analysisPipe = new GroupBy(analysisPipe, new Fields(FieldNames.EMAIL_ADDRESS));
            analysisPipe = new Every(analysisPipe, new SumScoresBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);
            // Let's filter out anybody with an uninteresting score.
            ExpressionFilter filter = new ExpressionFilter(String.format("%s <= 0.0", FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), Double.class);
            analysisPipe = new Each(analysisPipe, filter);
            // And let's sort in reverse order (high to low score)
            analysisPipe = new GroupBy(analysisPipe, new Fields(FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), true);

            // Create the sink taps
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

    Pipe parsePipe = new Pipe("mod_mbox page parser", fetchedDatumProvider);
    // The fetchedDatumProvider will pass us a stream of FetchedDatum tuples. For each,
    // we want to parse the HTML and extract the actual mbox file URLs, which we'll
    // pass on as UrlDatum tuples.
    parsePipe = new Each(parsePipe, new ParseModMboxPageFunction());
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

            // System.setProperty("bixo.http.level", "DEBUG");

            BaseFetcher fetcher = UrlLengthener.makeFetcher(10, ConfigUtils.BIXO_TOOL_AGENT);

            Pipe pipe = new Pipe("urls");
            pipe = new Each(pipe, new UrlLengthener(fetcher));
            pipe = new Each(pipe, new Debug());

            BixoPlatform platform = new BixoPlatform(LengthenUrlsTool.class, Platform.Local);
            BasePath filePath = platform.makePath(filename);
            TextLine textLineLocalScheme = new TextLine(new Fields("url"));
            Tap sourceTap = platform.makeTap(textLineLocalScheme, filePath, SinkMode.KEEP);
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

            BixoPlatform platform = new BixoPlatform(RunFakeFetchPipe.class, Platform.Local);
            BasePath inputPath = platform.makePath(path.getFile());
            Tap in = platform.makeTap(platform.makeTextScheme(), inputPath);

            Pipe importPipe = new Each("url importer", new Fields("line"), new CreateUrlFunction());

            BaseScoreGenerator scorer = new FixedScoreGenerator();
            BaseFetcher fetcher = new FakeHttpFetcher(true, 10);
            FetchPipe fetchPipe = new FetchPipe(importPipe, scorer, fetcher, 1);
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

  private static class SplitEmails extends SubAssembly {

    public SplitEmails(FetchPipe fetchPipe) {
            Pipe splitPipe = new Pipe(SPLITTER_PIPE_NAME, fetchPipe.getContentTailPipe());
            splitPipe = new Each(splitPipe, new MboxSplitterFunction());
            // TODO KKr - code currently relies on splitPipe being first tail pipe.
            setTails(splitPipe, fetchPipe.getStatusTailPipe());
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

            BasePath inputPath = platform.makePath(inputFileName);
            platform.assertPathExists(inputPath, "input file");
            Tap sourceTap = platform.makeTap(platform.makeBinaryScheme(FetchedDatum.FIELDS), inputPath);
            Pipe pipe = new Pipe("Email Analyzer");
            pipe = new Each(pipe, new ParseEmailFunction());
            // We'll get output that has ANALYZED_EMAIL_FIELDS in it. We want to group by
            // the message-id field, and then do an aggregation on that of the scores.
            pipe = new GroupBy(pipe, new Fields(FieldNames.MESSAGE_ID));
            pipe = new Every(pipe, new CalcMessageScoreBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);

            // Now we want to sum the scores for each user, which is another grouping/summing.
            pipe = new GroupBy(pipe, new Fields(FieldNames.EMAIL_ADDRESS));
            pipe = new Every(pipe, new SumScoresBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);
            // Let's filter out anybody with an uninteresting score.
            ExpressionFilter filter = new ExpressionFilter(String.format("%s <= 0.0", FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), Double.class);
            pipe = new Each(pipe, filter);
            // And let's sort in reverse order (high to low score)
            pipe = new GroupBy(pipe, new Fields(FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), true);

            // Create the output (sink tap)
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

        Tap inputSource = platform.makeTap(platform.makeTextScheme(), crawlDbPath);
        Pipe importPipe = new Pipe("import pipe");
        // Apply a regex to extract the relevant fields
        RegexParser crawlDbParser = new RegexParser(CrawlDbDatum.FIELDS,
        importPipe = new Each(importPipe, new Fields("line"), crawlDbParser);

        // Split into tuples that are to be fetched and that have already been fetched
        SplitterAssembly splitter = new SplitterAssembly(importPipe, new SplitFetchedUnfetchedSSCrawlDatums());

        Pipe finishedDatumsFromDb = new Pipe("finished datums from db", splitter.getRHSPipe());
        Pipe urlsToFetchPipe = splitter.getLHSPipe();

        // Limit to MAX_DISTRIBUTED_FETCH if running in real cluster,
        // or MAX_LOCAL_FETCH if running locally. So first we sort the entries
        // from high to low by links score.
        // TODO add unit test
        urlsToFetchPipe = new GroupBy(urlsToFetchPipe, new Fields(CrawlDbDatum.LINKS_SCORE_FIELD), true);
        long maxToFetch = isLocal ? MAX_LOCAL_FETCH : MAX_DISTRIBUTED_FETCH;
        urlsToFetchPipe = new Each(urlsToFetchPipe, new CreateUrlDatumFromCrawlDbDatum(maxToFetch));

        BaseScoreGenerator scorer = new LinkScoreGenerator();

        // Create the sub-assembly that runs the fetch job
        int maxThreads = isLocal ? CrawlConfig.DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS_LOCAL :  CrawlConfig.DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS_CLUSTER;
        SimpleHttpFetcher fetcher = new SimpleHttpFetcher(maxThreads, fetcherPolicy, userAgent);

        FetchPipe fetchPipe = new FetchPipe(urlsToFetchPipe, scorer, fetcher, platform.getNumReduceTasks());
        Pipe statusPipe = new Pipe("status pipe", fetchPipe.getStatusTailPipe());
        Pipe contentPipe = new Pipe("content pipe", fetchPipe.getContentTailPipe());
        contentPipe = TupleLogger.makePipe(contentPipe, true);

        // Create a parser that returns back the raw HTML (cleaned up by Tika) as the parsed content.
        SimpleParser parser = new SimpleParser(new ParserPolicy(), true);
        ParsePipe parsePipe = new ParsePipe(fetchPipe.getContentTailPipe(), parser);
        Pipe analyzerPipe = new Pipe("analyzer pipe");
        analyzerPipe = new Each(parsePipe.getTailPipe(), new AnalyzeHtml());
        Pipe outlinksPipe = new Pipe("outlinks pipe", analyzerPipe);
        outlinksPipe = new Each(outlinksPipe, new CreateLinkDatumFromOutlinksFunction());

        Pipe resultsPipe = new Pipe("results pipe", analyzerPipe);
        resultsPipe = new Each(resultsPipe, new CreateResultsFunction());
        // Group the finished datums, the skipped datums, status, outlinks
        Pipe updatePipe = new CoGroup("update pipe", Pipe.pipes(finishedDatumsFromDb, statusPipe, analyzerPipe, outlinksPipe),
                        Fields.fields(new Fields(CrawlDbDatum.URL_FIELD), new Fields(StatusDatum.URL_FN),
                                        new Fields(AnalyzedDatum.URL_FIELD), new Fields(LinkDatum.URL_FN)), null, new OuterJoin());
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

    public ParsePipe(Pipe fetcherPipe, BaseParser parser) {
        Pipe parsePipe = new Pipe(PARSE_PIPE_NAME, fetcherPipe);

        ParseFunction parserFunction = new ParseFunction(parser);
        parsePipe = new Each(parsePipe, parserFunction, Fields.RESULTS);
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

    public FetchPipe(Pipe urlProvider, BaseScoreGenerator scorer, BaseFetcher fetcher, BaseFetcher robotsFetcher, BaseRobotsParser parser,
                    BaseFetchJobPolicy fetchJobPolicy, int numReducers) {
        Pipe robotsPipe = new Each(urlProvider, new GroupFunction(new GroupByDomain()));
        robotsPipe = new GroupBy("Grouping URLs by IP/delay", robotsPipe, GroupedUrlDatum.getGroupingField());
        robotsPipe = new Every(robotsPipe, new FilterAndScoreByUrlAndRobots(robotsFetcher, parser, scorer), Fields.RESULTS);
        // Split into records for URLs that are special (not fetchable) and regular
        SplitterAssembly splitter = new SplitterAssembly(robotsPipe, new SplitIntoSpecialAndRegularKeys());
        // Now generate sets of URLs to fetch. We'll wind up with all URLs for the same server & the same crawl delay,
        // ordered by score, getting passed per list to the PreFetchBuffer. This will generate PreFetchDatums that contain a key
        // based on the hash of the IP address (with a range of values == number of reducers), plus a list of URLs and a target
        // crawl time.
        Pipe prefetchPipe = new GroupBy("Distributing URL sets", splitter.getRHSPipe(), GroupedUrlDatum.getGroupingField(), ScoredUrlDatum.getSortingField(), true);
        prefetchPipe = new Every(prefetchPipe, new MakeFetchSetsBuffer(fetchJobPolicy, numReducers), Fields.RESULTS);
        Pipe fetchPipe = new GroupBy("Fetching URL sets", prefetchPipe, FetchSetDatum.getGroupingField(), FetchSetDatum.getSortingField());
        fetchPipe = new Every(fetchPipe, new FetchBuffer(fetcher), Fields.RESULTS);

        Pipe fetchedContent = new Pipe(CONTENT_PIPE_NAME, new Each(fetchPipe, new FilterErrorsFunction()));
        Pipe fetchedStatus = new Pipe("fetched status", new Each(fetchPipe, new MakeStatusFunction()));
        // We need to merge URLs from the LHS of the splitter (never fetched) so that our status pipe
        // gets status for every URL we put into this sub-assembly.
        Pipe skippedStatus = new Pipe("skipped status", new Each(splitter.getLHSPipe(), new MakeSkippedStatus()));
        // TODO KKr You're already setting the group name here (so that the
        // tail pipe gets the same name), so I wasn't able to pass in a
        // group name here for BaseTool.nameFlowSteps to use for the job name.
        Pipe joinedStatus = new GroupBy(STATUS_PIPE_NAME, Pipe.pipes(skippedStatus, fetchedStatus), new Fields(StatusDatum.URL_FN));
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Examples of cascading.pipe.Each

        MultiSourceTap dRM2Source = getTaps(dRM2InputPath, inFieldsDRM2);

        Pipe lhs = new Pipe("DRM1");
        Pipe rhs = new Pipe("DRM2");
        Pipe groupByItemIDPipe = new CoGroup(lhs, common, rhs, common, grouped, new InnerJoin());
        groupByItemIDPipe = new Each(groupByItemIDPipe, new VectorsToCSVFunction(joinedOutFields));
        //the DRMs (Mahout Distributed Row Matrices) have row and items indexes the two dictionary BiHashMaps
        //pass these to the output function so the strings from the indexes can be written instead of the
        //binary values of the Keys and Vectors in the DRMs
        groupByItemIDPipe.getStepConfigDef().setProperty("itemIndexPath", itemIndexPath.toString());
        // for these matrices the group by key is the id from the Mahout row key
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