Examples of DummyEntry

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry


         for (int ii=0; ii<numLoop; ii++) {
            DummyEntry queueEntry = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            try {
               queue.put(queueEntry, false);
               assertEquals("number of entries incremented on last invocation", 1, this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementEntries());
               assertEquals("number of bytes incremented on last invocation", queueEntry.getSizeInBytes(), this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementBytes());
               if (ii > maxEntries) { // queue allows on overload
                  fail("Didn't expect more than " + maxEntries + " entries" + queue.toXml(""));
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry


         for (int ii=0; ii<numLoop; ii++) {
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)};

            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            assertEquals("number of entries incremented on last invocation", 3, this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementEntries());
            assertEquals("number of bytes incremented on last invocation", 3*queueEntries[0].getSizeInBytes(), this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementBytes());
            for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) list.add(queueEntries[i]);

            this.checkSizeAndEntries(" put(I_QueueEntry[]) ", list, queue);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size", (ii+1)*queueEntries.length, queue.getNumOfEntries());
         assertEquals("number of invocations for queue size listener is wrong", numLoop, this.queueSizeListener.getCount());

         int total = numLoop*3;
         assertEquals(ME+": Wrong total size", total, queue.getNumOfEntries());
         log.info("#1 Success, filled " + queue.getNumOfEntries() + " messages into queue");

         //========== Test 2: put(I_QueueEntry)
         for (int ii=0; ii<numLoop; ii++) {
            DummyEntry queueEntry = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            queue.put(queueEntry, false);
         assertEquals(ME+": Wrong total size", numLoop+total, queue.getNumOfEntries());
         this.checkSizeAndEntries(" put(I_QueueEntry) ", list, queue);
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry

         assertEquals(ME + "wrong size before starting ", 0, queue.getNumOfEntries());
         // fill the queue:
         DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
               new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
               new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
               new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
         queue.put(queueEntries, false);
         BlockingQueueWrapper wrapper = new BlockingQueueWrapper(200L);
         int numOfEntries = 2;
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry

      System.out.println("***" + ME);
      try {
         //========== Test 1: peek()
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);
            for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
               I_QueueEntry result = queue.peek();
               assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
               assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[0].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
            queue.remove(); // Remove one
            for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
               I_QueueEntry result = queue.peek();
               assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
               assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[1].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
            queue.remove(); // Remove one
            for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
               I_QueueEntry result = queue.peek();
               assertTrue("Missing entry", result != null);
               assertEquals(ME+": Wrong result", queueEntries[2].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
            queue.remove(); // Remove one
            for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
               I_QueueEntry result = queue.peek();
               assertTrue("Unexpected entry", result == null);
            log.info("#1 Success, peek()");

         //========== Test 2: peek(num)
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            for (int ii=-1; ii<100; ii++) {
               List<I_Entry> results = queue.peek(ii, -1L); // does no remove
               assertTrue("Missing entry", results != null);
               int expected = ii;
               if (ii == -1 || ii >= queueEntries.length)
                  expected = queueEntries.length;
               assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of entries returned ii=" + ii, expected, results.size());

            log.info("#2 Success, peek(int)");

         //========== Test 3: peekSamePriority(-1)
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            int[] prios = { 9, 7, 5 };
            for (int j=0; j<prios.length; j++) {
               for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
                  List<I_Entry> results = queue.peekSamePriority(-1, -1L); // does no remove
                  assertTrue("Expected results", results != null);
                  assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of 9 priorities", 4, results.size());
                  for (int k=0; k<results.size(); ++k)
                     assertEquals(ME+": Wrong priority returned", prios[j], ((I_QueueEntry)results.get(k)).getPriority());
               for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) {
                  int num = queue.remove();
                  assertEquals(ME+": Expected remove", 1, num);

            assertEquals(ME+": Expected empty queue", 0, queue.getNumOfEntries());

            log.info("#3 Success, peekSamePriority()");

         //========== Test 4: peekWithPriority(-1,7,9)
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MIN_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
               List<I_Entry> results = queue.peekWithPriority(-1, -1L, 7, 9); // does no remove
               assertTrue("Expected results", results != null);
               assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of 9 priorities", 8, results.size());
               for (int k=0; k<results.size(); ++k) {
                  assertEquals(ME+": Wrong priority returned", (k<4)?9L:7L, ((I_QueueEntry)results.get(k)).getPriority());
            assertEquals(ME+": Expected empty queue", 0, queue.getNumOfEntries());

            log.info("#4 Success, peekWithPriority()");

         //========== Test 5: peek(100, 60)
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), 80, true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), 80, true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), 80, true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), 80, true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), 80, true),
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            try {
               List<I_Entry> results = queue.peek(100, 60); // does no remove
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry

      System.out.println("***" + ME);
      try {
         //========== Test 1: remove prio 7 and 9
           DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MIN_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            long numRemoved = queue.removeWithPriority(-1, -1L, 7, 9);

            assertEquals("number of invocations", 2, this.queueSizeListener.getCount());
            assertEquals("number of entries incremented on last invocation", -8, this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementEntries());
            assertEquals("number of bytes incremented on last invocation", -8*queueEntries[0].getSizeInBytes(), this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementBytes());
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number removed", 8, numRemoved);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size", queueEntries.length-8, queue.getNumOfEntries());

            numRemoved = queue.removeWithPriority(-1, -1L, 27, 99);
            long sizeInBytes = (queueEntries.length - 8) * queueEntries[0].getSizeInBytes();
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in bytes ", sizeInBytes, queue.getNumOfBytes());
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number removed", 0, numRemoved);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of entries ", queueEntries.length-8, queue.getNumOfEntries());


            log.info("#1 Success, fill and remove");

         //========== Test 2: remove prio 7 and 9 with num limit
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MAX_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.MIN_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry


            //MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit("<key/>", "bla".getBytes(), "<qos/>");
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = { new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true) };
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            I_QueueEntry[] testEntryArr = { queueEntries[0] };
            long numRemoved = 0L;
            boolean[] tmpArr = queue.removeRandom(testEntryArr);
            for (int i=0; i < tmpArr.length; i++) if(tmpArr[i]) numRemoved++;

            assertEquals("number of entries incremented on last invocation", -1, this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementEntries());
            assertEquals("number of bytes incremented on last invocation", -queueEntries[0].getSizeInBytes(), this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementBytes());

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number removed", 1, numRemoved);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size", 0, queue.getNumOfEntries());
            log.info("#1 Success, fill and random remove");

         //========== Test 2: removeRandom 2 from 3
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            I_QueueEntry[] testEntryArr = { queueEntries[0],
            long numRemoved = 0L;
            boolean[] tmpArr = queue.removeRandom(testEntryArr);
            for (int i=0; i < tmpArr.length; i++) if(tmpArr[i]) numRemoved++;

            assertEquals("number of entries incremented on last invocation", -2, this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementEntries());
            assertEquals("number of bytes incremented on last invocation", -2*queueEntries[0].getSizeInBytes(), this.queueSizeListener.getLastIncrementBytes());

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number removed", 2, numRemoved);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size", 1, queue.getNumOfEntries());
            I_QueueEntry result = queue.peek();
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong timestamp", queueEntries[1].getUniqueId(), result.getUniqueId());
            log.info("#2 Success, fill and random remove");

         //========== Test 3: removeRandom 5 from 3
            DummyEntry[] queueEntries = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true)
            queue.put(queueEntries, false);

            I_QueueEntry[] dataIdArr = {
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
                         new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true),
            long numRemoved = 0L;
            boolean[] tmpArr = queue.removeRandom(dataIdArr);
            for (int i=0; i < tmpArr.length; i++) if(tmpArr[i]) numRemoved++;
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry


            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            for (int i=0; i < imax; i++) {
               entries[i] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), msgSize, true);
               size += entries[i].getSizeInBytes();
               queue.put(entries[i], false);

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number put", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong expected size in bytes of entries", msgSize*imax, size);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in bytes put", size, queue.getNumOfBytes());

            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  0, -1L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 0, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  1, -1L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  2, -1L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue, -1, 0L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 0, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  0, 0L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 0, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  1, 0L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  2, 0L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue, -1, 50L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  0, 50L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  1, 50L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  2, 50L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue, -1, 100L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  0, 100L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  1, 100L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  2, 100L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue, -1, 150L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  0, 150L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  1, 150L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  2, 150L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue, -1, 200L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  0, 200L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  1, 200L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue,  2, 200L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, 2, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue, -1, -1L, null, true, entries, entriesLeft, entriesLeft-1, msgSize);
            entriesLeft = assertCheckForTakeLowest(queue, -1, -1L, null, false, entries, entriesLeft, 1, msgSize);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in takeLowest after cleaning ", queue.getNumOfEntries(), 0);

         //========== Test 2: takeLowest which should return an empty array
            log.fine("takeLowest test 2");
            int imax = 20;
            long size = 0L;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            for (int i=0; i < imax; i++) {
               entries[i] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
               size += entries[i].getSizeInBytes();
               queue.put(entries[i], false);

            DummyEntry queueEntry = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number put", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in bytes put", size, queue.getNumOfBytes());

            // should return an empty array since the timestamp is  the last
            List<I_Entry> list = queue.takeLowest(-1, -1, queueEntry, true);

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in takeLowest return ", 0, list.size());
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in takeLowest after cleaning ", 0, queue.getNumOfEntries());

         //========== Test 3: takeLowest should return 13 entries
            log.fine("takeLowest test 3");
            int imax = 20;
            long size = 0L;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            for (int i=0; i < imax; i++) {
               entries[i] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
               size += entries[i].getSizeInBytes();
               queue.put(entries[i], false);
            DummyEntry queueEntry = entries[6];

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number put", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in bytes put", size, queue.getNumOfBytes());

            // should return an empty array since the timestamp is  the last
            List<I_Entry> list = queue.takeLowest(-1, -1, queueEntry, true);

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in takeLowest return ", list.size(), imax-6-1);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in takeLowest after cleaning ", queue.getNumOfEntries(), 0);

         //========== Test 4: takeLowest without restrictions
            log.fine("takeLowest test 4 (with entry null)");
            int imax = 20;
            long size = 0L;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            for (int i=0; i < imax; i++) {
               entries[i] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
               size += entries[i].getSizeInBytes();
               queue.put(entries[i], false);

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number put", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry

            int imax = 5;
            long size = 0L;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            for (int i=0; i < imax; i++) {
               entries[i] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
               size += entries[i].getSizeInBytes();

            DummyEntry[] putEntries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            putEntries[0] = entries[3];
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry

            int imax = 5;
            long size = 0L;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            for (int i=0; i < imax; i++) {
               entries[i] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
               size += entries[i].getSizeInBytes();

            queue.put(entries, false);
            queue.put(entries, false);
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.queuemsg.DummyEntry

            log.fine("peekWithLimitEntry test 1");
            int imax = 5;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            entries[0] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[3] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[1] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[4] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[2] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);

            queue.put(entries, false);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of entries after putting same entries ", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());

            List<I_Entry> list = queue.peekWithLimitEntry(entries[3]);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of peeked entries (with limit) ", 3, list.size());
            for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) {
               assertEquals(ME + ": Wrong order in peeked entries (with limit): ", entries[i].getUniqueId(), ((I_QueueEntry)list.get(i)).getUniqueId());

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in peekWithLimitEntry after cleaning ", queue.getNumOfEntries(), 0);

         //========== Test 2: normal case where limitEntry is NOT contained in the queue (should not return anything)
            log.fine("peekWithLimitEntry test 2");
            int imax = 5;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            entries[0] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[3] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[1] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[4] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[2] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);

            DummyEntry limitEntry = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.HIGH8_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);

            queue.put(entries, false);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of entries after putting same entries ", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());

            List<I_Entry> list = queue.peekWithLimitEntry(limitEntry);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of peeked entries (with limit) ", 0, list.size());
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in peekWithLimitEntry after cleaning ", queue.getNumOfEntries(), 0);

         //========== Test 3: normal case where limitEntry is NOT contained in the queue
            log.fine("peekWithLimitEntry test 3");
            int imax = 5;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            entries[0] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[3] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[1] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[4] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[2] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);

            DummyEntry limitEntry = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);

            queue.put(entries, false);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of entries after putting same entries ", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());

            List<I_Entry> list = queue.peekWithLimitEntry(limitEntry);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of peeked entries (with limit) ", imax, list.size());
            for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) {
               assertEquals(ME + ": Wrong order in peeked entries (with limit): ", entries[i].getUniqueId(), ((I_QueueEntry)list.get(i)).getUniqueId());

            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong size in peekWithLimitEntry after cleaning ", queue.getNumOfEntries(), 0);

         //========== Test 4: normal case where limitEntry is NOT contained in the queue
            log.fine("peekWithLimitEntry test 4");
            int imax = 5;

            DummyEntry[] entries = new DummyEntry[imax];
            entries[0] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[3] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[1] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[4] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.LOW_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);
            entries[2] = new DummyEntry(glob, PriorityEnum.NORM_PRIORITY, queue.getStorageId(), true);

            queue.put(entries, false);
            assertEquals(ME+": Wrong number of entries after putting same entries ", imax, queue.getNumOfEntries());

            List<I_Entry> list = queue.peekWithLimitEntry(null);
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