A DTMIterator is meant to be created once as a master static object, and then cloned many times for runtime use. Or the master object itself may be used for simpler use cases.
At this time, we do not expect DTMIterator to emulate NodeIterator's "maintain relative position" semantics under document mutation. It's likely to respond more like the TreeWalker's "current node" semantics. However, since the base DTM is immutable, this issue currently makes no practical difference.
State: In progress!!
A DTMIterator is meant to be created once as a master static object, and then cloned many times for runtime use. Or the master object itself may be used for simpler use cases.
At this time, we do not expect DTMIterator to emulate NodeIterator's "maintain relative position" semantics under document mutation. It's likely to respond more like the TreeWalker's "current node" semantics. However, since the base DTM is immutable, this issue currently makes no practical difference.
State: In progress!!