gives us an implementation of the DOM's NodeList interface wrapped around a DTM Iterator. The author considers this something of an abominations, since NodeList was not intended to be a general purpose "list of nodes" API and is generally considered by the DOM WG to have be a mistake... but I'm told that some of the XPath/XSLT folks say they must have this solution. Please note that this is not necessarily equivlaent to a DOM NodeList operating over the same document. In particular: State: In progress!!
gives us an implementation of the DOM's NodeList interface wrapped around a DTM Iterator. The author considers this something of an abominations, since NodeList was not intended to be a general purpose "list of nodes" API and is generally considered by the DOM WG to have be a mistake... but I'm told that some of the XPath/XSLT folks say they must have this solution. Please note that this is not necessarily equivlaent to a DOM NodeList operating over the same document. In particular: State: In progress!!