* FIXME: Workaround for a bug in Calimero / Openhab DPTXlator4ByteFloat.makeString(): is using a locale when
* translating a Float to String. It could happen the a ',' is used as separator, such as 3,14159E20.
* Openhab's DecimalType expects this to be in US format and expects '.': 3.14159E20.
* There is no issue with DPTXlator2ByteFloat since calimero is using a non-localized translation there.
DPTXlator4ByteFloat translator4ByteFloat = (DPTXlator4ByteFloat) translator;
Float f=translator4ByteFloat.getValueFloat();
if (Math.abs(f) < 100000) {
else {
NumberFormat dcf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);