A domain model can be accessed only through one or more entries. An entry is an object of the IEntities type. The model is implemented as a map of entries. An entry kay is the concept configuration and the entry value is an object of the IEntities type.
The model has a configuration that comes from the last model specification in the specific-model-config.xml file. The model configuration contains a configuration of the model concepts. There are three model configuration files: specific-model-config.xml, reusable-model-config.xml and dmLite-model-config.xml. Predefined dmLite model concept configurations are located in the dmLite-model-config.xml. They can be inherited by the specific model configuration through the reusable model configuration. The reusable model configuration may have user defined concepts. A domain model cannot be created without at least the specific model configuration.
The model changes can be observed by an object of the Observer type. An observer is used to persist domain model data. However, the model does not have any knowledge of a persistence mechanism. The model changes are reported to the observer only after the model is initialized (e.g., loaded from a persistence store).
The model meta handling is done by the model property of the ModelMeta type. An example of meta handling is a creation of the concept entry entities given the full class name (found in the the model concept configuration).
@author Dzenan Ridjanovic
@version 2006-11-20