List<PartitionEntry> partitions = new ArrayList<PartitionEntry>();
List<ReplicationEntry> replicationEntries = new ArrayList<ReplicationEntry>();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
SploutConfiguration dNodeConfig = SploutConfiguration.getTestConfig();
// We instantiate a DNode with a handler that returns "DNode" + i for any query
DNode dnode = TestUtils.getTestDNode(dNodeConfig, new TellIDHandler("DNode" + i), "dnode-"
+ this.getClass().getName() + "-" + i);
// Define the partition for this DNode
// DNode 0 will have [10, 20), DNode 1 [20, 30], ...
PartitionEntry partitionEntry = new PartitionEntry();
partitionEntry.setMin((i * 10 + 10) + "");
partitionEntry.setMax((i * 10 + 20) + "");
// And the replication
ReplicationEntry repEntry = new ReplicationEntry();
repEntry.setNodes(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "localhost:" + dNodeConfig.getInt(DNodeProperties.PORT) }));
Tablespace tablespace1 = new Tablespace(new PartitionMap(partitions), new ReplicationMap(replicationEntries), 1l,
handler.getContext().getTablespaceVersionsMap().put(new TablespaceVersion("tablespace1", 1l), tablespace1);
handler.getContext().getCurrentVersionsMap().put("tablespace1", 1l);
// The following has to be read as: multi-query range [23-25)
// The impacted shard will be 1 [20-30)
List<String> keyMins = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "23" });
List<String> keyMaxs = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "25" });
ArrayList<QueryStatus> resultObj = handler.multiQuery("tablespace1", keyMins, keyMaxs, "SELECT 1;");
assertEquals(1, resultObj.size());
assertTrue(1 == resultObj.get(0).getShard());
assertEquals("DNode1", resultObj.get(0).getResult().get(0));
// The following has to be read as: multi-query [13-25) Union [45-55).
// The impacted shards will be 0 [10-20), 1 [20, 30), 3 [40, 50), 5 [50, 60)
keyMins = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "13", "45" });
keyMaxs = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "25", "55" });
resultObj = handler.multiQuery("tablespace1", keyMins, keyMaxs, "SELECT 1;");
assertEquals(4, resultObj.size());
// The impacted shards will be 0 [0-10), 1 [10, 20), 3 [30, 40), 4 [40, 50)
assertTrue(0 == resultObj.get(0).getShard());
assertTrue(1 == resultObj.get(1).getShard());
assertTrue(3 == resultObj.get(2).getShard());
assertTrue(4 == resultObj.get(3).getShard());
assertEquals("DNode0", resultObj.get(0).getResult().get(0));
assertEquals("DNode1", resultObj.get(1).getResult().get(0));
assertEquals("DNode3", resultObj.get(2).getResult().get(0));
assertEquals("DNode4", resultObj.get(3).getResult().get(0));
// The following has to be read as: multi-query the opened range (-Infinity, Infinity) regardless of the key type.
// The impacted shards will be all: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
keyMins = Arrays.asList(new String[] {});
keyMaxs = Arrays.asList(new String[] {});
resultObj = handler.multiQuery("tablespace1", keyMins, keyMaxs, "SELECT 1;");
assertEquals(5, resultObj.size());
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
assertTrue(i == resultObj.get(i).getShard());
assertEquals("DNode" + i, resultObj.get(i).getResult().get(0));
} finally {
for(DNode dnode : dNodes) {