if (out == null)
out = new DNSOutgoing(DNSConstants.FLAGS_QR_QUERY);
out.addQuestion(new DNSQuestion(this.jmDNSImpl.getLocalHost().getName(), DNSConstants.TYPE_ANY, DNSConstants.CLASS_IN));
this.jmDNSImpl.getLocalHost().addAddressRecords(out, true);
// send probes for services
// Defensively copy the services into a local list,
// to prevent race conditions with methods registerService
// and unregisterService.
List list;
synchronized (this.jmDNSImpl)
list = new LinkedList(this.jmDNSImpl.getServices().values());
for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
ServiceInfoImpl info = (ServiceInfoImpl) i.next();
synchronized (info)
if (info.getState() == taskState && info.getTask() == this)
logger.fine("run() JmDNS probing " + info.getQualifiedName() + " state " + info.getState());
if (out == null)
out = new DNSOutgoing(DNSConstants.FLAGS_QR_QUERY);
out.addQuestion(new DNSQuestion(info.getQualifiedName(), DNSConstants.TYPE_ANY, DNSConstants.CLASS_IN));
// the "unique" flag should be not set here because these answers haven't been proven unique yet
// this means the record will not exactly match the announcement record
out.addAuthorativeAnswer(new DNSRecord.Service(info.getQualifiedName(),
DNSConstants.TYPE_SRV, DNSConstants.CLASS_IN, DNSConstants.DNS_TTL,