The central dispatcher thread in a reactor pattern that manages registered ChannelHandlers.
The Dispatcher demultiplexes all I/O requests originating from the registered SelectableChannels and calls the ChannelHandlers, if necessary.
ChannelHandlers execution characteristics can be fine-tuned by specifying an Executor.
Because of the locking mechanisms in the NIO library all changes to interest ops are done here.
@author Ronny Standtke
@author Service Platform Architecture Team (spat@58.com)
Dispatcher abstract class can be used in combination with broadphase to dispatch calculations for overlapping pairs. For example for pairwise collision detection, calculating contact points stored in {@link PersistentManifold} or user callbacks(game logic).
@author jezek2
An interface to forward a message.
@author ehsroha
Dispatchers are responsible for dispatching application events to controllers.
- Events:
- Dispatcher.BeforeDispatch : MvcEvent(dispatcher, appEvent)
Fires before an event is dispatched. Listeners can cancel the action by calling {@link BaseEvent#setCancelled(boolean)}.
- dispatcher : this
- appEvent : the application event
- Dispatcher.AfterDispatch : MvcEvent(dispatcher, appEvent)
Fires after an event has been dispatched.
- dispatcher : this
- appEvent : the application event
@see DispatcherListener
@author dennis
@author dennis
A {@link Hub} that allows routing between arbitrary port pairs
Executes a command based on user input.
Dispatches tasks to be run asynchronously.
Dispatcher interface.
@author Christoph Beck
Created by kalasd on 4/29/2014.
@author iShimon
This class invokes a method on a listener. It is inline-implemented in HookExecutor.registerHook, for each hook seperately
@author Chris (damagefilter)
Dispatching {@link Enhancer} callback. This is identical to the{@link LazyLoader} interface but needs to be separate so that Enhancer
knows which type of code to generate.
Used to deliver incoming REQUEST messages to their specific handlers. You can register handlers using the {@link registerIoHandler} function.
You probably want to add an instance of this class to the end of a pipeline to be able to receive messages. This class is able to cover several channels but only one P2P network!
@author Thomas Bocek
Dispatcher for the AtomPub and Browser binding servlet.
Dispatcher interface for Operators Used in operator graph walking to dispatch process/visitor functions for operators
Event Dispatcher interface. It dispatches events to registered event handlers based on event types.
The dispatcher used to dispatch messages into the next stage. Every dispatcher is independent from each other, construct the stages before start to use the dispatcher. Once it's running, do not add any stage into the dispatcher.
Xie, Jiyun
@version 1.0.5, $Date: 2012-11-16$
A utility class the actual dispatcher delegates most of its tasks to. Each instance of the primary dispatcher holds an instance of this dispatcher to be shared for all requests.
@see org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher
Defines the behavior of session dispatchers. There can be two dispatcher types. Server initiated session dispatchers and client initiated session dispatchers. In the former one, server generates the session ID and sends it to the client in the first RESPONSE. In the later case, client should generate the session ID and send it to the server in the first REQUEST. A dispatcher object will be created for each session affinity load balance endpoint.
A dispatcher is responsible for recognizing an incoming request. Dispatchers form an ordered chain of command, with each dispatcher responsible for recognizing requests that it can process.
A dispatcher is responsible for recognizing an incoming request. Dispatchers form an ordered chain of command, with each dispatcher responsible for recognizing requests that it can process. This is the interface for the MasterDispatcher service, which takes an ordered configuration of Dispatchers (that is, the chain of command pattern). If no dispatcher processes the request, it will ultimately be passed off to the servlet container.
Interface for event dispatchers. The primary role of a dispatcher is to deliver a set of events to a configured list of consumers. It may also transform, consolidate, and otherwise optimize the event stream prior to delivering events to its consumers.
@version $Revision: 3762 $
ino.com">Hiram Chirino
yz.com/geoserver?service=someService&request=someRequest&version=X.Y.Z¶m1=...¶m2=... This type of request can also be made in a "POST" request in with a mime-type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
The second form is known as "XML" in which all the parameters come in the form of an xml document. This type of request is made in an http "POST" request.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SomeRequest service="someService" version="X.Y.Z"> <Param1>...</Param1> <Param2>...</Param2> ... </SomeRequest>
When a request is received, the service the version parameters are used to locate a service desciptor, an instance of {@link Service}. With the service descriptor, the request parameter is used to locate the operation of the service to call.
@author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project, jdeolive@openplans.org
Dispatcher is the center of the UCR registry system it holds all the users starts the other classes (dbhandler,fetch,user) keeps track of system variables
@author Olov McKie
@version 1.0 Skapat:
Senast uppdaterat: 2004-01-22
Senast uppdaterad av: Olov Felton ändring: Tagit bort funktionen getNewDbHandler eftersom DbHandlern sedan en tid tillbaka automatiskt kopplar upp sig själv mot rätt datasource och denna funktion då blir överflödig. Har även gjort ändringar för att spegla att Usern nu skapar håller och dödar sin egen DbHandler
Uppdated: 2004-05-04
Uppdated by: Olov Felton
Change: Added function isActive, that is to be used when we don't wan't a fetch or change of lastpage from the user, but still wan't to check that they have access. Normal use is when getting pictures in the reports.
Uppdated: 2004-05-12
Uppdated by: Olov Felton
Change: Added function isActiveFileReaderPage, that is to be used when request contains one or more files
Updated: 2004-05-28
Updated by: Andreas Lecerof
Change: Enabled the class to be inherited
Updated: 2004-06-16
Updated by: Olov Felton
Change: Added support for SystemHolder and did some general cleaning of the code
Updated: 2004-06-22
Updated by: Olov Felton
Change: Removed isActiveFileReaderPage and moved functionallity to isActiveNormalPage
Updated: 2004-10-04
Updated by: Olov Felton
Change: try catch added to catch random unexplained errors in checkAccess. Errors are written to the error log. To try to find the cause of the errors. Some javadoc added aswell.
Updated: 2004-10-05
Updated by: Olov Felton
Change: Changed which session id that is set in a newly created user to current sessionid instead of requested, prevents error when logging in from a login.jsp page that was loaded before the server was restarted.
Updated: 2004-10-18
Update by: Swanthe Lindgren
Change: Class LoginWait made public to make Dispatcher.loginUser overridable.
Updated: 2004-10-25
Update by: Olov Felton
Change: changed logg to Log4J
Updated: 2004-10-29
Update by: Olov Felton
Change: fixed bugg in new logging, when inactive on reportpage
Updated: 2005-12-16
Update by: Olov Felton
Change: Changed all logging to use method logToAccessLog(), to reduce code duplication
Updated: 2006-01-18
Update by: Olov Felton
Change: Dispatcher now trims all incoming userIds (in methods: logInUser, changePassword, isActiveXX) to prevent a major bug where users with user id = 'userId ' are logged in correctly, as mimer finds them as 'userId'. (This sounds like a mimer bug).
Allowing them to log in with trailing spaces cases two different user ids to exist in the system, one from loginanswer that has trailing spaces and one from user that does not. This in turn makes for "random" crashes based on wich user id that is used in different places in the system. Using the userId from loginanswer will get correct responses from, for example, checkAccess, but using the user's own id will cause an exception. Using the user's own id on other dispatcher methods would make them crash leaving locks set on the internal user treemap leading to complete system failure.
Also added try catch on all methods using internal locks, so that locks should be removed, when things go wrong in those methods
Updated: 2006-02-01
Update by: Olov Felton
Change: reduced logging in logOutUser to level DEBUG
@responsible Olov
Dispatches messages to a given service.
This class can dispatche messages to their corresponding handler. For each type of packet, a handler object is created and ready for use. The packet handlers have acces to dispatch commands to a minecraft world. To get this world (and to avoid publics / singletons) each handler has to know the world as a paramater. A hashmap is used to quicly find the world-objects. A hashset is quick in this context because we are comparing integers as hash-keys.
A {@code Dispatcher} is used to {@link Dispatcher#dispatch(Object,Object,Registry,Consumer,reactor.event.routing.Router,Consumer) dispatch} {@link Event}s to {@link Consumer}s. The details of how the dispatching is performed, for example on the same thread or using a different thread, are determined by the implementation.
@author Jon Brisbin
@author Andy Wilkinson
@author Stephane Maldini