Examples of DFSAState

Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.fsm.DFSAState

  public void printLattice(DFSA tagLattice, List<CoreLabel> doc, PrintWriter out) {
    CoreLabel[] docArray = doc.toArray(new CoreLabel[doc.size()]);
    // Create answer lattice:
    MutableInteger nodeId = new MutableInteger(0);
    DFSA answerLattice = new DFSA(null);
    DFSAState aInitState = new DFSAState(nodeId.intValue(),answerLattice);
    Map<DFSAState,DFSAState> stateLinks = new HashMap<DFSAState,DFSAState>();
    // Convert binary lattice into word lattice:
    (tagLattice.initialState(), aInitState, new StringBuilder(""), nodeId, 0, 0.0, stateLinks, answerLattice, docArray);
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Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.fsm.DFSAState

      MutableInteger nodeId, int pos, double cost,
      Map<DFSAState,DFSAState> stateLinks, DFSA answerLattice, CoreLabel[] docArray) {
    // Add "1" prediction after the end of the sentence, if applicable:
    if(tSource.isAccepting() && tSource.continuingInputs().size() == 0) {
      (new DFSATransition("", tSource, new DFSAState(-1, null), "1", "", 0));
    // Get current label, character, and prediction:
    CoreLabel curLabel = (pos < docArray.length) ? docArray[pos] : null;
    String curChr = null, origSpace = null;
    if(curLabel != null) {
      curChr = curLabel.get(OriginalCharAnnotation.class);
      assert(curChr.length() == 1);
      origSpace = curLabel.get(SpaceBeforeAnnotation.class);
    // Get set of successors in search graph:
    Set inputs = tSource.continuingInputs();
    // Only keep most probable transition out of initial state:
    Object answerConstraint = null;
    if(pos == 0) {
      double minCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      DFSATransition bestTransition = null;
      for (Iterator iter = inputs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Object predictSpace = iter.next();
        DFSATransition transition = tSource.transition(predictSpace);
        double transitionCost = transition.score();
        if(transitionCost < minCost) {
          if(predictSpace != null) {
            System.err.printf("mincost (%s): %e -> %e\n", predictSpace.toString(), minCost, transitionCost);
            minCost = transitionCost;
            answerConstraint = predictSpace;
    // Follow along each transition:
    for (Iterator iter = inputs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
      Object predictSpace = iter.next();
      DFSATransition transition = tSource.transition(predictSpace);
      DFSAState tDest = transition.target();
      DFSAState newASource = aSource;
      //System.err.printf("tsource=%s tdest=%s asource=%s pos=%d predictSpace=%s\n", tSource, tDest, newASource, pos, predictSpace);
      StringBuilder newAnswer = new StringBuilder(answer.toString());
      int answerLen = newAnswer.length();
      String prevChr = (answerLen > 0) ? newAnswer.substring(answerLen-1) : null;
      double newCost = cost;
      // Ignore paths starting with zero:
      if(answerConstraint != null && !answerConstraint.equals(predictSpace)) {
        System.err.printf("Skipping transition %s at pos 0.\n",predictSpace.toString());
      // Ignore paths not consistent with input segmentation:
      if(flags.keepAllWhitespaces && "0".equals(predictSpace) && "1".equals(origSpace)) {
        System.err.printf("Skipping non-boundary at pos %d, since space in the input.\n",pos);
      // Ignore paths adding segment boundaries between two latin characters, or between two digits:
      // (unless already present in original input)
      if("1".equals(predictSpace) && "0".equals(origSpace) && prevChr != null && curChr != null) {
        char p = prevChr.charAt(0), c = curChr.charAt(0);
        if(isLetterASCII(p) && isLetterASCII(c)) {
          System.err.printf("Not hypothesizing a boundary at pos %d, since between two ASCII letters (%s and %s).\n",
        if(ChineseUtils.isNumber(p) && ChineseUtils.isNumber(c)) {
          System.err.printf("Not hypothesizing a boundary at pos %d, since between two numeral characters (%s and %s).\n",
      // If predictSpace==1, create a new transition in answer search graph:
      if("1".equals(predictSpace)) {
        if(newAnswer.toString().length() > 0) {
          // If answer destination node visited before, create a new edge and leave:
          if(stateLinks.containsKey(tSource)) {
            DFSAState aDest = stateLinks.get(tSource);
            (new DFSATransition("", newASource, aDest, newAnswer.toString(), "", newCost));
            //System.err.printf("new transition: asource=%s adest=%s edge=%s\n", newASource, aDest, newAnswer.toString());
          // If answer destination node not visited before, create it + new edge:
          DFSAState aDest = new DFSAState(nodeId.intValue(), answerLattice, 0.0);
          newASource.addTransition(new DFSATransition("", newASource, aDest, newAnswer.toString(), "", newCost));
          //System.err.printf("new edge: adest=%s\n", newASource, aDest, newAnswer.toString());
          //System.err.printf("new transition: asource=%s adest=%s edge=%s\n\n\n", newASource, aDest, newAnswer.toString());
          // Reached an accepting state:
          if(tSource.isAccepting()) {
          // Start new answer edge:
          newASource = aDest;
          newAnswer = new StringBuilder();
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