If a third value is inserted into any tuple (representing altitude) it will be ignored. Altitude is set using and (or ) extending . Allowed altitude modes are absolute, clampToGround, and clampToSeaFloor.
Specifies the coordinates of the four corner points of a quadrilateral defining the overlay area. Exactly four coordinate tuples have to be provided, each consisting of floating point values for longitude and latitude. Insert a space between tuples. Do not include spaces within a tuple. The coordinates must be specified in counter-clockwise order with the first coordinate corresponding to the lower-left corner of the overlayed image. The shape described by these corners must be convex.
<GroundOverlay id="ID"> ... <Icon>...</Icon> <altitude>0</altitude> <altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode> <!-- or absolute --> <!-- can substitute <gx:altitudeMode>clampToSeaFloor</gx:altitudeMode> --> <gx:LatLonQuad> <coordinates>...</coordinates> <!-- four lon,lat tuples --> </gx:LatLonQuad> </GroundOverlay>
public static DependentLocality createXalDependentLocality(final PostBox postBox, final LargeMailUser largeMailUser, final PostOffice postOffice, final PostalRoute postalRoute) {
return new DependentLocality(postBox, largeMailUser, postOffice, postalRoute);
public static Locality createXalLocality(final PostBox postBox, final LargeMailUser largeMailUser, final PostOffice postOffice, final PostalRoute postalRoute) {
return new Locality(postBox, largeMailUser, postOffice, postalRoute);
public static Locality createXalLocality(final PostBox postBox, final LargeMailUser largeMailUser, final PostOffice postOffice, final PostalRoute postalRoute) {
return new Locality(postBox, largeMailUser, postOffice, postalRoute);
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