Specifies an addition, change, or deletion to KML data that has already been loaded using the specified URL. The specifies the .kml or .kmz file whose data (within Google Earth) is to be modified. is always contained in a NetworkLinkControl. Furthermore, the file containing the NetworkLinkControl must have been loaded by a NetworkLink. See the "Topics in KML" page on Updates for a detailed example of how Update works.
With , you can specify any number of Change, Create, and Delete tags for a .kml file or .kmz archive that has previously been loaded with a network link. See .
Contained By:
@see :
@see : Note: This element was deprecated in KML Release 2.1 and is replaced by , which provides the additional functionality of Regions. The tag will still work in Google Earth, but use of the newer tag is encouraged.
@see : Use this element to set the location of the link to the KML file, to define the refresh options for the server and viewer changes, and to populate a variable to return useful client information to the server.
public static DependentLocality createXalDependentLocality(final PostBox postBox, final LargeMailUser largeMailUser, final PostOffice postOffice, final PostalRoute postalRoute) {
return new DependentLocality(postBox, largeMailUser, postOffice, postalRoute);
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