Defines a connected set of line segments. Use to specify the color, color mode, and width of the line. When a LineString is extruded, the line is extended to the ground, forming a polygon that looks somewhat like a wall or fence. For extruded LineStrings, the line itself uses the current LineStyle, and the extrusion uses the current PolyStyle. See the KML Tutorial for examples of LineStrings (or paths).
Syntax: <LineString id="ID"> <!-- specific to LineString --> <extrude>0</extrude> <!-- boolean --> <tessellate>0</tessellate> <!-- boolean --> <altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode> <!-- kml:altitudeModeEnum: clampToGround, relativeToGround, or absolute --> <!-- or, substitute gx:altitudeMode: clampToSeaFloor, relativeToSeaFloor --> <!-- or, substitute gx:altitudeMode: clampToSeaFloor, relativeToSeaFloor --> <coordinates>...</coordinates> <!-- lon,lat[,alt] --> </LineString>
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