A custom Icon. In , the only child element of is : : An HTTP address or a local file specification used to load an icon.
Defines an image associated with an Icon style or overlay. has the same child elements as . The required child element defines the location of the image to be used as the overlay or as the icon for the placemark. This location can either be on a local file system or a remote web server.
Defines the image associated with the Overlay. The element defines the location of the image to be used as the Overlay. This location can be either on a local file system or on a web server. If this element is omitted or contains no , a rectangle is drawn using the color and size defined by the ground or screen overlay. icon.jpg
public static AddressDetails createXalAddressDetails(final AddressDetails.Address xalAddress, final AddressLines addressLines, final AddressDetails.Country country, final AdministrativeArea administrativeArea, final Locality locality, final Thoroughfare thoroughfare) {
return new AddressDetails(xalAddress, addressLines, country, administrativeArea, locality, thoroughfare);
public AddressDetails createAndSetXalAddressDetails(final AddressDetails.Address xalAddress, final AddressLines addressLines, final AddressDetails.Country country, final AdministrativeArea administrativeArea, final Locality locality, final Thoroughfare thoroughfare) {
AddressDetails newValue = new AddressDetails(xalAddress, addressLines, country, administrativeArea, locality, thoroughfare);
public static AddressDetails createXalAddressDetails(final AddressDetails.Address xalAddress, final AddressLines addressLines, final AddressDetails.Country country, final AdministrativeArea administrativeArea, final Locality locality, final Thoroughfare thoroughfare) {
return new AddressDetails(xalAddress, addressLines, country, administrativeArea, locality, thoroughfare);
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