assertNotNull( sessionId );
// perform a readonly request without waiting, we perform this one later again
final String path = "/mypath";
final Map<String, String> params = asMap( "foo", "bar" );
final Response response0 = get( _httpClient, TC_PORT_1, path, sessionId, params );
assertEquals( response0.getSessionId(), sessionId );
// perform a readonly, waiting request that we can perform again later
final long timeToWaitInMillis = 500;
final Map<String, String> paramsWait = asMap( PARAM_MILLIS, String.valueOf( timeToWaitInMillis ) );
final Response response1 = get( _httpClient, TC_PORT_1, PATH_WAIT, sessionId, paramsWait );
assertEquals( response1.getSessionId(), sessionId );
// now do it again, now in the background, and in parallel start another readonly request,
// both should not block each other
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Future<Response> response2 = _executor.submit( new Callable<Response>() {
public Response call() throws Exception {
return get( _httpClient, TC_PORT_1, PATH_WAIT, sessionId, paramsWait );
final Future<Response> response3 = _executor.submit( new Callable<Response>() {
public Response call() throws Exception {
return get( _httpClient, TC_PORT_1, PATH_WAIT, sessionId, paramsWait );
assertTrue ( ( System.currentTimeMillis() - start ) < ( 2 * timeToWaitInMillis ),
"The time for both requests should be less than 2 * the wait time if they don't block each other." );
assertEquals( response2.get().getSessionId(), sessionId );
assertEquals( response3.get().getSessionId(), sessionId );
// now perform a modifying request and a readonly in parallel which should not be blocked
final Future<Response> response4 = _executor.submit( new Callable<Response>() {
public Response call() throws Exception {
return post( _httpClient, TC_PORT_1, PATH_WAIT, sessionId, asMap( PARAM_MILLIS, "500", "foo", "bar" ) );
Thread.sleep( 50 );
final Response response5 = get( _httpClient, TC_PORT_1, path, sessionId, params );
assertEquals( response5.getSessionId(), sessionId );
assertFalse( response4.isDone(), "The readonly request should return before the long, session locking one" );
assertEquals( response4.get().getSessionId(), sessionId );